Double Standards For Whites.…

The dif­fer­ence in the thought process­es in America between the races is that, whites take own­er­ship of America.
Blacks on the oth­er hand nev­er seem to take own­er­ship of America, as such even when they man­age to say my coun­try, they do so timid­ly and tentatively.
That may have some­thing to do with the atti­tude of whites in the pre­sump­tion that they are enti­tled to a greater degree of def­er­ence as Americas over and above others.
The fun­da­men­tal prob­lem with that own­er­ship pre­sump­tion is a belief that they were here first, which is a nat­ur­al human reaction.
Only that it’s not true they came and saw native Americans and most impor­tant­ly they saw BLACKS liv­ing side by side with the native Indians , in peace.
The Moors had already tra­versed the oceans and arrived in America from as ear­ly as the ninth to the eleventh century.
At that time Europeans includ­ing the lying crim­i­nal Christopher Columbus thought that if they trav­eled far enough they would have fall­en off the face of the earth, in line with their non­sen­si­cal flat earth theory.
If BLACKS are unaware, or inca­pable of edu­cat­ing them­selves of these truths they will con­tin­ue to accept sec­ond class cit­i­zen­ship. They will con­tin­ue to allow oth­ers to lay claim to the land their fore-par­ents set­tled long before the white man acci­den­tal­ly end­ed up here believ­ing he had land­ed in India.
That may explain the dif­fer­ence in the treat­ment cel­e­brat­ed gym­nast Gabby Douglas received in the press and in social media and the treat­ment swim­mer Ryan Lochte and his bud­dies received.
gabby-douglasGabby Douglas a gold medal gym­nast sec­ond from left was exco­ri­at­ed , char­ac­ter­ized as dis­re­spect­ful and un-patriotic.
The very idea that she was crit­i­cized typ­i­fies the notion many whites have that they get to deter­mine what is and isn’t American. That they get to deter­mine the rules of behavior.
It’s impor­tant to note that Gabby Douglas is a black female .
Most impor­tant­ly there are no rules which makes it manda­to­ry for any­one to place their hand over their heart at the play­ing of the American anthem.
In fact most peo­ple mere­ly stand up when the anthem is being played. Decorated swim­mer Michael Phelps was notice­ably laugh­ing dur­ing the play­ing of the anthem. There was no cri­tique of Phelps who just hap­pen to be a white male.
It did­n’t take long for the twit­ter trolls to come out against Gabby Douglas.

Gabby Douglas refused to place her hand over her heart dur­ing the medal cer­e­mo­ny. Straight dis­re­spect!

No tak­ing of respon­si­bil­i­ty , he blames the fact that he was in a for­eign coun­try , did not speak the lan­guage, he blamed the fact that a guard had to pull a weapon for them to pay $50 as cost to repair the bathroom .
No men­tion of the fact that they were ine­bri­at­ed , and had trashed the gas sta­tion restroom. 
Now imag­ine if these Americans were black.
Imagine if they were black American bas­ket­ball play­ers . Imagine the vit­ri­ol . Imagine the cov­er­age. Imagine the lan­guage to describe them.
Imagine even that the Olympics were held here in the states and four Brazilians did what Lochte and com­pa­ny did, would American offi­cials allow the mat­ter to sim­ply die?
No it would­n’t have hap­pened. You be the judge.…..