Doctors Patching Up Gangsters For Large Sums Of Money, Thwarting Law Enforcement Efforts.…

Horace Chang

What’s going on in Montego Bay can­not be dealt with using nor­mal Policing mea­sures”.
“We need enhanced secu­ri­ty mea­sures.”
(Horace Chang, Minister of National Security)

Panicking much!
Let me just say that this guy should be nowhere close to National secu­ri­ty, but since we are talk­ing about Jamaica where its stan­dard pro­ce­dure for the Fox to guard the hen-house, it is also okay for the inmates to run the asy­lum.
Of course, what is hap­pen­ing in Montego Bay does not require nor­mal polic­ing mea­sures.
It has­n’t been that way for many years, but isn’t just Montego Bay, it is all across the Island.
Imagine tes­ti­mo­ny com­ing to light in the Uchence Wilson Gang tri­al, that gang­sters went to rob a home in sleepy and serene Guys Hill where I attend­ed High school.
And that one gang­ster was shot by the police in the process, yet a Medical Doctor prac­tic­ing med­i­cine in the parish of Manchester asked for a quar­ter of a mil­lion dol­lars to remove the bul­let with­out alert­ing the Police.
According to the report­ing, the doc­tor received $90.000 to remove the bul­let and the police was none the wis­er.
When the major pon­tif­i­ca­tors in Jamaica get on their high hors­es to talk about cor­rup­tion, as if its a police only prob­lem, we try to shine a light on these well-respect­ed crim­i­nals in the soci­ety who are doing far worse than col­lect­ing lunch mon­ey because they are hun­gry.
These doc­tors know that the rea­son that gang mem­bers come to them instead of going to a hos­pi­tal is that for all intents and pur­pos­es they have been involved in crim­i­nal activ­i­ties.
They know full well that they like­ly killed one or more inno­cent per­sons in the process of com­mit­ting oth­er crim­i­nal acts.
Yet they patch them up and turn them loose on the soci­ety once again.
We can talk about the fear they have for their own lives if they do not com­ply with these gang­sters demands.
I’m pre­pared to counter with the fact that (a) how do the gang­sters know which doc­tor to go to across sev­er­al parish­es, unless they know these doc­tors are dirty and (b) if the gang­sters wished to, they could sim­ply force the doc­tor to per­form the pro­ce­dure with­out pay­ing one dime, then kill him. They don’t have to pay if they chose not to.
It fol­lows there­fore that these doc­tors are wlling par­tic­i­pants in the cul­ture of crime which has been plagu­ing the coun­try for decades.
They have been on the fore­front.
As police offi­cers, we knew that cer­tain doc­tors were there ready and wait­ing unscrupu­lous­ly, to patch up any mur­der­er for a price.

Despite these unscrupu­lous acts, these sick bas­tards will tell you they have tak­en a Hippocratic oath to do no harm.
That they have tak­en an oath to adhere to med­ical con­fi­den­tial­i­ty. What they won’t say is that those very same Hippocratic oaths bind them to also com­mit to non-malef­i­cence.
This across the board cor­rup­tion has been at the heart of the nations crime cul­ture. It enables those who pull the trig­ger off-ramps when they would have been oth­er­wise stuck on the free­way wait­ing for law enforce­ment to find them.
When Criminals are able to source under­ground hos­pi­tal and life-sav­ing med­ical ser­vice, after they them­selves have just robbed and mur­dered inno­cent cit­i­zens, it makes the job of the police dou­bly dif­fi­cult.
It is this lucra­tive under­ground econ­o­my which caus­es those in the high­est offices to be vehe­ment­ly opposed to the police.
It is this vehe­mence which makes police offi­cers say “to hell with it why am I both­er­ing myself”?

The pro­lif­er­a­tion and expan­sion of the cul­ture of vio­lence in our coun­try will not be reme­died with more laws. Certainly not the watered down types they have man­aged to pass to blow smoke up the col­lec­tive ass of the nation to make it seem they are doing some­thing about crime.
The two polit­i­cal par­ties have huge com­mu­ni­ties which are ben­e­fit­ing from crime. INDECOM and the pro­lif­er­a­tion of so-called human rights lob­by is proof that nei­ther polit­i­cal par­ty wants an end to the sta­tus quo, it works just fine for their inter­est.
Change in Jamaica requires that there is [a come to Jesus recog­ni­tion]. Jamaica is the only coun­try which spends its ener­gy wor­ry­ing about the rights of mur­der­ers and Rapists over the plight of law-abid­ing cit­i­zens.
It requires that the Prime Minister and his par­ty and Peter Phillips and his par­ty, decide to stop shield­ing crim­i­nals and com­mit to the full sup­port of the police as the depart­ments is allowed to go after the gangs and pull them up from the root.
The com­ments of Chang are cor­rect. Normal polic­ing can­not apply, these thugs are blood­thirsty mur­der­ers who play by no one’s rules.
ZOSO and SOE’s are not the way to erad­i­cate this scourge, more laws will do noth­ing as long as police going after these killers are crim­i­nal­ized for doing their jobs.
As long as the empha­sis is on the rights of crim­i­nals and not on that of inno­cent cit­i­zens, expect this dis­as­ter to con­tin­ue.
Andrew Holness’ attempt at social engi­neer­ing fol­lowed the PNP’s attempt at social engi­neer­ing.
Both have failed. We need to get back to allow­ing police to do their jobs with­out the specter of prison hang­ing over their heads, it is what suc­cess­ful coun­tries do.