Didn’t Take Long For The Usual Clowns To Come Out Against Bail Act Proposal.…


In his con­tri­bu­tion to the bud­get debate of 2016 Prime Minister Holness rather briefly spoke to the issue of crime toward the end of his presentation .
In brief the Prime Minister indi­cat­ed that his Administration is con­sid­er­ing revis­it­ing the bail act, with a view to pre­vent­ing some per­sons charged with mur­der form receiv­ing bail.

Frankly I would per­son­al­ly have liked to see the Prime Minister inform him­self more on this issue. I would also have pre­ferred that he spent more time speak­ing to the ques­tion of crime, and in par­tic­u­lar use his high office to edu­cate the pub­lic and his col­leagues on the oppo­si­tion side of the isle on the debil­i­tat­ing effect crime is hav­ing on the country.

In a recent arti­cle I wrote I laid out some straight for­ward facts which shows that for many on the Island crime means mak­ing a liv­ing. People now depend on death to put their pots on fire, more deaths mean more food.
The nation has lost it’s abil­i­ty to appre­ci­ate the val­ue and the sanc­ti­ty of life . Countless years of inor­di­nate­ly high cost of the most basic neces­si­ties have numbed the peo­ple’s abil­i­ty to care, it’s every man for himself.
One per­son said to me the oth­er day Jamaicans now laugh at a pass­ing hearse, not lament­ing that anoth­er of their neigh­bor has met his/​her demise, but admir­ing­ly query (a who mek dat de dup­py) who killed the deceased ?

It’s as if the nation is devoid of soul, the con­stant killings are not cause for con­cern but rea­sons for cel­e­bra­tion, occa­sions to dress up and par­ty . From the car­pen­ter to the mason to the under­tak­er the bands­men to the sound sys­tem and all ven­dors in between , every­one eats from the car­cass­es of the dead like vul­tures tear­ing at the pun­gent decay­ing car­cass­es, while every­one else cov­ers their noses at the stench and the utter mor­bid­ness of it all.
These are the chil­dren of aus­ter­i­ty, the gen­er­a­tion of viper Raymond Wislon the head of the police union referenced.
What else did we expect?

Someone asked me years ago how could Palestinians blow them­selves up to make a point , how could they destroy their own lives?
I asked him whether he was aware that the peo­ple destroy­ing their lives are chil­dren who grew up under the boot-heels of Israeli occupation?
That they had no con­cept of life out­side despair, anger, revenge, and mar­tyr­dom, to them life is dif­fer­ent than those of their Israeli neigh­bors on the oth­er side of the fence.
The dif­fer­ences are as stark as the dif­fer­ence between night and day.

At the time Holness promised to revis­it the bail act I knew that there would be blow-back from the usu­al quar­ters. After all this is Jamaica we are talk­ing about, this is the place where every tom , dick and har­ry has an opin­ion about every­thing even if they have no idea how it affects them one way or the other.
What I did not know is exact­ly where the first bunch of lib­er­al hot air would come from first?
Would it come from the dumb sheep whose fam­i­ly mem­bers are get­ting slaugh­tered while they cel­e­brate the butchers?

Would it be from the politi­cians who sit in the Nation’s par­lia­ment only because the peo­ple who live in the con­stituen­cy they rep­re­sent are real­ly are trib­al cultists who look for gov­ern­ment largess to sur­vive? The kind of largess which keep them sub­ju­gat­ed and depen­dent unable to think out­side their parochial exis­tence, anoth­er kind of slave plantation?
Or would it come from the Criminal defense Lawyers , many of who are active crim­i­nals them­selves and many more active­ly enhanc­ing the process of crim­i­nal­i­ty on the island?
Would it come from the hal­lowed halls of the Intellectual ghet­to where the edu­cat­ed are the lib­er­al­ly slant­ed ide­o­logues who make up much, if not all of nation­al life?
Would it come from the busi­ness sec­tor which thrives on the blood-let­ting , or would it be the pletho­ra of bleed­ing heart par­a­sites lin­ing up sup­pos­ed­ly in defense of the poor and dis­pos­sessed under the ban­ner of human rights , as long of course as they can eat a food?

I believe this time it was the very vul­tures who pre­tend to defend the free­doms of the inno­cent, even as they ignore the dai­ly slaugh­ter of the inno­cent, the defense­less, the elder­ly and those so young they are unable to pro­tect themselves.
Nothing else mat­ters as long as they are paid.
It came as no sur­prise that the noble con­cept of pub­lic ser­vice is lost on them. The very ser­vice police offi­cers , fire­men, teach­ers, doc­tors and oth­ers freely give.
It is impor­tant that as one pon­der crime and what sus­tains it that we rec­og­nize remark­ably that though the fix is in the peo­ple’s grasp they con­tin­ue to hand the knife to the per­son doing the stabbing.
Where there is no vision the peo­ple sure­ly perish.