Deputy Brags On White Supremacist Site About Beating Black Man Sentenced On Weapons Charges…

In some munic­i­pal­i­ties across the United States shoot­ing inci­dents have gone up, accord­ing to [police] reports. In New York City, for exam­ple, there has been a 35.4% increase in mur­ders in the last two years, accord­ing to NYPD data, though mur­ders are down 2.4% in 2021 year-to-date com­pared to last year. Shooting inci­dents have sky­rock­et­ed data shows. There’s been a 15.8% increase from 2020 to 2021, year-to-date, data shows, and a 100% increase over the past two years.
My point is not to tar­get New York nor malign the NYPD, but they have been known to use all kinds of under­hand­ed tac­tics to get what they want or to make a point.
It is for those rea­sons as there are cries to defund the police after the George Floyd mur­der in 2020, and res­i­dents in large cities like New York City and oth­ers are seek­ing to reimag­ine what polic­ing looks like going for­ward, that we are wit­ness­ing these spikes in shoot­ings and oth­er vio­lent crimes.
We all remem­ber that this same police depart­ment car­ried out the first insur­rec­tion in New York City against Mayor Dinkins led by Rudolph Guiliani. We can­not for­get also that they turned their backs en masse on their boss, Mayor Bill de Blasio, as he deliv­ered an address. not exact­ly a mod­el to emulate.
In fact, this depart­ment has been noth­ing but a group of thugs, its mem­bers have rammed pro­test­ers with their tax­pay­er-fund­ed vehi­cles and bragged about run­ning peo­ple over, who were mere­ly law­ful­ly demon­strat­ing against injustice.


When polic­ing is looked at in terms of what it ought to rep­re­sent, (a) to the cit­i­zens it is sup­posed to pro­tect, (b) the cit­i­zens who pay for that ser­vice; the NYPD has been a shame­ful self-serv­ing fas­cist tool that serves its own interest.
On the 25th of June of this year, I posed the ques­tion to you my read­ers; who exact­ly are the peo­ple doing the shooting”?
The ques­tion in no way negates the fact that there are many crim­i­nals out there tak­ing advan­tage of COVID-19 and the sense of uncer­tain­ty with polic­ing to com­mit crimes of opportunity.
However, it seems that some­thing is hap­pen­ing just under the sur­face, con­sid­er­ing that the FBI report­ed a large num­ber of Law enforce­ment and mil­i­tary mem­bers, past and present, were actu­al­ly a part of the January 20th insur­rec­tion at the US Capitol.|
I pre­sent­ed you with data and a pat­tern of cir­cum­stan­tial evi­dence that tends to lead toward a cer­tain conclusion.

I would not put it past police across the coun­try to have a heavy hand in this uptick in vio­lence to show that they are need­ed. I do not put it past a gullible pub­lic to lap it up and hire more of these uni­formed terrorists.

And then there is this story.

Georgia Deputy Who Bragged About Beating Black Man, Claimed He’d Charge People with Crimes to Keep Them from Voting Is Sentenced on Weapons Charges.

Cody Richard Griggers bragged that he beat a Black man in cus­tody. (Photo: Nate_​Thayer/​Twitter)

A for­mer Georgia deputy and U.S. Marine who bragged in mes­sages with mem­bers of an extrem­ist group that he had bru­tal­ized a Black man in cus­tody and that he intend­ed to charge Black peo­ple with felonies to keep them from vot­ing were sen­tenced to three years and eight months in prison, plus one year of super­vised release on Aug. 3 in con­nec­tion with a weapons charge. Cody Richard Griggers, 28, plead­ed guilty in fed­er­al court on April 26 to one count of pos­ses­sion of an unreg­is­tered firearm and faced up to 10 years in prison. Federal author­i­ties revealed in court in April that while Griggers was still work­ing as a Wilkinson County deputy, he told mem­bers of the “Shadow Moses” group via text, “I’m going to charge them with what­ev­er felonies I can; to take away their abil­i­ty to vote.”In the mes­sages, Griggers used extrem­ist lan­guage, claim­ing he’d beat­en a Black theft sus­pect and talk­ing about killing lib­er­al politi­cians. He also dis­cussed acquir­ing ille­gal firearms, explo­sives, and sup­pres­sors and made pos­i­tive ref­er­ences to the Holocaust.

Griggers was fired from the depart­ment in November after the FBI con­tact­ed the sher­iff about an inves­ti­ga­tion regard­ing ille­gal guns and a man who had made vio­lent polit­i­cal state­ments on social media.
“This for­mer law enforce­ment offi­cer vio­lat­ed his oath of office in many ways, the most egre­gious was by threat­en­ing the very cit­i­zens he was sworn to pro­tect with his words of racial­ly moti­vat­ed vio­lence,” Chris Hacker, FBI spe­cial agent in charge of the Atlanta field office, said in a statement.
“Now he is being held account­able by serv­ing time in prison and nev­er being able to wear the blue again.”
FBI agents dis­cov­ered the group text with Griggers as part of a California inves­ti­ga­tion into a man mak­ing vio­lent polit­i­cal state­ments on social media. Authorities were search­ing the San Diego home of Grey Zamudio when they dis­cov­ered the Shadow Moses group text and saw the messages.
On November 19, 2020, a search of Griggers’ res­i­dence and his ser­vice vehi­cle yield­ed mul­ti­ple firearms, includ­ing an unreg­is­tered short bar­rel shot­gun in his home and a machine gun with an oblit­er­at­ed ser­i­al num­ber in the vehi­cle. The machine gun was not issued to Griggers, and he was not allowed to have the weapon in his law enforce­ment car. Officers found 11 ille­gal firearms in total between Griggers’ home and car.
In August 2019, Griggers texted the group about hav­ing beat­en a Black man.
“Oh, got wrapped up in my AR and for­got to tell y’all that I beat the sh‑t out of a n‑gger Saturday. (Expletive) tried to steal (a gun mag­a­zine) from the local gun store. … Sheriff’s dept. Said it looked like he fell,” Griggers said, accord­ing to an affidavit.
He described the beat­ing as “sweet stress relief.”
He also explained how he’d use polit­i­cal vio­lence to keep Black peo­ple from vot­ing. “Castrate, kill, remove vot­ing rights,” he wrote in an October mes­sage. “The only prob­lem is you can’t expect to get them all that way.”
“Law enforce­ment offi­cers should be above reproach, and the vast major­i­ty of them are. Cody Griggers dis­graced that trust by espous­ing vio­lent extrem­ism and pos­sess­ing a cache of unreg­is­tered weapons while on duty, includ­ing a machine gun with a silencer and oblit­er­at­ed ser­i­al num­ber,” said act­ing U.S. Attorney Peter D. Leary. “Officers are nev­er above the laws they swear to uphold, and I thank our law enforce­ment part­ners for help­ing us hold this dis­graced for­mer deputy account­able. On Tuesday, Griggers claimed he was only jok­ing when he made the offen­sive com­ments in the group text.
“They were jokes, but it’s noth­ing to joke about. It has a real impact,” he said tear­ful­ly, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution report­ed

On Tuesday, Griggers claimed he was only jok­ing when he made the offen­sive com­ments in the group text. “They were jokes, but it’s noth­ing to joke about. It has a real impact,” he said tear­ful­ly, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution report­ed.
Wilkinson County Sheriff Richard Chatman said there’s no evi­dence Griggers act­ed on his beliefs while work­ing as a deputy for under a year. He said the claim about the beat­en Black sus­pect did not happen.

Wilkinson County Sheriff Richard Chatman speculated that Griggers was being braggadocios when he boasted about beating up a black man
Wilkinson County Sheriff Richard Chatman spec­u­lat­ed that Griggers was being brag­gado­cios when he boast­ed about beat­ing up a black man, some­thing you would expect a coon to say.


Even after this igno­rant racist piece of shit was bust­ed with ille­gal weapons, con­fessed that he had beat­en a black man, that he had con­coct­ed felonies and charged Black peo­ple with those felonies to pre­vent them from vot­ing, and after he com­mit­ted numer­ous felonies, not to men­tion vio­lat­ing his oath as a police offi­cer, a piece of shit judge gave him three years.
That is white privilege.
And to make mat­ters even worse, if that is pos­si­ble, the piece of shit sher­iff said he nev­er beat any Black person.
And so I ask again,” who are the peo­ple real­ly fir­ing the shots”?





Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, black achiev­er hon­oree, and cre­ator of the blog mike​beck​les​.com.