There is really no safe way to hold a serpent, you can grab it by the head and try not to get stung, but that’s about it.
The present impeachment inquiry which Donald Trump forced the Democrats to engage in, is very much like a serpent. There are really no good outcomes for the Democrats, despite the fact that they are the ones acting in defense of the constitution.
One of the challenges facing the Democrats is that a large section of the electorate will walk off a cliff with Trump even though they know they are going to die.
That kind of fanaticism is not born out of anything that Donald Trump has done on their personal or collective behalf. It is a result of what Donald Trump represents as a racist, white supremacist who hates the same people they hate.
Donald Trump understood that- that sleeper-cell of white resentment was always there, despite the unvalidated faith, and soaring oratory laced with belief in them, by the likes of Barack Obama and Corey Booker.
Trump understood that those people are willing to blame their own failings on others who do not look like themselves.
As a mouthpiece for that subset, Trump was on point when he said he could shoot someone on fifth avenue, and he would not lose any votes.
Today as the 44th White male, and the 45th man to occupy 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue as President, his support remains as solid as it ever was, and the Republican party he leads is now a racist, xenophobic cult.
That ought to put to rest the whole question as to why Trump’s support remains solid despite the egregious things he has done since elected to office.
No one wants to say it so I will. They are irredeemable racists.
It is important to record for posterity, that the Republicans have no desire to defend the Constitution, nevertheless, that does not mean that the Democratic party should abdicate its duty to protect and defend the constitution.
As such, it is critical to understand that the Democrats are duty-bound to conduct inquiries into Donald Trump’s actions.
When this period of American history is written the Democrats can take a bow that they are the patriots who stood up in defense of the United States Constitution.
It does not require a rocket scientist to figure out the strategy Trump and his shameless Republican backers have in mind. As the world has seen in the hearing, as was the case during the Muller investigation, they are not interested in facts.
They are interested in obfuscation, deflection, and diversions. Unfortunately for the country, here is one political party that doesn’t care whether a hostile power interfered in the most sacred element of democracy, the right to free and fair elections.
But this was never something which bothered Republicans, they have consistently worked at creating ways to ensure that black and brown people are limited in their ability to vote.
It is just sad and reprehensible that as they have fought to limit the vote of people who are unlikely to vote for them they have opted to have a hostile power skew the vote on their behalf.
It was not long that some of these same people had wrapped themselves in the American flag and pretended to be patriots.
In fact many of them still do.
Republicans are waiting for Democrats to file articles of impeachment, upon which the senate can do either of two things, (1) Summarily dismiss the charges. However, the Republicans who have control of the senate under the régime of Mosco Mitch McConnell will try to make it seem like they are following the laws. Or (2) hold a sham abbreviated trial, and quickly find that Trump broke no laws and committed no impeachable offense.
The illegitimate dismissal of the charges or the (not guilty sham finding) then becomes an election-year weapon. Remember their narrative that the Muller investigations were a hoax? The narrative today that the House Intelligence impeachment inquiry is a partisan witch hunt?
The predictable senate outcome will be disinformation on steroids. It will be difficult for any Democratic candidate to stand up to that onslaught, much less overcome it.
With a whole state Television channel(FOX) dedicated to disinformation. Sinclair’s television stations across the nation. Twenty-four-hour talk radio and Facebook and other entities dedicated to churning out disinformation and propaganda 24⁄7, it will be a tough row to hoe for whichever Democratic candidate emerge as the nominee.
The solution is to gather the evidence and release it to the public. Or impeach him in the house but do not send the articles to the Senate.
They should not send the articles of impeachment to the senate giving Mitch McConnell the ability to manipulate the process. Trump is already tampering with jurors to a potential senate trial, as he is secretly meeting with Republican senators, the very people who would decide his innocence or guilt in an impeachment trial. Even the ones who he has berated in the press as pompous fools.
This is essentially jury tampering, but when Trump does these things they are not against the law. In fact, as far as his lawyers and supporters are concerned, as president, he is incapable of breaking the law.
Such is the God-like status given this mendacious mendicant.
Republicans have long held that it should be up to the voters to decide whether to remove Trump from office.
DEMOCRATS should indulge them. Use the findings of the inquiry as campaign fodder, but do not file articles of impeachment. No use going into a fight if you know you are going to lose.
The strategy ought to be the Powell doctrine.
“Don’t go to war if there is a possibility that you can lose, but if you have to fight take all your weapons to war use them all and go home”.
Democrats are not obligated to file articles of impeachment. They can opt to let the voters decide.
Will the lying Republicans have a problem with that strategy, you bet your ass they will, but Democrats are not obligated to please them. Remember it was they who said the next president should decide who the next supreme court justice should be when Obama nominated Merrick Garland?
Every bit of information gleaned from that inquiry should e weaponized and a scorched earth strategy developed to remove this cancer.
That should also mean removing every single Republican Senator up for re-election and every house member as well.
Not a single one of those liars who refused to defend the constitution voted for the inquiry. Every one of them should be targeted for removal, regardless of how red their state or district is.
Mike Beckles is a former Jamaican police Detective corporal, a business owner, avid researcher, and blogger.
He is a black achiever honoree, and publisher of the blog chatt-a-box.com.
He’s also a contributor to several websites.
You may subscribe to his blogs free of charge, or subscribe to his Youtube channel @chatt-a-box, for the latest podcast all free to you of course.