Ebola Patient Dr. Kent Brantly Says ‘God Saved My Life’

Dr. Kent Brantley
Dr. Kent Brantley

Statement from Doctor Kent Brantly on being released from Emory Hospital where he was quar­an­tined and reciev­ing treat­ment for the dead­ly dis­ease Ebola.

I nev­er imag­ined myself in this position“We treat­ed out first Ebola patient (in Liberia) in June. When she arrived we were ready.”

On Wednesday, July 23, I woke up feel­ing under the weath­er and then my life took an unex­pect­ed turn as I was diag­nosed with Ebola. As I lay in my bed in Liberia for nine days, get­ting sick­er each day, I prayed God would help me be more faith­ful in even in my ill­ness, and that in my ill­ness or even death he would be glo­ri­fied,” Brantly said.

Brantly con­tract­ed the dead­ly virus while work­ing in a Liberian Ebola ward with the aid agency Samaritan’s Purse. He was evac­u­at­ed to the U.S. ear­li­er this month along with Writebol.

How refresh­ing it is to see some­one trained in Science under­stand­ing that the mir­a­cle of sci­ence is yet anoth­er gift from God, and not some­thing which dis­proves Him. We wish the very best and pray for Dr. Brantly and Mrs. Writebol’s his cowork­er, as they regain their health and return to their respec­tive families.

Even as we pray for the peo­ple in West Africa we are par­tic­u­lar­ly thank­ful for Dr., Brantley and Mrs Writebol for their self­less ser­vice to oth­ers. Neither per­son had to be in West Africa, yet they self­less­ly decid­ed that the best way to serve the lord is to serve oth­ers. We also pray for oth­er health work­ers from Samaritan’s Purse who are self­less­ly doing God’s work through their works and not by their words .

Thanks you Dr. Brantly and oth­ers for your humanity.