Duppy Flames’ Gangster Shot Dead, One Held

Leader of notorious criminal outfit, two cronies escape security dragnet.

ONE mem­ber of the noto­ri­ous ‘Duppy Flames’ gang was yes­ter­day shot and killed, while one of his cronies was found hid­ing in a church build­ing dur­ing a mas­sive police/​military oper­a­tion in MelBrook Heights in Harbour View, St Andrew yes­ter­day morn­ing. However, the reput­ed leader of the crim­i­nal out­fit, Marlon ‘Duppy Film’ Perry, and two of his cronies man­aged to escape the drag­net which includ­ed 100 mem­bers of the con­stab­u­lary force and 90 mem­bers of the army.

The heav­i­ly armed gang­sters, despite being small­er in num­bers, took on police and sol­diers in a run­ning gun­fight, in which gang­ster Jason Foster was cut down in a hail of bul­lets, which awoke and fright­ened res­i­dents of Harbour View. The escapees, who ran for shel­ter from bul­lets, man­aged to crawl their way to free­dom in a riverbed north of the com­mu­ni­ty and were believed to be head­ed to August Town to hide out, but ran leav­ing their prized pos­ses­sion — an Uzi sub­ma­chine gun — which was seized by the police.

Deputy com­mis­sion­er of police in charge of oper­a­tions, Glenmore Hinds, would not divulge much infor­ma­tion when con­tact­ed by the Jamaica Observer yes­ter­day, but said that Perry was the main tar­get of the oper­a­tion. Perry is want­ed in con­nec­tion with the mur­ders of Corporal Kenneth Davis, who was assigned to the Protective Services Division, and Constable Craig Palmer, who was assigned to the Kingston Western Division. The men were gunned down at Poor Man’s Corner in St Thomas last December. The Police High Command has since increased the reward for any­one who pro­vides “reli­able” infor­ma­tion lead­ing to the arrest of Perry from $1 mil­lion to $1.5 mil­lion. In the mean­time, police yes­ter­day asked Kevin Eldermire, oth­er­wise called ‘Harry Patta’, of St Thomas, to turn him­self in to the police. It was not clear, how­ev­er, if he had any link with the gang. ‘Duppy Flames’ gang­ster shot dead, one held