Don’t Disband The Force, Disband The Gazetted Ranks And The Useless Federation..


That’s the term which must be attrib­uted to the atti­tude of Jamaicans toward the dis­ci­pline of policing.
There is no deny­ing that the Jamaican police depart­ment is a far cry from what sane peo­ple would require from their police department.
But let us under­stand that lit­er­al­ly every one of those imper­fect souls place their lives on the line each and every day they put their uni­forms on , men and women , all of them risk death for oth­ers they do not know.

That must account for something.
The prob­lem of police mis­con­duct , police abuse and yes even police mur­der is not a fig­ment of our imag­i­na­tions. It is not a mis­con­cep­tion which infects our col­lec­tive con­scious­ness, it is real.

Social media imagery which depict per­ceived police abuse in the United States can­not be processed in the same way we process the imagery on those plat­forms from places like Jamaica.
One of the fac­tors which impacts polic­ing atti­tudes in the United States is “Race”. Race is not a fac­tor in Jamaica, social sta­tus is.
Color was once the defin­ing char­ac­ter­is­tic of sta­tus in Jamaica. Many would argue that mon­ey was as well, not true.
The mon­eyed caste was always lighter in hue the dark skinned mass­es had no mon­ey so the black mass­es was shut out of the upper caste.
Nowadays mon­ey defines sta­tus , though it cer­tain­ly does not estab­lish class.

This con­ver­sa­tion we must have, can­not only be police mis­con­duct. Citizens have to share in the soul search­ing . My great aunt always said “one hand can’t clap”.
The imagery day in day out depict Jamaicans assault­ing police offi­cers in the law­ful exe­cu­tion of their duties.
We see men attack police offi­cers aggres­sive­ly while bystanders cheer them on yelling “him caan shoot yu”.
We must ask our­selves this ques­tion in light of these devel­op­ments, what kind of coun­try is Jamaica becoming?

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What is absolute­ly stun­ning is that there is no lead­er­ship from the com­mis­sion­er of Police or the senior corp of the depart­ment. The rank and file of the police depart­ment are out on the streets on their own with­out any sup­port from the lead­er­ship of the department.
I expect no sup­port from the Government , regard­less of which par­ty form the gov­ern­ment. I expect the police depart­ment to stand up and fight for the offi­cers on the streets.
The Police Federation has been a dis­mal fail­ure it does absolute­ly noth­ing to sup­port offi­cers and should forth­with be disbanded.
I urge young police offi­cers to opt out of hav­ing monies deduct­ed from their salaries for the police fed­er­a­tion to have con­fer­ences at fan­cy hotels but does noth­ing on their behalf.

Head of the useless federation Raymond Wilson...
Head of the use­less fed­er­a­tion Raymond Wilson…

On what plan­et would an orga­ni­za­tion of over 10.000 peo­ple be so pow­er­less and clue­less except in Jamaica?
In every oth­er coun­try, in every sit­u­a­tion when­ev­er there are crit­i­cisms of police , police com­man­ders and police unions come out and sup­port their offi­cers while calm­ing peo­ple who have gen­uine con­cerns about the inves­tiga­tive process­es in place to ensure fairness.
We know that some­times cit­i­zens do not always get the results they desire . But again it depends what police depart­ment and what coun­try we are talk­ing about.
The fat ‚lazy, incom­pe­tent ‚kha­ki-clad cadre of nin­com­poops who pass as lead­ers are inca­pable of set­ting aside the pork and white rum long enough to go out and defend the younger offi­cers who are actu­al­ly earn­ing the pen­nies they are paid.

The police com­mis­sion­er is sup­pos­ed­ly set to receive a report today which is beyond laugh­able . The video is on social media for all to see. Why was he not up as ear­ly as yes­ter­day defend­ing his officers?
You know it’s bad when the anti-police INDECOM praised the police for their actions>
Trying to save face in light of it’s grow­ing unpop­u­lar­i­ty Hamish Campbell the Deputy Commissioner of INDECOM said.

Hamish Campbell
Hamish Campbell

The law­men were doing their best to restrain her”.

They were car­ry­ing their guns with them, they turned their backs to the crowd, their pis­tols were avail­able to be tak­en by any­body, and that’s what I real­ly was try­ing to demon­strate. Let us calm­ly assess this sit­u­a­tion before indict­ing these two offi­cers. We’re quick to point out to the police where we think they are fail­ing in the stan­dards, and here is a video, iron­i­cal­ly, which is not as stark as reported.”

Personally I do not buy this attempt from “buck­y­mas­sa“to be mag­nan­i­mous or fair. Notice that the lit­tle Napoleon who heads the agency had noth­ing to say?
This lit­tle bone from “buck­y­mas­sa” has noth­ing to do with fair­ness . Many in the coun­try are begin­ning to real­ize that INDECOM enhances crime and inci­vil­i­ty. It cer­tain­ly is not just this low­ly blog­ger who sees it , more and more rea­son­able Jamaicans are begin­ning to step for­ward despite the slings and snares of the eat-a-food crim­i­nal rights fra­ter­ni­ty. They are step­ping for­ward and say­ing this is increas­ing crime.
I go fur­ther than that, INDECOM is cre­at­ing a soci­ety which has no respect for the rule of law. I am not sur­prised that the lit­tle man who heads the agency is silent .
Cockroaches run for cov­er when you shine a light in the room.

Hamish Campbell knows this could not hap­pen in his coun­try. Nevertheless, he wants to remain on the Island. Why not, the natives wor­ship “mas­sa” there?. What is he back home in England ? Just ask Mark Shields just how sweet that deal is?
Shields even got him­self a Jamaican bride. Wonder if she would have mar­ried one of her black broth­ers in the Jamaican police force?
Okay, okay, I’m not sup­posed to sug­gest that we haven’t yet got­ten over being sub­servient and def­er­en­tial to “mas­sa” !

Police commissioner Dr Carl Williams
Police com­mis­sion­er Dr Carl Williams

This police Commissioner has received the ben­e­fit of the doubt from this writer , large­ly because he has come up through the ranks of the depart­ment and was not foist­ed on the department.
I sup­port­ed him because I believed that his exem­plary edu­ca­tion would bring some degree of lead­er­ship and direc­tion to the department.
I sup­port­ed him because I believed he need­ed time and sup­port against polit­i­cal inter­fer­ence which is ram­pant on the island.
I sup­port­ed him because I believed he need­ed time to exe­cute pol­i­cy direc­tions nec­es­sary to effect change.

Where is the leadership and support for the men and women who do the work? When did policing become a thing where grand statements are given from behind desks?
Where is the lead­er­ship and sup­port for the men and women who do the work?
When did polic­ing become a thing where grand state­ments are giv­en from behind desks?

In light of this most glar­ing of inci­dent in which offi­cers act­ed with tremen­dous restraint where is the damn police com­mis­sion­er or the Gazetted ranks, stand­ing with and for these officers?
Is any­one sur­prised that crime and chaos is so ram­pant? This is a clas­sic abdi­ca­tion of duty which dis­qual­i­fies the com­mis­sion­er from lead­ing this police department.
This Island is in the busi­ness of cru­ci­fy­ing police offi­cers . I am with the sys­tem when police break the laws but I will con­tin­ue to stand with the decent police offi­cers who go out to serve their coun­try day by day. The gazetted ranks is a bunch of fat, lazy, clue­less and cow­ard­ly lap­dogs behold­en to and influ­enced by politics.
This Commissioner has lost the moral author­i­ty to lead.
He has lost the moral author­i­ty to lead these poor men and women under his com­mand by his feck­less and cow­ard­ly actions.
He should do the right thing and resign.