Cowardly Thugs

Kyle Howell 2 years old
Kyle Howell 20 years old

Officer Vincent LoGiudice appeared in Nassau County Court, where a grand jury indict­ment was unsealed, charg­ing him with two felony counts of sec­ond-degree assault and one count of third-degree assault in the April 25 beat­ing of Kyle Howell, 20. Prosecutors said the offi­cer used exces­sive force as he and his part­ner were attempt­ing to arrest Howell. LoGiudice was released on his own recog­ni­zance by Nassau County Court Judge Christopher Quinn. He faces a max­i­mum of 7 years in prison if con­vict­ed of the top charge. He is due back in court on July 2. LoGiudice, 34, has been sus­pend­ed with­out pay after an inves­ti­ga­tion con­duct­ed by the depart­men­t’s inter­nal affairs unit in con­junc­tion with the Nassau dis­trict attor­ney’s office, sources said Tuesday. Police allege in court doc­u­ments they were try­ing to stop Howell from swal­low­ing a bag of mar­i­jua­na, and that he kicked and punched police. 


The only prob­lem with that sto­ry is that the video evi­dence dif­fers dra­mat­i­cal­ly from the

cowardly cop LoGiudice
cow­ard­ly cop LoGiudice

Police account . The cop was seen run­ning back to the front of the car after he was head­ed in the direc­tion of the rear of the car. How could this cow­ard claim he saw him swal­low­ing any­thing when he was at the rear of the car? The video seem to sug­gest that Howell said some­thing to the cop which he though was out of line. Heaven for­bid some­one talk back to one of these earth­ly Gods. In the video LoGiudice was seen run­ning back to where Howell was sit­ting and in a fit download (6)of rage rained blows all over the young man. Even if Howell had mar­i­jua­na he did not com­mit him­self against these lunatic and moron­ic cops. What is the penal­ty for pos­ses­sion of a bag of Marijuana?

To add insult to injury hun­dreds of these cow­ard­ly thugs were out in force sup­port­ed by their clos­et­ed big­ot­ed friends and neigh­bors denounc­ing the District Attorney for doing her job, which was to charge these two cow­ards with felony assault. The pur­pose of the mob of cops at the Court-House had noth­ing to do with sup­port­ing this cow­ard. They fun­da­men­tal­ly believe they are above the law. They believe they should not be held account­able for assault­ing any­one and they damn sure believe they should nev­er be ques­tioned or held account­able for seri­ous­ly assault­ing a 20 year-old African American male. What this bunch of big­ot­ed thugs suc­ceed­ed in doing was show­ing the world the con­tempt in which they hold the very pub­lic they are sworn to pro­tect. The very peo­ple who pay their ele­gant salaries, all $145,900 a year of it, allow­ing them to live on Long Island . Howell, who was arrest­ed on April 25, had surgery to repair an injured eye he suf­fered dur­ing the inci­dent. He said Tuesday he no longer trusts police offi­cers. The Police Union Boss believes this Cop is the best they have on Long Island. I believe that state­ment should send shiv­ers down the spine of every­one liv­ing and dri­ving through that part of New York. That state­ment how­ev­er sup­ports this Article. They are com­mon thugs.

No bag of mar­i­jua­na or any oth­er sub­stance gives a Cop the right to pum­mel a mem­ber of the pub­lic this way. Even if they sus­pect­ed that Howell was swal­low­ing the con­tra­band there are avenues in law which allows for a con­vic­tion through test­ing. If a con­vic­tion was that impor­tant to them. The fact of the mat­ter is these thug-cops want­ed to admin­is­ter a beat­ing to some­one they believe beneath them. Every sin­gle cop and sup­port­er who showed up in sup­port of that beat­ing is a dis­grace and a blight to the badge they wear, but more-so they are a dis­gust­ing blight on the human race.

Howell was charged with assault­ing two police offi­cers, wit­ness tam­per­ing and sev­er­al oth­er charges. All the charges were dropped last month after a judge reviewed the video.“I am very grate­ful that I have the video to prove my inno­cence,” Howell said last month. “Without the video, we would have no voice,” his moth­er, Joan Howell, said. “If there was no video, we would not be here today.”Even with the video, the police union and LoGiudice’s attor­ney warned against jump­ing to con­clu­sions in the case.

Not only were these crim­i­nal cops pre­pared to beat this young man into a pulp, they want­ed to send him to prison for a long time for get­ting beat­en by them. As far as their Union and Attorneys are con­cerned the video evi­dence should not be trust­ed. Obviously the pub­lic is too stu­pid to fig­ure out what they saw with their own eyes. They on the oth­er hand, are allowed to use the graini­est videos to con­vict sus­pects all the time, par­tic­u­lar­ly black suspects.

How many African-Americans are locked up in Jails and Prisons all across America on trumped-up charges and fab­ri­cat­ed evi­dence? Every year scores of peo­ple are released from Prison because Cops and Prosecutors , lie, fab­ri­cate or with­hold evi­dence result­ing in seri­ous Prison time for inno­cent cit­i­zens. To com­pound that prob­lem Courts are extreme­ly reluc­tant to revis­it decid­ed cas­es, even when there are strong evi­dence of Prosecutorial impro­pri­ety. The Nassau County DA on the dis­missal of the con­coct­ed charges, should have charged them with fil­ing false reports. In cas­es like these these cops should feel the full force of the laws. Police offi­cers are paid to pro­tect us, they are not above the laws.