Desperate Low-class Huckabee Attacks President Over Iran…

Republican Presidential candidate ,former Arkansas Govt, Minister of Religion and Fox news host Mike Huckabee.
Republican Presidential can­di­date ‚for­mer Arkansas Govt, Minister of Religion and Fox news host Mike Huckabee.

In an attempt to qual­i­fy for the first Republican Presidential debate sched­uled to be held in Cleveland Ohio, Some Republican low­er tiered can­di­dates in des­per­a­tion are throw­ing s**t on the wall in an effort to see what will stick . Fox News is going to host the first debate on August 6th.
Based on a series of Polls it is con­duct­ing only the ten high­est polling can­di­dates will be allowed on the debate stage.
This means six Republicans will not be on the stage come two Thursday from today.
Nothing com­ing from Republican Candidates or their par­ty as it relates to Barack Obama and peo­ple of col­or ever sur­pris­es me. So while many are upset at the com­ments of this Huckster, I’m not. What both­ers me is that these fraud­u­lent Charlatans pre­tend to be Christians while they simul­ta­ne­ous­ly preach hatred and divi­sion. Is it any won­der that peo­ple are shun­ning the Christian Faith with these Racist crea­tures pre­tend­ing to be Christians?
In speak­ing to Right-wing web­site Breitbart News. Huckabee said,  “This pres­i­den­t’s for­eign pol­i­cy is the most feck­less in American his­to­ry. It is so naïve that he would trust the Iranians. By doing so, he will take the Israelis and march them to the door of the oven,” Huckabee said. He con­tin­ued: “This is the most idi­ot­ic thing, this Iran deal. It should be reject­ed by both Democrats and Republicans in Congress and by the American peo­ple. I read the whole deal. We gave away the whole store. It’s got to be stopped.”
Of course these mer­chants of hate have absolute­ly no sug­ges­tions on how to deal with the Iran nuclear deal than to go to war. Whats more dur­ing his 2008 failed Presidential run the very same Huckabee said quote “We can­not deal with Al Qaeda, but we may be able to live with a con­tained Iran”.
So what has changed ? Nothing except that Huckabee who is not polling in the top ten is des­per­ate he will not make the debate stage. Huckabee did not gain the nom­i­na­tion in 2008 because he is a los­er. He will not be the nom­i­nee in 2015 because he is a loser.
Hukabee is not a los­er because he is unable to gar­ner the sup­port nec­es­sary to win the nomination .
He is a los­er because he is an oppor­tunis­tic hate peddler.