DO NOT TOUCH ME, DO NOT TOUCH ME, I’M PREGNANT’: Shock Video Shows Cali Cops Slamming 8‑months Pregnant Woman To Ground After Parking Lot Dispute

Shocking body cam­era video shows two Southern California cops slam an eight-months preg­nant woman to the ground after a park­ing lot dis­pute start­ed as the woman dropped her child off at school. The city of Barstow, an Inland Empire city in San Bernardino County, defend­ed the offi­cers’ actions, writ­ing in a state­ment that Charlena Michelle Cooks was active­ly resist­ing arrest dur­ing the January inci­dent. “The Barstow Police Department con­tin­ues to be proac­tive in train­ing its offi­cers to assess and han­dle inter­ac­tions with emo­tion­al­ly charged indi­vid­u­als while con­duct­ing an inves­ti­ga­tion, for the pro­tec­tion of every­one involved,” the state­ment, obtained by the Desert Dispatch, reads. The bizarre con­fronta­tion began when Cooks and anoth­er woman, a school employ­ee, got into a “road rage” con­fronta­tion in the park­ing lot at Crestline Elementary School, where Cooks was drop­ping off her sec­ond-grade daughter.

The offi­cer, speak­ing to the oth­er woman, says no crime has been com­mit­ted and he’ll go speak to Cooks about what hap­pened and “doc­u­ment her name.” As Cooks explains her side, the offi­cer sud­den­ly cuts her off and asks for iden­ti­fi­ca­tion, some­thing he hadn’t done with the oth­er woman. “I don’t even think that that dis­agree­ment in the park­ing lot was enough to war­rant a call to the police,” Cooks told the Dispatch. The American Civil Liberties Union of Southern California, which took up Cooks’ case and released the video, says California law does not require some­one to iden­ti­fy them­selves “for no rea­son.” Cooks, in the video, tells the offi­cer that she’d like to call her boyfriend and ver­i­fy the law about iden­ti­fi­ca­tion. But the offi­cer, after first promis­ing to give her “two min­utes” to find out whether she must give up her name, walks up to Cooks after 20 sec­onds and grabs her arm as she wrig­gles and starts to yell.

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Do not touch me, do not touch me, I’m preg­nant!” Cooks begs as she’s pushed against a chain link fence. “What the f – k is going on!” A sec­ond offi­cer comes over and the offi­cer with the cam­era on asks, “Why are you resist­ing, ma’am?” He and the oth­er offi­cer then took her to the ground, stom­ach down, and hand­cuffed her behind her back. “This is ridicu­lous, what are you doing?” the incred­u­lous Cooks asks. “I didn’t even do any­thing wrong.” “I don’t think I’ve ever been that ter­ri­fied in my life,” Cooks recent­ly told the Dispatch. “I nev­er saw that com­ing. I told him I was preg­nant so he could pro­ceed with cau­tion. That did­n’t hap­pen and the first thing I thought was I did­n’t want to fall to the ground. I felt the pres­sure on my stom­ach from falling and I was call­ing for help. But those guys are sup­posed to help me. But who is sup­posed to help me when they are attack­ing me?”

Cooks was put in the back of a police cruis­er and lat­er booked on a charge of resist­ing or obstruct­ing a police offi­cer, a charge lat­er tossed by a judge. The offi­cer involved in the inci­dent is shown on video recount­ing for anoth­er offi­cer what hap­pened. “I gave her a minute to give up her name and I went to put her under arrest and she resist­ed arrest,” he said. “That’s all there is to it.” Cooks lat­er gave birth to a heatl­hy baby girl, but she’s been banned from the school prop­er­ty and is con­sid­er­ing leav­ing Barstow after the inci­dent. “I’m still try­ing to process every­thing and get in a good state of mind,” she told the Dispatch. “I’m in a very fear­ful state of mind. Barstow is so small and I used to be com­fort­able liv­ing here. Not any­more. I real­ly felt like after all that hap­pened I had some of my every­day free­doms tak­en from me.”
Body cam video cap­tures California cops tus­sle 8‑months preg­nant woman to ground, cuff her for ‘resist­ing arrest