Did Law- Enforcement Expect That A Scorpion Would Suddenly Forget To Sting?

As the post mortem exam­i­na­tion take shape after the coup attempt insti­gat­ed by Donald Trump and Republicans on January 6th, one thing is cer­tain; there should be no illu­sions about full accountability.
The Republican Party long gave up on the Democratic process. For decades now, they looked at demo­graph­ic data, and the par­ty has been mov­ing decid­ed­ly toward author­i­tar­i­an rule.
They have ramped up vot­er sup­pres­sion meth­ods, aimed exclu­sive­ly at pre­vent­ing Black Americans from vot­ing. The US Supreme Court gave the par­ty the green light in Shelby County, Alabama Vs. Holder. In a non­sen­si­cal rul­ing, the court all but evis­cer­at­ed the 1965 Voting Rights Act, which pro­tect­ed African-Americans’ rights to vote.
Additionally, the Republican par­ty has enact­ed leg­is­la­tion at the state lev­els that has dra­mat­i­cal­ly lim­it­ed huge sec­tions of the black com­mu­ni­ty’s abil­i­ty to vote.
Gerrymandering, vot­er ID laws, and oth­er anti-demo­c­ra­t­ic activ­i­ties have formed part of the Republican par­ty’s tool-kit for decades.
As the real­i­ties of racial demo­graph­ic shifts become clear­er, the Republican par­ty has become more des­per­ate and, as a result, more dan­ger­ous to the Democratic process, as it dou­bles down on its deci­sion to be the polit­i­cal par­ty of white supremacy.
Simply put, the Republican par­ty in its present form, is a clear and present dan­ger to America’s nation­al secu­ri­ty. It can­not be allowed to hold power.Back the Blue rally in Wilbraham shows support for local law enforcement | WWLP

A scor­pi­on asks a frog to car­ry him over a riv­er. The frog is afraid of being stung, but the scor­pi­on argues that both would sink if it did so, and the scor­pi­on would drown. The frog then agrees, but mid­way across the riv­er, the scor­pi­on does indeed sting the frog, doom­ing them both. When asked why, the scor­pi­on points out that this is its nature.”

In my last arti­cle, I wrote about the FBI warn­ings about police depart­ments’ infil­tra­tion by white suprema­cists. I also talked about the fact that there has been sig­nif­i­cant evi­dence across the coun­try that, at least in some depart­ments, white suprema­cy is per­va­sive. Evidence of their influ­ence is also evi­dent on social media, in the para­pher­na­lia some wear on their police uni­forms, in the tat­toos all across their bod­ies, includ­ing in places that are vis­i­ble to the public.
On January 6th, the coup attempt by Donald Trump to over­throw the gov­ern­ment through blood­shed failed, but just bare­ly. There is talk that some of the insur­rec­tion­ists were actu­al­ly police offi­cers and mem­bers of the mil­i­tary; at least some are past members.
The woman who was shot by Capitol police as she tried to breach parts of the build­ing, is report­ed to be a vet­er­an of the military.
There is talk that even in the secret ser­vice, Trumpism has tak­en root. It now means that Democrats, to include the incom­ing President and Vice President and their admin­is­tra­tion, should have much to wor­ry about.
Frank Figliuzzi, for­mer FBI Assistant Director; Author, explained that the FBI could not inves­ti­gate domes­tic terrorists(white suprema­cists) as it does ter­ror groups out­side the coun­try, because there is no domes­tic ter­ror statute at the fed­er­al level.
This is atro­cious. If the nation want­ed to deal with domes­tic ter­ror­ism effec­tive­ly, statutes would empow­er law enforce­ment to go after them stridently.
The sad real­i­ty is that, those who would fit snug­ly into the cat­e­go­ry of domes­tic ter­ror­ists are large­ly white men.

Backing the blue: A call to speak out draws more than 200 | HeraldNet.com

The FBI, oth­er Federal Security Agencies, and local law enforce­ment agen­cies across the coun­try, have sys­tem­at­i­cal­ly been focused on straw man threats. The sup­posed threats they dream up, are [Black iden­ti­ty extrem­ists] and [Antifa].
Realistically, there is no such thing; it is a fig­ment of the FBI’s imag­i­na­tion, a des­ig­na­tion it cre­at­ed. When con­front­ed by California US rep­re­sen­ta­tive Karen Bass, FBI Director Christopher Wray could not explain what Black Identity Extremists were. Still, he was forced to con­cede that Antifa is not an orga­nized group but a bunch of reg­u­lar peo­ple opposed to Fascists and fascism.
In fact, the acronym ANTIFA lit­er­al­ly stands for Anti-Fascists.
So unless one is a fas­cist, it is dif­fi­cult to under­stand why any­one would be opposed to ANTIFA? On the oth­er hand, it is impor­tant to under­stand that the sup­posed Black Identity Extremists that the FBI and local police forces are focused on are black peo­ple fight­ing to be heard, fight­ing to stop police from mur­der­ing them, even when they are unarmed and have com­mit­ted no crime.
These are the peo­ple who con­tin­ue to fight to have state­hous­es and the Federal leg­is­la­ture hear their cries about police vio­lence, even against black women and children.
On these dis­ad­van­taged peo­ple of col­or, is where the Federal Bureau of Investigations has focused its atten­tion. On these pow­er­less peo­ple, is the nation­al intel­li­gence atten­tion focused. That, of course, is when they have a moment to stop sur­veilling peace­ful Muslim citizens.

Back the Blue' rally shows support for police in Fort Pierce | WPEC

White Supremacists have not only breached many depart­ments; there are report­ed­ly many mem­bers of white suprema­cist groups on many police and Sheriff’s Departments. They also man­aged to fool law enforce­ment at every lev­el, includ­ing at the fed­er­al lev­el, into believ­ing that they pose no threat to nation­al security.
During the gen­uine peace­ful protest against police vio­lence last sum­mer, which came to a head after the mur­der of Minneapolis native George Floyd, they could be seen heav­i­ly armed, pre­tend­ing to be back­ing the police.
They wore para­pher­na­lia that pur­ports to sup­port police, even as the hue and cry of the mass­es in the streets con­tin­ue to be against police brutality.
Black res­i­dents who live with the tyran­ny of police vio­lence, their white and brown sym­pa­thiz­ers, all knew that those mili­tias that sided with police against their right­eous protests, were already ene­mies against Democracy and all it entails.
The term [back the blue became a ral­ly­ing cry], they wore the police flag, some cops wore their racist insignia on their uni­form. Police thanked them for show­ing up at protests, gave them refresh­ments, and fail to appre­hend them even when they com­mit murder.
Police bru­tal­ize and fur­ther assault inno­cent black-brown, and white pro­test­ers who ask for an end to police vio­lence, but do noth­ing even when those enti­tled men and women com­mit acts of vio­lence and aggres­sion against their fel­low cit­i­zens in their presence.
It was a match made in hell; now the police see that match­mak­ing was intend­ed to deceive and lull them into a false sense of security.
What did law enforce­ment expect to hap­pen with it entered into this unholy alliance with the most despi­ca­ble ele­ments of American society?
The anar­chists, ene­mies of the Republic, Seditionists, are still there right in the Republican cau­cus in the house and sen­ate. Even as Trump’s term is over, and the full real­i­ty of trump’s failed bloody coup becomes clear­er, they will con­tin­ue to vote down every mea­sure that comes up to secure the nation.
America is in deep trou­ble; the threat to her sur­vival lies deeply entrenched inside her. It will not go away because a racist dem­a­gogue is gone from the biggest stage.
Did Law- enforce­ment expect that a scor­pi­on would sud­den­ly for­get to sting?Gallery: Hundreds march in Oregon 'Back the Blue' rally | The Blade

As Donald Trump’s coup attempt killed a Capitol Police offi­cer doing his duty and wound­ed sev­er­al oth­ers, the silence com­ing out of the White House is deafening.
Before the 2020 Presidential elec­tions, most police Unions and Departments across the coun­try endorsed Donald Trump.
That includes the NYPD, which has close to 30’000 mem­bers, and is the world’s largest police department.
Trump, who claims to love the police, has had noth­ing to say about the killing of that offi­cer on January 6th. It was his thugs that took the life of that officer.
Imagine if black pro­test­ers mur­dered that officer?
The racists’ right-wing media would have worked itself into a froth, as it calls for the sedi­tion act to be used against them. Trump’s Attorney General William Barr want­ed the Sedition Act used against first Amendment demon­stra­tors last sum­mer. He rolled out large groups of fed­er­al offi­cers to beat and tram­ple inno­cent demon­stra­tors so that Trump could hold a Bible upside down in front of a church.
Even though social media plat­forms have moved belat­ed­ly to silence Trump’s poi­so­nous rhetoric, he still has the Presidential Press room’s from which to speak to the American people.
He could use that avenue to bemoan the death of that officer.
He chose not to, so much for sup­port­ing the police.
So much for throw­ing their sup­port to a law­less fascist.





.Mike Beckles writes for seri­ous thinkers.

Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, a black achiev­er hon­oree, and pub­lish­er of the blog mike​beck​les​.com. 
He’s con­tributed to sev­er­al websites.
You may sub­scribe to his blogs, or sub­scribe to his Youtube chan­nel @chatt-a-box, for the lat­est videos.