Depraved Indifference!

Jason Van Dyke sentencing

Marvin Hunter, great-uncle of Laquan McDonald, reacts after Judge Vincent Gaughan sen­tenced for­mer Chicago police Officer Jason Van Dyke at Leighton Criminal Court Building in Chicago on Jan. 18, 2019. 

Jason Van Dyke sentencing

Tiffany Van Dyke, cen­ter, and daugh­ters are escort­ed out after Judge Vincent Gaughan sen­tenced her hus­band for­mer Chicago police Officer Jason Van Dyke at Leighton Criminal Court Building in Chicago on Jan. 18, 2019. 
Jason Van Dyke sentencing

Defense attor­ney Daniel Herbert address­es reporters after the sen­tenc­ing of for­mer Chicago police Officer Jason Van Dyke, at the Leighton Criminal Court Building Jan. 18, 2019. 
Jason Van Dyke sentencing

Activist William Calloway address­es reporters after the sen­tenc­ing of for­mer Chicago police Officer Jason Van Dyke, at the Leighton Criminal Court Building Friday, Jan. 18, 2019, in Chicago. 
Jason Van Dyke sentencing

Special pros­e­cu­tor Joseph McMahon address­es reporters after the sen­tenc­ing of for­mer Chicago police Officer Jason Van Dyke, at the Leighton Criminal Court Building Friday, Jan. 18, 2019, in Chicago. 
Jason Van Dyke sentencing

Former Chicago police Officer Jason Van Dyke reacts with attor­neys Tammy Wendt and Daniel Herbert at his sen­tenc­ing hear­ing at the Leighton Criminal Court Building Friday, Jan. 18, 2019 in Chicago. 
Jason Van Dyke sentencing

Former Chicago police Officer Jason Van Dyke and his attor­ney Daniel Herbert leave the court­room after Van Dyke’s sen­tenc­ing hear­ing at the Leighton Criminal Court Building Friday, Jan. 18, 2019 in Chicago. 
Jason Van Dyke sentencing

Former Chicago police Officer Jason Van Dyke reads a state­ment at his sen­tenc­ing hear­ing at the Leighton Criminal Court Building Jan. 18, 2019 in Chicago.

Jason Van Dyke sentencing

Police offi­cers watch the live stream as Judge Vincent Gaughan deliv­ers sen­tence for for­mer Chicago police Officer Jason Van Dyke at Leighton Criminal Court Building in Chicago on Jan. 18, 2019. 
Jason Van Dyke sentencing

Tiffany Van Dyke, wife of for­mer Chicago police Officer Jason Van Dyke, cries as she tes­ti­fies at his sen­tenc­ing hear­ing at the Leighton Criminal Court Building Jan. 18, 2019 in Chicago. 
Jason Van Dyke sentencing

Former Chicago police Officer Jason Van Dyke cries as daugh­ter Kaylee, a junior in high school, tes­ti­fies at his sen­tenc­ing hear­ing at the Leighton Criminal Court Building Jan. 18, 2019 in Chicago. 
Jason Van Dyke sentencing

Jason Van Dyke’s father, Owen, takes the stand at Jason Van Dyke’s sen­tenc­ing hear­ing at the Leighton Criminal Court Building Jan. 18, 2019. 
Jason Van Dyke sentencing

Former FOP pres­i­dent Dean Angelo Sr., a retired 37-year Chicago police offi­cer, tes­ti­fies at Jason Van Dyke’s sen­tenc­ing hear­ing on Jan. 18, 2019. 
Jason Van Dyke sentencing

Keith Thompson, Jason Van Dyke’s broth­er-in-law, tes­ti­fies at Van Dyke’s sen­tenc­ing hear­ing at the Leighton Criminal Court Building Friday, Jan. 18, 2019 in Chicago. 
Jason Van Dyke sentencing

Chicago may­oral can­di­date Amara Enyia vis­its the cour­t­house as Judge Vincent Gaughan holds sen­tenc­ing hear­ing for for­mer Chicago police Officer Jason Van Dyke on Jan. 18, 2019. 
Jason Van Dyke sentencing

Chicago may­oral can­di­date Willie Wilson talks to press before Judge Vincent Gaughan sen­tenced for­mer Chicago police Officer Jason Van Dyke at Leighton Criminal Court Building in Chicago on Jan. 18, 2019. 
Jason Van Dyke sentencing

Edward Nance, who alleged he was roughed up by Officer Jason Van Dyke dur­ing a traf­fic stop on the South Side in 2007, tes­ti­fies at Van Dyke’s sen­tenc­ing hear­ing at the Leighton Criminal Court Building on Jan. 18, 2019 in Chicago.

Jason Van Dyke sentencing

Eric Breathett tes­ti­fies about being pulled over by Officer Jason Van Dyke in 2009, at Van Dyke’s sen­tenc­ing hear­ing on Jan. 18, 2019. 
Jason Van Dyke sentencing

Deaf motorist Alberto Luces tes­ti­fies in sign lan­guage at for­mer Chicago police Officer Jason Van Dyke’s sen­tenc­ing hear­ing at the Leighton Criminal Court Building Friday, Jan. 18, 2019 in Chicago. 
Jason Van Dyke sentencing

Prosecutors called Jeremy Mayers tes­ti­fies for­mer Chicago police Officer Jason Van Dyke choked him in 2011, dur­ing Van Dyke’s sen­tenc­ing hear­ing at the Leighton Criminal Court Building, Jan. 18, 2019. 
Jason Van Dyke sentencing

Tiffany Van Dyke, wife of for­mer Chicago police Officer Jason Van Dyke, attends Van Dyke’s sen­tenc­ing hear­ing at the Leighton Criminal Court Building, Jan. 18, 2019. 
Jason Van Dyke sentencing

Jeremy Mayers tes­ti­fies about how for­mer Chicago police Officer Jason Van Dyke han­dled him in 2011 dur­ing Van Dyke’s sen­tenc­ing hear­ing at the Leighton Criminal Court Building, Jan. 18, 2019. 
Jason Van Dyke sentencing

As their first wit­ness, pros­e­cu­tors called Vidale Joy, who said in August 2005 he had a run-in with police and for­mer Chicago police Officer Jason Van Dyke, dur­ing Van Dyke’s sen­tenc­ing hear­ing at the Leighton Criminal Court Building, Jan. 18, 2019.

Jason Van Dyke sentencing

Former Chicago police Officer Jason Van Dyke and his attor­ney Daniel Herbert talk dur­ing Van Dyke’s sen­tenc­ing hear­ing at the Leighton Criminal Court Building, Jan. 18, 2019, in Chicago. 
Jason Van Dyke Laquan McDonald

Former Chicago police Officer Jason Van Dyke at his sen­tenc­ing hear­ing at the Leighton Criminal Court Building, Friday, Jan. 18, 2019. 
Jason Van Dyke sentencing

Prosecutor Joe McMahon speaks dur­ing at for­mer Chicago police Officer Jason Van Dyke’s sen­tenc­ing hear­ing at the Leighton Criminal Court Building, Jan. 18, 2019. 
Jason Van Dyke sentencing

Former Chicago police Officer Jason Van Dyke under watch from a Cook County Sheriff’s deputy dur­ing his sen­tenc­ing hear­ing at the Leighton Criminal Court Building, Jan. 18, 2019 in Chicago.

Jason Van Dyke sentencing

Former Chicago police Officer Jason Van Dyke enters the court­room for his sen­tenc­ing hear­ing at the Leighton Criminal Court Building, Jan. 18, 2019, in Chicago. 
Jason Van Dyke court appearance

Jason Van Dyke is escort­ed into the court­room at the Leighton Criminal Court Building on Dec. 14, 2018. 
Jason Van Dyke

Former Chicago police Officer Jason Van Dyke lis­tens dur­ing his hear­ing at the Leighton Criminal Court Building on Dec. 14, 2018. 
Jason Van Dyke sentencing

Former Chicago police Officer Jason Van Dyke and his attor­ney Daniel Herbert attend Van Dyke’s sen­tenc­ing hear­ing at the Leighton Criminal Court Building, Jan. 18, 2019, in Chicago. 

Jason Van Dyke

Attorney Daniel Herbert speaks to his client, for­mer Chicago police Officer Jason Van Dyke, as he is pre­pared to be escort­ed out fol­low­ing his hear­ing at the Leighton Criminal Court Building on Dec. 14, 2018.

Jason Van Dyke

Former Chicago police Officer Jason Van Dyke is escort­ed out of court fol­low­ing his hear­ing on Dec. 14, 2018.

Jason Van Dyke court appearance

Jason Van Dyke appears before Judge Vincent Gaughan for a pre­sen­tenc­ing hear­ing at the Leighton Criminal Court Building on Dec. 14, 2018. 

Chicago police Officer Jason Van Dyke, left, is led away after his guilty ver­dict in his tri­al for the shoot­ing death of Laquan McDonald at the Leighton Criminal Court Building on Oct. 5, 2018. 
Chicago police Officer Jason Van Dyke

Booking pho­to of con­vict­ed Chicago police Officer Jason Van Dyke from Oct. 5, 2018, the day of his convictions. 
3 jurors

Three jurors, who did­n’t want to be named, speak about their expe­ri­ences in the tri­al for Chicago police Officer Jason Van Dyke, after the ver­dict at the Leighton Criminal Court Building on Oct. 5, 2018. 
Day 11

Chicago police Officer Jason Van Dyke, cen­ter, leaves the Leighton Criminal Court Building at the end of the day after clos­ing argu­ments were com­plet­ed and the jury began delib­er­at­ing in his mur­der tri­al in the fatal shoot­ing of Laquan McDonald on Oct. 4, 2018, in Chicago. 
Day 11

Activist William Calloway, cen­ter, and the Rev. Gregory Livingston, far right, sit in the gallery as they watch clos­ing state­ments in the mur­der tri­al of Chicago police Officer Jason Van Dyke at the Leighton Criminal Court Building on Oct. 4, 2018. 
Day 11

Prosecutor Jody Gleason talks about Officer Jason Van Dyke fir­ing his gun, dur­ing clos­ing state­ments in the tri­al for the shoot­ing death of Laquan McDonald on Oct. 4, 2018. 
Day 11

Owen Van Dyke, cen­ter, watch­es at the tri­al of his son, Officer Jason Van Dyke, at the Leighton Criminal Court Building on Oct. 4, 2018. 
Day 11

Prosecutor Jody Gleason begins clos­ing state­ments at the tri­al of Officer Jason Van Dyke for the shoot­ing death of Laquan McDonald, at the Leighton Criminal Court Building on Oct. 4, 2018.

Day 10

Dean Angelo, for­mer pres­i­dent of the Chicago Fraternal Order of Police, address­es reporters after attend­ing the tri­al of Chicago police Officer Jason Van Dyke, at the Leighton Criminal Court Building on Oct. 3, 2018. 
Day 10

Reporters and mem­bers of the pub­lic attend the tri­al of Chicago police Officer Jason Van Dyke on Oct. 3, 2018, in Chicago. 
Day 9

Barry Brodd, an expert in police use of force hired by the defense, holds a toy knife and rush­es toward attor­ney Daniel Herbert as they re-enact a scene for the jury at the Leighton Criminal Court Building on Oct. 2, 2018. Using a tape mea­sure, Herbert had Brodd stand 13 feet away — the dis­tance between Laquan McDonald and police Officer Jason Van Dyke when the first shot was fired. 
Day 8

Yvette Patterson tes­ti­fies dur­ing the tri­al for the shoot­ing death of Laquan McDonald on Sept. 27, 2018. She tes­ti­fied that she encoun­tered McDonald in her alley at 3 a.m. on the day of the shoot­ing and called 911. 
Day 7

Rudy Barillas, left, the truck dri­ver who called 911, tes­ti­fies dur­ing the tri­al for the shoot­ing death of Laquan McDonald, at the Leighton Criminal Court Building on Sept. 26, 2018. 
Day 7

Owen Van Dyke, cen­ter, attends the tri­al for his son Officer Jason Van Dyke at the Leighton Criminal Court Building on Sept. 26, 2018. 
Day 6

An ani­mat­ed video por­tray­ing Officer Jason Van Dyke shoot­ing Laquan McDonald is shown to the jury on Sept. 25, 2018. 
Day 6

A com­put­er ani­ma­tion of Laquan McDonald’s body with “laser-based analy­sis” is shown to the jury dur­ing the tri­al for the shoot­ing death of McDonald at the Leighton Criminal Court Building on Sept. 25, 2018.

Prayer and protest

A group of pro­test­ers from the United Methodist Church, Good Kids Mad City and Community Renewal Society prays and chants dur­ing a wor­ship ser­vice and protest out­side the Leighton Criminal Court Building on Sept. 24, 2018.

Day 5

Prosecutor Jody Gleason points to a med­ical exam­in­er’s dia­gram show­ing the wounds to Laquan McDonald, dur­ing the tri­al for the shoot­ing death of McDonald at the Leighton Criminal Court Building on Sept. 24, 2018.

Day 5

Tina Hunter, moth­er of Laquan McDonald, watch­es the tri­al for the shoot­ing death of McDonald at the Leighton Criminal Court Building on Sept. 24, 2018.

Day 4

Chicago police Officer Jason Van Dyke and wife Tiffany hold hands as they’re escort­ed from the Leighton Criminal Court Building after the pros­e­cu­tion rest­ed its case, on Sept. 20, 2018. 
Day 4

Special pros­e­cu­tor Jospeh McMahon rests his case as he stands before Cook County Judge Vincent Gaughan at the Leighton Criminal Court Building on Sept. 20, 2018. 
Day 4

Tina Hunter, cen­ter, wipes her eyes as she watch­es from the gallery dur­ing the tri­al for the shoot­ing death of her son at the Leighton Criminal Court Building on Sept. 20, 2018. 
Day 4

Urey Patrick, a use-of-force expert hired by pros­e­cu­tors, tes­ti­fies dur­ing the Jason Van Dyke tri­al in Chicago on Sept. 20, 2018. 
Day 4

Scott Patterson, an FBI bal­lis­tics expert, tes­ti­fies dur­ing the fourth day of the tri­al of Chicago police Officer Jason Van Dyke for the shoot­ing death of Laquan McDonald, on Sept. 20, 2018.

Day 3

Medical Examiner Dr. Ponni Arunkumar explains a dia­gram of bul­let entry and exit wounds found on the body of Laquan McDonald, as it is shown to the jury on Sept. 19, 2018.

Day 3

Cook County Medical Examiner Dr. Ponni Arunkumar, who is illu­mi­nat­ed by the light of a com­put­er screen, describes the bul­let wounds Laquan McDonald suf­fered dur­ing the tri­al for the shoot­ing death of McDonald on Sept. 19, 2018. 
Day 3

The Rev. Jesse Jackson attends the tri­al of Chicago police Officer Jason Van Dyke for the shoot­ing death of Laquan McDonald at the Leighton Criminal Court Building on Sept. 19, 2018. 
Day 3

Gregory Brate, a state police firearms exam­in­er, holds the 9 mm semi-auto­mat­ic hand­gun used by Officer Jason Van Dyke, dur­ing the tri­al for the shoot­ing death of Laquan McDonald on Sept. 19, 2018. 
Day 3

Medical Examiner Dr. Ponni Arunkumar, far left, describes the bul­let wounds that Laquan McDonald suf­fered, dur­ing the tri­al of Officer Jason Van Dyke at the Leighton Criminal Court Building on Sept. 19, 2018.
Day 3

Assistant spe­cial pros­e­cu­tor Joseph Cullen ques­tions a wit­ness dur­ing the tri­al for the shoot­ing death of Laquan McDonald on Sept. 19, 2018, in Chicago. 
Day 2

A pho­to pro­vid­ed by the Chicago Police Department of cloth­ing belong­ing to Laquan McDonald tak­en on the day McDonald was fatal­ly shot, is shown to jurors Sept. 18, 2018. 
Day 2

Chicago police Officer Jason Van Dyke lis­tens to tes­ti­mo­ny dur­ing his tri­al Sept. 18, 2018.

Day 2

An image of a pros­e­cu­tor’s exhib­it shows one of the 16 bul­let cas­ings, tak­en by the Chicago Police Department, on the day Laquan McDonald was fatal­ly shot.

Day 2

Jason Van Dyke’s 9 mm semi-auto­mat­ic Smith and Wesson, which was used in the shoot­ing of Laquan Mcdonald, appears at the tri­al at the Leighton Criminal Court Building on Sept. 18, 2018. 
Day 2

Xavier Torres tes­ti­fies dur­ing the tri­al for the shoot­ing death of Laquan McDonald at the Leighton Criminal Court Building on Sept. 18, 2018. Torres said he heard gun­shots and saw Laquan McDonald fall to the street, fol­lowed by a pause and more shots. 
Day 2

Police Officer David Ivankovich tes­ti­fies dur­ing the tri­al for the shoot­ing death of Laquan McDonald at the Leighton Criminal Court Building on Sept. 18, 2018. Ivankovich tes­ti­fied how he and his part­ner were respond­ing with a Taser to the shoot­ing scene on the night Laquan McDonald was killed. 
Day 2

Chicago police Officer Jason Van Dyke lis­tens dur­ing his tri­al for the shoot­ing death of Laquan McDonald at the Leighton Criminal Court Building, on Sept. 18, 2018. 
Day 2

Tiffany Van Dyke observes her hus­band’s tri­al for the shoot­ing death of Laquan McDonald at the Leighton Criminal Court Building on Sept. 18, 2018.

Jason Van Dyke trial

People in the court­room lis­ten dur­ing the tri­al of Chicago police Officer Jason Van Dyke for the shoot­ing death of Laquan McDonald at the Leighton Criminal Court Building on Sept. 17, 2018. 
Jason Van Dyke trial

Sheriff deputies watch the room at the back of the court­room dur­ing the tri­al for the shoot­ing death of Laquan McDonald at the Leighton Criminal Court Building, Sept. 17, 2018. 
Jason Van Dyke trial

Laquan McDonald’s great-aunt, Carlissa Hunter, takes the stand to tes­ti­fy dur­ing the tri­al for the shoot­ing death of Laquan McDonald at the Leighton Criminal Court Building, Sept. 17, 2018.

Opening statements

Daniel Herbert, lead lawyer for Jason Van Dyke, motions with the 3‑inch blade Laquan McDonald car­ried the night he was fatal­ly shot by the Chicago police offi­cer, dur­ing open­ing state­ments in Van Dyke’s tri­al at the Leighton Criminal Court Building on Sept. 17, 2018, in Chicago. 
Opening statements

Special pros­e­cu­tor Joseph McMahon holds the 3‑inch blade Laquan McDonald car­ried the night he was fatal­ly shot, dur­ing open­ing state­ments in the tri­al of Chicago police Officer Jason Van Dyke at the Leighton Criminal Court Building on Sept. 17, 2018, in Chicago. 
Jason Van Dyke

Chicago police Officer Jason Van Dyke lis­tens before his tri­al for the shoot­ing death of Laquan McDonald at the Leighton Criminal Court Building on Sept. 17, 2018, in Chicago. 
Jason Van Dyke trial

Protesters gath­er as Chicago police Officer Jason Van Dyke arrives at the Leighton Criminal Court Building on Sept. 17, 2018, for the start of his tri­al in the shoot­ing death of Laquan McDonald. 
Jason Van Dyke trial

Protesters gath­er as Chicago police Officer Jason Van Dyke arrives at the Leighton Criminal Court Building on Sept. 17, 2018, for the start of his tri­al in the shoot­ing death of Laquan McDonald.

The trial and conviction of Jason Van Dyke

Chicago police Officer Jason Van Dyke was tried and con­vict­ed in 2018 in the 2014 shoot­ing death of 17-year-old Laquan McDonald.
 (Chicago Tribune) 

We do not own the rights to any of these images.

Mike Beckles is a for­mer Jamaican police cor­po­ral, busi­ness own­er, avid researcher, and blog­ger. He is also a black achiev­er hon­oree, and pub­lish­er of the blog chatt​-​a​-box​.com. You may sub­scribe to his blogs free of charge.