Dorsey Will Not Remove Trump’s Tweets Resulting In Death Threats To Omar…

Jack Dorsey

I had a long moment of reflec­tion at the per­va­sive hypocrisy entrenched in the American body politic at a report com­ing from our friends over at the (Huffington post​.com) today.
In an Article titled [Twitter’s Jack Dorsey Told Ilhan Omar He Won’t Take Down Trump’s Tweet Targeting Her], HuffPost report­ed that Jack Dorsey the prin­ci­pal own­er of Twitter told Muslim Congresswoman Ilhan Omar in a tele­phone con­ver­sa­tion that he would not be tak­ing down the tweets Donald Trump made tar­get­ing her, result­ing in a wave of death threats against her.
According to the report, the CEO called the con­gress­woman to say a Trump tweet mis­char­ac­ter­iz­ing her com­ments about 911 doesn’t break Twitter rules. 

View image on Twitter
Dorsey in the Oval Office

Now before we try to process this it is impor­tant to remem­ber that of all the social media plat­forms, Twitter prob­a­bly has the most strin­gent rules.
A large seg­ment of Twitter users has had their accounts sus­pend­ed for dubi­ous and ques­tion­able rea­sons.
I have had my Twitter sus­pend­ed twice. I can­not even recall what rea­son they gave for the first (7) day sus­pen­sion and the sec­ond one was because I referred to an African-American man I was upset with as (Negro).
By the time the sec­ond sus­pen­sion came around, I was so turned off from the hypocrisy that I can­not tell you how long it last­ed, but it was less than a month.
By the time I received a noti­fi­ca­tion (wel­come back) I was so turned off that I had already tak­en the deci­sion to delete my account which I did.

Ilhan Omar

Now, remem­ber that it was only on Tuesday, April 23rd that Donald Trump sum­moned Twitter’s Jack Dorsey to the White House.
According to the Washington Post, Trump sum­moned Dorsey to com­plain that social media plat­forms are work­ing to sti­fle con­ser­v­a­tive voic­es. A charge the com­pa­nies deny.
Trump accused Twitter of play­ing “polit­i­cal games” and tam­per­ing with his near­ly 60 mil­lion fol­low­ers.
Trump con­tin­ues to attack the tech indus­try, threat­en­ing to reg­u­late Facebook, Google, and Twitter out of con­cern that they cen­sor con­ser­v­a­tives online — an alle­ga­tion those com­pa­nies fierce­ly deny. 
In an effort to head off the dis­qui­et of some Twitter employ­ees, the Washinton Post reports Dorsey wrote a memo to them.
“Some of you will be very sup­port­ive of our meet­ing the pres­i­dent, and some of you might feel we shouldn’t take this meet­ing at all,” Dorsey said in an e‑mail obtained by the Post. “In the end, I believe it’s impor­tant to meet heads of state in order to lis­ten, share our prin­ci­ples and our ideas.” 
Dorsey nev­er denies that he applies a dif­fer­ent set of stan­dards for pub­lic offi­cials when chal­lenged with the hypocrisy of Twitter.

Twitter has long main­tained that it applies a dif­fer­ent stan­dard to promi­nent pub­lic fig­ures, giv­en that their com­ments — even offen­sive ones — remain in the pub­lic inter­est the Post reports.

There is no shock in the response of Dorsey to Congresswoman Omar. The mere fact that Dorsey was sum­moned to a meet­ing with Trump, must be seen as threat­en­ing and intim­i­dat­ing, to say the least.
After all the occu­pant of that house, a deranged crea­ture has the full pow­er of the American Government behind him and count­less mind­less min­ions who are will­ing to do any­thing, includ­ing com­mit mur­der.
Most impor­tant­ly though, we now under­stand that sep­a­rate but equal is still the law, from the response of Jack Dorsey. His prin­ci­ples apply only to the aver­age peo­ple of char­ac­ter, not the pow­er­ful deranged crim­i­nals in posi­tions of power. 

I want to you to imag­ine that a so-called President of the United States would call in the leader of a tech-com­pa­ny to bitch about the fluc­tu­a­tions in his Twitter fol­low­ing? Just con­tem­plate that for a sec­ond and then ask your­selves whether this per­son is fit for the office he holds?
Even as you con­tem­plate that it bears men­tion­ing that the fact that his tweets are endan­ger­ing the life of a sit­ting mem­ber of the United States Congress and has not been removed says all you need to know about Donald Trump and the wimp Jack Dorsey.