Writer: A serving member of the JCF who shall remain anonymous for obvious reasons.
I am merely offering a few words of advice to Members of the Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF), especially those with under five years remaining before their exit from the agency.
For those of you who’ve not seen any upward mobility despite your years and even decades of hard work and dedication, for those who feel left behind and neglected.
Those feeling as if you are not a part of the JCF, my advice is to you is to desensitize and detach yourselves from the JCF.
Put your mind in a state that will prepare you for your exit.
Prepare your mind to join the population as a civilian to cope with the same issues facing our regular Jamaican brothers and sisters.
The force’s leadership is headed by a civilian Commissioner who is incapable of understanding or recognizing that the force was built on the idea that hard work would be rewarded.
We are now seeing the opposite and the marginalization of those who are over 35 years old.
It is now getting worse, now that the age has been reduced to under 25, under the guise of preparing new leaders; leaders without the requisite experience in the discipline.
These Leaders will now be trained by the Army, leaving one to wonder what type of Police Officers those will be?
It seems the hierarchy led by Commish clueless has not seen the massive migration of senior police personnel.
Editor’s note
A serving member of the JCF submitted the previous observation; it highlights some of the grievances that rank & file officers have faced for decades.
The force’s morale seems to be suffering as the government is dead set on building a second JDF within the JCF, one that is built on the leadership of senior officers in the mold of military officers with zero policing knowledge and or acumen.
This writer has warned that this is not the way to go; regardless of the educational qualification of a serving member, that person should not be elevated to any leadership position without the years of policing skills required of a seasoned officer.
The JCF is now top-heavy, with leaders who have no policing skills or experience.
Jamaica does not need intellectuals and academics as police officers, and in fact, nowhere does. Policing is a different discipline that requires a certain type of dedication and expertise, not degrees and braggadocio.