Editor Does Not Get It Either.…

Editorial: Mr Dalley Should Do As He Says
Jamaica gleaner.

Published:Thursday | June 4, 2015
THE GOVERNMENT is final­ly telling pub­lic-sec­tor unions the truth. But talk­ing about its dan­ger, or hold­ing it above their heads like the sword so feared by Damocles is not the solu­tion. The answer is for the admin­is­tra­tion to muster the courage to cut away the problem.

Our ref­er­ence is to the warn­ing by Horace Dalley, the Government’s wage nego­tia­tor, that there would have to be a cut of up to 15,000 pub­lic-sec­tor jobs if the Government were to acqui­esce to the wage demands of state employ­ees, some of whom, like the police, have asked for as much as 200 per cent. Most, how­ev­er, are more mod­est at around 30 per cent, over two years. The Government’s offer is a five per cent hike on basic pay.

Mr Dalley and his boss, Finance Minister Peter Phillips, have cor­rect­ly placed the mat­ter of the wage nego­ti­a­tions in the con­text of the eco­nom­ic reform project being under­tak­en by the Government, with tute­lage from the International Monetary Fund. The pro­gram­me’s pri­ma­ry aim is to bring the fis­cal accounts into bal­ance and to place the coun­try’s unsus­tain­able debt on a down­ward tra­jec­to­ry. An impor­tant bench­mark of the pro­gramme is for the Government to run a fis­cal sur­plus of 7.5 per of gross domes­tic prod­uct (GDP).


The reforms, of course, make sense. For as the sen­si­ble often point out, Jamaica’s inep­ti­tude at man­ag­ing its finances con­tributed to its high lev­els of bor­row­ing, lead­ing to a bal­loon­ing debt that was head­ing towards 150 per cent of GDP. The Government’s gour­man­dis­ing on debt left lit­tle room for pri­vate invest­ment in the real econ­o­my. The result: anaemic growth.

Adjustments, such as those being under­tak­en, are nei­ther easy nor pain­less, to which Jamaicans will read­i­ly attest. But the more egre­gious wrong, over the longer term, would be for the Government to retreat from the project and to raise pub­lic-sec­tor salaries with­out doing more.


First, we believe that gov­ern­ment work­ers ought to be paid sub­stan­tial­ly more, but in the con­text of an effi­cient, pro­duc­tive entre­pre­neur­ial pub­lic sec­tor that func­tions as a part­ner with, and facil­i­ta­tor of, the pri­vate sec­tor. We do not, how­ev­er, believe that this can be achieved — that is, bet­ter paid, effi­cient pub­lic bureau­cra­cy — with the bloat­ed civ­il ser­vice whose pro­duc­tiv­i­ty con­tin­ues to decline at a rate faster than most oth­er cat­e­gories of Jamaican workers.

Yet, as a group, rel­a­tive to their per­for­mance, pub­lic-sec­tor work­ers can­not claim to have done all that bad­ly. In the past decade, since the 2004-05 fis­cal year, the Government’s wage bill, minus pen­sion pay­ments, despite two rounds of wage freezes, has risen by 157 per cent, not far (around 10 per­cent­age points) behind the move­ment in the con­sumer price index.

Indeed, even at only the pro­ject­ed five per cent increase, the pub­lic-sec­tor wage bill would, this fis­cal year, con­sume 36 per cent of the gov­ern­ment rev­enue and 26 per cent of all its pro­ject­ed spend. When inter­est cost is added to the wage bill, that eats up 65 per cent of the rev­enue, leav­ing not much to do little.

We agree with Audley Shaw, the shad­ow finance min­is­ter. Public sec­tor should be paid more. But that can’t hap­pen with their bulging num­bers. Genuine pub­lic-sec­tor reform is urgent, includ­ing tak­ing the scalpel to the sec­tor and, with sur­gi­cal pre­ci­sion, excis­ing the bloat, unnec­es­sary and the waste­ful. This, clear­ly, is not a polit­i­cal­ly easy task. It is the right one.




How can a Socialist Government take a Scalpel to the bloat­ed pub­lic sec­tor when it’s entire phi­los­o­phy is one of Government doing for peo­ple what they should do for themselves.

The present Administration does not under­stand how a mar­ket econ­o­my works, as such it becomes impos­si­ble for the coun­try to claw it’s way out of the present cri­sis it’ faces.
Anyone who believes the present path dic­tat­ed by the IMF is a path to rebuild­ing the Nation’s econ­o­my is delusional.
The path laid out by the fund is designed to ensure the coun­try is able to pay back to the fund what it owes with interest.
Of course if the peo­ple were wide-eyed they would real­ize this is an unsus­tain­able path to nowhere.
Wherever the IMF is hap­py social dis­or­der becomes the nat­ur­al order.
I wish the Editor would explain how this path will lead to pros­per­i­ty, or even a seri­ous reduc­tion of the nations debt.


You accom­plish this by telling your sup­port­ers that there are no safe havens any place, in any Garrison con­trolled by your party.
Then dis­man­tle the Garrisons.
No PM Miller, Garrisons do not have to have walls.
Equip, train, and pay the police.
Cut the bloat­ed pub­lic sec­tor workforce.
Yes that includes polit­i­cal hacks who are a drain on the coun­try’s mea­ger resources, . Yes fam­i­ly mem­bers and friends are included.
Pass laws com­men­su­rate with the rapid­ly chang­ing times . Penalties should put seri­ous offend­ers behind bars for long peri­ods of time . Seek to reha­bil­i­tate non-vio­lent offenders.

Cut unnec­es­sary restric­tions on imports, there­by remov­ing the pro­tec­tion accord­ed cer­tain sec­tors of the pri­vate sector.
A pri­vate sec­tor should be open­ly com­pet­i­tive. Those who can­not com­pete will be weed­ed out.
An open com­pet­i­tive pri­vate sec­tor dri­ves down prices to consumers.
Remove fam­i­ly friends and loy­al­ists from the pub­lic sec­tor pay­roll. Slash non-essen­tial work­ers , orga­nize to get them loans so they may go to school or do start up businesses.
Self explanatory.
Bring more small oper­a­tors into com­pli­ance this will relieve the bur­den on PAYE workers.
Jamaica has no short­age of sun and wind. Have Industry and Commerce get off their fat rear-ends and go seek investors who are inter­est­ed in help­ing to devel­op our Solar and wind capa­bil­i­ties. There is no rea­son Jamaica should be addict­ed to dirty oil.
Developing roads , water and elec­tric­i­ty , reduces urban sprawl, encour­ages rur­al devel­op­ment and builds the economy.
Adopt these sim­ple steps and watch Private sec­tor invest­ment flood our coun­try. Do these and guar­an­teed we have to turn some investors away.
There is no rea­son Jamaicans should be liv­ing in a pover­ty-strick­en crime infest­ed hell-hole.
That is how a nation is built , not on pseudo/​socialist give-aways.