Disgusting Lies And Character Assassination Of Botham Shem Jean Starting To Make Sense…

So now the truth is com­ing out, that lying lit­tle mur­der­er Amber Guyger can­not hide behind the lies any longer despite the Dallas police’ attempt to cov­er up her crime in con­junc­tion with the fake FOX col­lab­o­ra­tors in the media.

Now infor­ma­tion has leaked out that(a) at least two neigh­bors have con­firmed that they heard Amber Guyger bang­ing on the door of Botham Shem Jean, demand­ing that he open the door and then the gun­shots. That was part of the ini­tial testimony.
(b) That con­trary to her ini­tial lie that she went to the wrong apartment.
© His door was slight­ly ajar which has been debunked by demon­stra­tions from neigh­bors doors.
(d) That his door was ful­ly ajar(debunked).
(e) That his apart­ment was in darkness.
(f)She fired twice at a sil­hou­ette. (she had no legal right to fire at some­one with­out being in fear of her life, threat­ened with a weapon.
(g) That it was only after she called 911 that she real­ized she was in the wrong apartment.


Even To A Casuual Observer This Story Is B******t

Now new infor­ma­tion has sur­faced that she had made sev­er­al reports to the man­age­ment of the com­plex that Mister Jean was play­ing his music too loud. You will recall that mis­ter Jean’s apart­ment sup­pos­ed­ly sits right above hers.
Now you will recall that the police co-con­spir­a­tors in the media start­ed off the ini­tial report­ing that she had just fin­ished work­ing a full shift?

Look at this meme Officer Amber Guyger recent­ly post­ed online. Then con­sid­er that she report­ed Botham Jean for noise com­plaints sev­er­al times. Then con­sid­er she went to his apart­ment to con­front him about it. Neighbors say she banged on his door and yelled for him to open up.

We have not per­son­al­ly seen those reports in black and white but she alleged­ly post­ed this meme.
This does not yet add up to intent but now we begin to see why Dallas police have begun the char­ac­ter assas­si­na­tion of Botham Shem Jean.

The only con­nec­tion we have been able to make is that she was his imme­di­ate down­stairs neigh­bor,” fam­i­ly attor­ney S. Lee Merritt told CNN host Brooke Baldwin on Tuesday.

And there were noise com­plaints from the imme­di­ate down­stairs neigh­bors about who­ev­er was upstairs, and that would have been Botham. In fact, there were noise com­plaints that very day about upstairs activ­i­ty in Botham’s apart­ment. Botham received a phone call about noise com­ing from his apart­ment from the down­stairs neighbor.”(grio.com).

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As the inves­tiga­tive agency seem to be deter­mined to find a way to make Amber Guyger walk away from this manslaugh­ter, I believe the case for pre­med­i­tat­ed mur­der is begin­ning to take shape.
This new evi­dence is mov­ing mighty close to prove that Amber Guyger went to Botham Shem Jean’s apart­ment in uni­form to intim­i­date him and even­tu­al­ly killed him.
This is start­ing to look not like a manslaugh­ter case but a case of cold-blood­ed murder.