Desperate Netanyahu : No Two State As Long As I Am PM

“I think anyone who is going to establish a Palestinian state and to evacuate territory is giving radical Islam a staging ground against the State of Israel,”
“I think any­one who is going to estab­lish a Palestinian state and to evac­u­ate ter­ri­to­ry is giv­ing rad­i­cal Islam a stag­ing ground against the State of Israel,”

Well just as we have said on so many occa­sions before, Israel’s Benjamin Netanyahu fac­ing defeat and des­per­ate to hold onto pow­er in electeions sched­uled for Tuesday March 17 said, as long as he is Prime Minister there will be no State of Palestine.
Well wow , take a moment to digest that statement.
For years Israel has gob­bled up Palestinian ter­ri­to­ry with unprece­dent­ed rapaciousness.
Many peo­ple have seen it for what it is, a craven land grab, end of story.

American Presidents from Carter to Clinton, to Bush and now Obama has demand­ed that as part of any peace­ful end to the pro­tract­ed Israeli /​Palestinian con­flict, Israel must stop build­ing set­tle­ments on Palestinian lands. Nevertheless none of them did any­thing to stop the Billions of tax-pay­ers dol­lars which pour into Israel annu­al­ly ‚even as Israel thumbs its nose in contempt.
Ariel Sharone once said it was real easy to move America to do its bidding.

Israel argues they need to con­fis­cate more ter­ri­to­ry to place a buffer between them and their enemies.
That entire argu­ment is flawed and unwor­thy of seri­ous dis­cus­sion. Based on that argu­ment Israel would per­pet­u­al­ly need to c take ter­ri­to­ry until Palestinians are forced out of the region all together.

Frustrated with that argu­ment , for­mer President Bill Clinton stat­ed some time ago, Israel should state it does not want a two state solu­tion and live with the con­se­quences. President Carter who worked assid­u­ous­ly to bro­ker peace between the two par­ties, and bro­kered the his­toric 1978 peace treaty between Israel and Egypt have been fac­tu­al­ly forth­right in talk­ing about Israel’s atroc­i­ties against the Palestinian people.

President carter said that the state of Israel is worse than the Apartheid sys­tem which exist­ed in South Africa. Carter out­raged many Jews who are gen­er­al­ly above crit­i­cism with his 2006 bookPalestine: Peace Not Apartheid.
In the Book President Carter said quote:” The bot­tom line is this: Peace will come to Israel and the Middle East only when the Israeli gov­ern­ment is will­ing to com­ply with inter­na­tion­al law, with the Road-map for Peace, with offi­cial American pol­i­cy, with the wish­es of a major­i­ty of its own cit­i­zens — and hon­or its own pre­vi­ous com­mit­ments — by accept­ing its legal bor­ders,” end quote.…
In response American Jewish Committee head David Harris respond­ed in a col­umn for The Jerusalem Post. “In accept­ing the Palestinian nar­ra­tive, Carter has con­ve­nient­ly revised his­to­ry, excused the Palestinians for their trag­ic fail­ure to come to terms with Israel each time the chance pre­sent­ed itself, and blithe­ly ignored Israel’s very legit­i­mate secu­ri­ty con­cerns,Harris wrote in 2006. 

Many Israelis, includ­ing those that once great­ly admired his role in fos­ter­ing peace with Egypt, may nev­er again trust Carter’s diplo­ma­cy, includ­ing his vaunt­ed role as an elec­tion mon­i­tor. He can no longer claim to be an hon­est broker.”

So there you have it they only have use for you when you agree with them.
After the expect­ed fire­wall of protest from Jews and their sup­port­ers, Carter offered up a mea cul­pa of sorts in March of 2010. By the sum­mer of that very year Carter was forced to slam Israel once again in an op-ed piece quote:

“There is no humane or legal jus­ti­fi­ca­tion for the way the Israeli Defense Forces are con­duct­ing this war,” the two for­mer pres­i­dents wrote. “Israeli bombs, mis­siles, and artillery have pul­ver­ized large parts of Gaza, includ­ing thou­sands of homes, schools, and hos­pi­tals. More than 250,000 peo­ple have been dis­placed from their homes in Gaza. Hundreds of Palestinian non­com­bat­ants have been killed. Much of Gaza has lost access to water and elec­tric­i­ty com­plete­ly. This is a human­i­tar­i­an catastrophe.”

Netanyahu’s state­ment came after polls in Israel showed him los­ing ground in elec­tions slat­ed for Tuesday. Some observers have opined that Netanyahu’s address to a joint ses­sion of con­gress in defi­ance of President Obama’s efforts to get a deal with Iran may have backfired.
Running in a tight race against Isaac Herzog, his com­peti­tor from the Zionist Union par­ty. Experts say the race is too close to call.
“I think any­one who is going to estab­lish a Palestinian state and to evac­u­ate ter­ri­to­ry is giv­ing rad­i­cal Islam a stag­ing ground against the State of Israel,” 

On these pages we have con­sis­tent­ly main­tained that the Zionist state is not inter­est­ed in a two state solution.
Peace is not in Israel’s plans, nev­er was. Ariel Sharone and now Benjamin Netanyahu has no inter­est in peace. 
Netanyahu like Sharone, under­stands the sim­plic­i­ty of mak­ing that a real­i­ty, as far as America is concerned.
Continue to set­tle more land, Palestinians respond to the injus­tice, Israel reacts with over­whelm­ing force, there is no consequence.
Of course Israel has no oblig­a­tion to respect International law. Bombing schools, hos­pi­tals and res­i­dences are quite nor­mal. It’s just Palestinian lives at stake.

Their argument?
We need more land to sep­a­rate us from the ter­ror­ist Palestinians ., so they take more and the cycle con­tin­ues . Never mind that it is Israel which has the nuclear weapons and the cut­ting edge weapon­ry, the best in the world, as against the down­trod­den Palestinians throw­ing rocks and blow­ing them­selves up in exasperation.

They do all this withAmerica’s back­ing of course.