Disjointed Logic Of Christian Conservatism


One of the things I learned as a child from my care­givers was to “speak the truth and speak it ever cost it what it will he who hides the wrong he did does the wrong thing still”>
Now I’m a man I still hear the same refrain today , most­ly from rich white men who refer to them­selves as Christian Conservatives.
I have always con­sid­ered myself a Christian by faith even before I gave my life to the lord, because I was raised in a Christian home. It was that fun­da­men­tal belief in God which pre­vent­ed me from steal­ing, killing, and doing oth­er things some find social­ly unacceptable.

As I delib­er­at­ed for myself the mer­its of giv­ing my life to Christ I sought to find ways to be Christ-like . I want­ed to do the things Christ told us to do. I thought about Matthew 26:11 a woman broke an Alabaster box of pre­cious oint­ment, she then used the oint­ment to wash Jesus’ feet then used her hair to dry them.
His dis­ci­ples were not pleased but Jesus know­ing their thoughts said unto them …10“Why do you both­er the woman? For she has done a good deed to Me. 11“For you always have the poor with you; but you do not always have Me. 12“For when she poured this per­fume on My body, she did it to pre­pare Me for burial.…

I will not talk about my inter­pre­ta­tion of Conservatism suf­fice to say that Merriam​-Webster​.com. char­ac­ter­izes it this way.
CONSERVATISM<>A polit­i­cal phi­los­o­phy based on tra­di­tion and social sta­bil­i­ty, stress­ing estab­lished insti­tu­tions, and pre­fer­ring grad­ual devel­op­ment to abrupt change; specif­i­cal­ly : such a phi­los­o­phy call­ing for low­er tax­es, lim­it­ed gov­ern­ment reg­u­la­tion of busi­ness and invest­ing, a strong nation­al defense, and indi­vid­ual finan­cial respon­si­bil­i­ty for per­son­al needs (as retire­ment income or health-care coverage).

On the basis of what Christ wants us to do I con­sid­er myself a Christian despite my filthy-rags dis­po­si­tionn at times. I also see cer­tain ele­ments of my per­son­al belief sys­tem in Merriam Webster’s elo­quent char­ac­ter­i­za­tion of Conservatism.
I am not par­tic­u­lar­ly sold on the con­cept of  indi­vid­ual finan­cial respon­si­bil­i­ty for per­son­al needs (as retire­ment income or health-care coverage.
I do believe Government has a role to play in help­ing those who are unable to help them­selves, not those who refuse to help themselves.

Despite my best efforts I haven’t found much com­mon­al­i­ty with the polit­i­cal right’s protes­ta­tions of either Christianity or Conservatism and my ideas of either.
The Bible says by their fruits you shall know them.Matthew 7:20 …19“Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire.20“So then, you will know them by their fruits. 21“Not every­one who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the king­dom of heav­en, but he who does the will of My Father who is in heav­en will enter.…

I don’t want to judge who fit the bill of a chris­t­ian and who does­n’t but when a philo­soph­i­cal per­spec­tive espous­es Christian prin­ci­ples yet does every­thing anti­thet­i­cal to the faith I feel duty bound to at least say to peo­ple uncon­vinced or con­fused at the dis­con­nect between words and deeds that they are char­la­tans and impostors.

♦The Political right espous­es the right to life, I am not opposed, it is nev­er man’s right to take life. Yet their defense of life stops after a woman gives birth.
They stead­fast­ly believe a woman absolute­ly have no right to ter­mi­nate a preg­nan­cy even preg­nan­cies which emanat­ed from rapes or inces­tu­ous assaults.
Now Like I said pre­vi­ous­ly I refuse to play God it’s above my pay-grade to decide who live or die like some white peo­ple believe when they deny tax­pay­ers funds to help care for chil­dren after birth.
They oppose food-stamps and oth­er ben­e­fits which would give babies the most basic sustenance.
They oppose every oth­er forms of Governmental assis­tance which would sus­tain life even to those who can­not help themselves.
Where is the chris­t­ian empa­thy and love

Yet they want mas­sive buildup of mil­i­tary arse­nal at the expense of social pro­grams which would aid the least able to take care of themselves.
Ironically they have no prob­lem giv­ing lucra­tive tax-breaks to mega cor­po­ra­tions which absolute­ly does not need the money.
And this is just on the char­i­ty end of the spectrum.
In order to elic­it sym­pa­thy from them one has to be white Anglo-Saxon regard­less of the trav­es­ty being vis­it­ed on the vic­tim. Where is their empa­thy for their fel­low man? Where is their fideli­ty and obe­di­ence to the teach­ings of Jesus Christ?

In order to make Jesus palat­able to them­selves they had to change per­cep­tions of what Jesus looked like. So Jesus Christ could not con­tin­ue to be a dark-skinned Jewish man he had to be recre­at­ed to look like a long haired white male> Without equiv­o­ca­tion that lev­el of inse­cu­ri­ty and hatred has got to be genetic.

♦ One of the amaz­ing things to me is their dis­gust­ing inabil­i­ty to speak the truth . This is not a ques­tion of Left and Right , it’s a issue of White.
How do you straight faced call your­self a Christian then lie through your teeth ?
If God was venge­ful where would these white men be?
Dr. John Henrik Clarke . born January 1, 1915 died July 16, 1998 Writer ‚Historian Professor, Hunter College in New York and at Cornell University.
When the ear­ly Europeans first met Africans, at the cross­roads of his­to­ry, it was a respect­ful meet­ing and the Africans were not slaves. Their nations were old before Europe was born. In this peri­od of his­to­ry, what was to be lat­er known as “Africa” was an unknown place to the peo­ple who would some­day be called, “Europeans.” Only the peo­ple of some of the Mediterranean Islands and a few states of what would become the Greek and Roman areas knew of parts of North Africa, and that was a land of mys­tery. After the rise and decline of Greek civ­i­liza­tion and the Roman destruc­tion of the city of Carthage, they made the con­quered ter­ri­to­ries into a province which they called Africa, a word derived from “afri” and the name of a group of peo­ple about whom lit­tle is known. At first the word applied only to the Roman colonies in North Africa. There was a time when all dark-skinned peo­ple were called Ethiopians, for the Greeks referred to Africa.
Why Africana History? by Dr. John Henrik Clarke.

Unidentified African potentate. Original artwork.
Unidentified African poten­tate. Original artwork.

The unmit­i­gat­ed gall to copy an entire peo­ple’s his­to­ry then do every­thing in their pow­er to remove every trace of the great­ness and grace of our ances­tors is dumbfounding.
Black Lives mat­ter Activists are now some­how anti-law enforce­ment? Why would any Black per­son be for a Law Enforcement mod­el which kills their sons and daugh­ters aunts and uncles and gets away with it.
What unvar­nished arrogance?
Students don’t have the right to rise up on University Campuses and speak out against racial oppres­sion in their Schools, their com­mu­ni­ties, their coun­try, because some white guy decides who should speak and who shouldn’t?
On what Planet is this sus­tain­able and with­out consequence?

When stu­dents at Dartmouth protest in sol­i­dar­i­ty with stu­dents of Mizzou and Yale white peo­ple get into chatt rooms and use all kinds of con­de­scend­ing lan­guage , clear­ly what they want is for black peo­ple to shut up and endure anoth­er 400 hun­dred years of tyranny.
Instead of relat­ing to the obscene pogrom which have been vis­it­ed on African peo­ple in this coun­try and around the world and still con­tin­ue today as some whites have done the major­i­ty of them wants silence.
Who the hell do they thing they are?

They engi­neer wars across the Globe . They engi­neer over­throw of gov­ern­ments with whom they dis­agree then label free­dom fight­ers terrorists.
How sus­tain­able will this con­tin­ue to be? How many more years will the black and brown peo­ple of the Globe lay dor­mant even with the rav­ages of geno­cide inflict­ed on them through arti­fi­cial dis­eases ‚wars and oth­er meth­ods of exter­mi­na­tion? Do they think we are too stu­pid to under­stand whats going on ?

There is no Christian in their brand of Conservatism let’s be clear about that. In the same way there was no Christianity in their hearts when they inter­act­ed with the Africans and Native Indians then mer­ci­less­ly mas­sa­cred them, there is no Christianity in their hearts today.
They are the sons and daugh­ters of dark­ness and the soon­er we speak to these truths the better.
When Black peo­ple rise up and say Black lives mat­ter what the hell is their prob­lem ? All these peo­ple are say­ing is “our lives mat­ter too” ! Their lives have always mattered.

We do not need them to val­i­date this move­ment, and we cer­tain­ly do not need the val­i­da­tion and sup­port of those whom Professor Clarke so appro­pri­ate­ly refer to as “white butt kissers”.
The fact that they are up in arms is that it’s caus­ing them some dis­qui­et, some dis­com­fort, on that basis alone Black Lives Matter must not only con­tin­ue it must intensify.
For hun­dreds of years they have mas­sa­cred and raped with impuni­ty, they have intim­i­dat­ed and wreaked all kinds of geno­cide and ter­ror and Blacks peo­ple stood silent­ly by and allowed them to get away with it.
It must end. Why would they not be indig­nant now they have always had things their way ? “Yes mas­sa suh” !!