Don’t Judge Me:

Don’t Judge me !!!
How many times have you heard that state­ment com­ing from some­one in a rather defen­sive yet deter­mined tone?
How many times have you said the very same thing to some­one else ?
What exact­ly are oth­ers say­ing to you when they say those words to you?
More impor­tant­ly what are you say­ing to oth­ers when you tell them “Do not judge me” !
Are you refer­ring to Biblical charge ?
Matthew 7:1 ‑2 :“Do not judge so that you will not be judged.2“For in the way you judge, you will be judged; and by your stan­dard of mea­sure, it will be mea­sured to you.…
Luke 6:41
“Why do you look at the speck of saw­dust in your broth­er’s eye and pay no atten­tion to the plank in your own eye?
John 8:7
When they kept on ques­tion­ing him, he straight­ened up and said to them, “Let any one of you who is with­out sin be the first to throw a stone at her.”
Romans 2:1
You, there­fore, have no excuse, you who pass judg­ment on some­one else, for at what­ev­er point you judge anoth­er, you are con­demn­ing your­self, because you who pass judg­ment do the same things.
What exact­ly does the Bible intend to con­vey when it speaks on the issue of Judging? Does it mean we should not be held to account for anything?
Does it mean any­thing goes , regard­less of what I’m doing it’s none of your busi­ness leave me alone?
Before we delve into the sub­ject let’s first exam­ine the def­i­n­i­tion of the term ” to judge”.
Merriam” : To form an opin­ion about (some­thing or some­one) after care­ful thought : to regard (some­one) as either good or bad.
When we break earth­ly laws States holds us account­able and yes we are judged. We com­ment on Prison breaks when they occur. We won­der how in the name of all that’s right two mur­der­ers could be allowed to escape from a max­i­mum secu­ri­ty prison? We see a woman who is alleged to have assist­ed in their escape and right away we form opin­ions about her inno­cence /​guilt. But are we wrong in doing so? After all every­one around the area had secu­ri­ty con­cerns while the two con­vict­ed mur­der­ers were run­ning around. Was it not their right to expect and demand account­abil­i­ty from those whose jobs it is to keep them in Jail?

When some­one speak on the issue of unwed moth­er­hood and the con­se­quences it has on the Black com­mu­ni­ty is that Judging, or is it grab­bing hold of an issue that needs arresting?
When some­one advances the argu­ment that those who speak on this issue are guilty of “judg­ing”, on what basis is judg­ing wrong? When we ignore data which shows these glar­ing truths, are oth­ers judg­ing or are we being Ostriches with our heads in the sand because it’s con­ve­nient to do so?
♦ Seventy one 71% of all kids born in the Black com­mu­ni­ty are born out of wedlock.
♦ Children raised in sin­gle par­ent house­holds are more like­ly to have prob­lems learning.
♦ Children raised in sin­gle par­ent house­holds are more like­ly to drop out of School.
♦ Children raised in sin­gle par­ent house­holds are more like­ly to have dis­ci­pline prob­lems in School.
♦ Children raised in sin­gle par­ent house­holds are more like­ly to end up in prison.
♦ Children raised in sin­gle par­ent house­holds are more like­ly to con­tin­ue the cycle of poverty.

Source :National Longitudinal Survey of youth 1996
Source :National Longitudinal Survey of youth 1996

My ques­tion to you then is this. When you say “don’t judge me”, are you speak­ing from Biblical perspective ?
Merriam says to judge is to form an opin­ion about some­thing or some­one after care­ful thought, hmm.
If you some­how man­age to allow delu­sion to rob you of objec­tiv­i­ty and com­mon sense to the degree you ignore researched Data. If you are able to sus­pend real­i­ty and buy into the con­vo­lut­ed the­o­ry that Data can­not be the guid­ing tem­plate which deter­mines how we mea­sure events. And if you some­how divorce your­self total­ly from cause and effect , you still do not get to tell me it’s not my busi­ness when I get to foot the Bill for the tru­an­cy cen­ters, the police offi­cers and more impor­tant­ly keep­ing your son incar­cer­at­ed for years.
Yes it’s my busi­ness and yes, I do get the right to hold you accountable.

Taking per­son­al respon­si­bil­i­ty has noth­ing to do with what the Bible ref­er­ences when it speaks on the issue of not judg­ing. Judging in the Biblical sense speaks to the sen­tence met­ed out not lov­ing­ly point­ing some­one to the right path
God is the ulti­mate Judge he wants us to leave all judge­ment, all vengeance to him. The Bible seeks to teach us for­give­ness . In our finite wis­dom we are extreme­ly prone to mak­ing bad judge­ment, mak­ing bad judge­ment is not as bad as our vengeance. Many inno­cent peo­ple have been killed and impris­oned on false accu­sa­tions and.
John 8 Vs 1.
So to pass judge­ment in this con­text would be to not only accuse but con­demn to be punished.
Which is com­plete­ly dif­fer­ent than hold­ing our­selves and each oth­er accountable.

The scribes and the Pharisees brought a woman who had been caught in adul­tery, and plac­ing her in the midst they said to him, “Teacher, this woman has been caught in the act of adul­tery. Now in the Law Moses com­mand­ed us to stone such women. So what do you say?”

Although the scribes and Pharisees were not wrong­ly accus­ing this adul­ter­ous woman, their pur­pose was not to jus­ti­fy the law, if so they would have also brought the man. He had bro­ken the law just as much she had. The law required that both be stoned to death, (Lev. 20:10). They were sim­ply using the woman as a trap, hop­ing to trick Jesus. The Romans did­n’t per­mit the Jews to car­ry out their own exe­cu­tions, so:
If He had ordered her stoned they would have report­ed Him to the Romans. If He had said she should not be stoned they would accuse Him of break­ing Moses’ law.
VERSE 7: “And as they con­tin­ued to ask him, he stood up and said to them, “Let him who is with­out sin among you be the first to throw a stone at her.”
Jesus in every­thing want­ed to teach com­pas­sion to us at the same time he nev­er shunned away from the ques­tion of per­son­al responsibility.

VERSES 10 – 11: Jesus stood up and said to her, “Woman, where are they? Has no one con­demned you?” She said, “No one, Lord.” Jesus told her “nei­ther do I con­demn you; go, and from now on sin no more.

This is an exam­ple of how Jesus for­gives all sin. He did not con­demned the adul­ter­ous woman to death; nor did he say that since He had come her adul­ter­ous deed was no longer a sin. Jesus held her account­able for what she did even though he did not con­demn her to damna­tion for her mistakes.

A picture speaks a thousand words
A pic­ture speaks a thou­sand words

Time after time Jesus sent peo­ple on their way with the words “go thy way and sin no more lest a worse thing befall you” . Whether he had just healed some­one or as was the case of the adul­ter­ous woman the charge was the same.
“Go thy way and sin no more lest a worse thing come upon you”
Actions have Consequences.
How then do we behave reck­less­ly yet take offence when oth­ers point out those offences to us? Did the woman Jesus spared take offense when Jesus gave her that charge? There are no scrip­tur­al ref­er­ence of her doing so. I would haz­ard a guess that she went on her way thank­ful she was alive.

Data pro­vides us a guide, it gives us direc­tion. If we can­not mea­sure “it” we can­not fix “it”. If we can­not fix “it” we are doomed to the con­se­quences of “it”.
Yes you may be the best woman/​mother in the world but a child is expo­nen­tial­ly bet­ter off with a moth­er and father in the home. The same is true for men, you may be a ter­rif­ic father but you can­not be a moth­er to a child.

Male birds build a home and decorate it with hopes of attracting a female mate.
Male birds build a home and dec­o­rate it with hopes of attract­ing a female mate.

No fem­i­nist Hog-wash that you can come up with will negate those facts. No new age teach­ing can sup­plant the legit­i­ma­cy of what God cre­at­ed and made per­fect. I don’t care how darn smart you are, God cre­at­ed you, which makes him smarter than you, his ideas are Sovereign, so sit down and shut up.
Before you open your mouth let me remind you of this one fact.
I am talk­ing ide­al­ly about a good Father and a good Mother.
I don’t want to hear about how you had to res­cue your kid from his drug deal­ing dad­dy, so you are bet­ter for him. Truth be told you should have know he was drug deal­er before you laid down , should­n’t you?
Don’t tell me about your baby father who does not take care of his kids so you are bet­ter off with­out him. The same prin­ci­ple apply.
For the sur­vival of each specie most female ani­mals only mate with the dom­i­nant male, instinc­tive­ly she under­stands that she needs strong genes for her babies . The pride needs pro­tec­tion the dom­i­nant male alone guar­an­tees it.

If the birds can figure it out and conform , what right do we have to talk about others judging when we knowingly do the opposite of what is required of us?
If the birds can fig­ure it out and con­form , what right do we have to talk about oth­ers judg­ing when we know­ing­ly do the oppo­site of what is required of us?

If Lionesses mat­ed with the weak­est Lion giv­en enough time Foxes and Cayotes would be hunt­ing Lions as prey. Lions remain dom­i­nant because Lionesses do what they are sup­posed to, in order to con­tin­ue the strength and dom­i­nance of Lions she mates with the Alfa-male.
Are you women mat­ing with the best men?
Are the birds smarter than you?
Are you mat­ing with the first guy which comes along know­ing full well he will be absen­tee father?
When you make deci­sions that birds would not make please do not talk about peo­ple judg­ing you.
We pejo­ra­tive­ly refer to oth­ers as bird-brained, yet the birds insists on the best mate as an insur­ance to the con­tin­u­ance of their specie.
Can many of you women say the same ?
“Don’t judge me”

It’s a cliché which means you made bad choic­es but want none of the con­se­quences which comes with those choic­es. We all make mis­takes in life. None of us is per­fect , we all sin and come short of the Glory of God. Taking an atti­tude that your mis­take was a choice you are proud of con­demns you to repeat­ing them.
When you con­tin­ue on that path it becomes my busi­ness, because we all pay for your bad deci­sions , one way or anoth­er. That gives me the right to com­ment, it gives me the right to point out the error of your ways, it goes both ways.
No the next time some­one points out your mis­take do not say “don’t judge me” take respon­si­bil­i­ty and thank the person.
Stop pretending.