Deranged cop wrestles teen to the ground who has neither arms nor legs... - mikebeckles.

Deranged Cop Wrestles Teen To The Ground Who Has Neither Arms Nor Legs…

Just when you thought American police can­not get any more rep­re­hen­si­ble. I mean they choke peo­ple to death in broad day­light. The ver­dict from Investigators; No wrong­do­ing. Shoot flee­ing unarmed peo­ple in the back mul­ti­ple times. Shoot unarmed cit­i­zens mul­ti­ple times who pos­es no threat. Sodomize cit­i­zens and com­mit all man­ner of crimes imag­in­able against the very same cit­i­zens they are sworn to pro­tect. They fal­si­fy reports and open­ly lie in court, when found out, no action is tak­en against them.
In a nut­shell, American cops have become a dan­ger­ous gang of thugs, that pos­es an exis­ten­tial dan­ger not just to Black-Americans, but all peo­ple of col­or.
The sad real­i­ty is that they oper­ate in a sys­tem of impuni­ty cod­i­fied in the leg­is­la­tures, val­i­dat­ed in the judi­cia­ry and egged on by the exec­u­tive branch.

In this lat­est iter­a­tion of the sav­agery of these brutes, a Pima County deputy bru­tal­ly attacked a 15-year-old quadru­ple amputee in Arizona. The child has no arms and legs and he has been arrest­ed and charged along with his 16-year-old friend who record­ed the hor­rif­ic video. 

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Local news out­let KOLD report­ed the inci­dent hap­pened in September (the exact date of the video is not clear) while the 15-year-old was liv­ing in a group home. He report­ed­ly got upset with a staff mem­ber and knocked over a garbage can. The police were called and an uniden­ti­fied (social media will sure­ly change that) deputy arrived on the scene. The eight-minute video shows him scream­ing and curs­ing at the child and even­tu­al­ly wrestling him to the floor.