Dems Repudiation Not Obama’s Fault

Democrats were repu­di­at­ed at the polls in mid-term elec­tions held yes­ter­day Nov 4th. Republicans added to their tal­ly in the House and retook the Senate.

President Barack Obama
President Barack Obama

The Democrats lost rough­ly 12 addi­tion­al seats in the house, lost Governorship’s they were sup­posed to hold, includ­ing in the President’s home state of Illinois, where the Incumbent Governor Pat Quinn went down in defeat. I do not pro­pose to under­stand what caused this President to pre­side over two mid term Electoral defeats after bring­ing the Economy back from the brink, cre­at­ing mil­lions of jobs in the process.

I can­not explain as some pun­dits may be able to, how this President’s Party could be repu­di­at­ed after end­ing two wars , one, cer­tain­ly an ille­gal for­ay into a Sovereign Nation on lying pre­texts. It is also above my pay grade to explain how this President could be unpop­u­lar after he was elect­ed twice to turn the coun­try around from the débâ­cle which was the George W Bush pres­i­den­cy, and did exact­ly that.

I am unable explain how the Democratic Party could lose again after the actions of the Republican Party over the last 6 years .What I can tell you is that in Politics bad behav­ior is def­i­nite­ly reward­ed. The Republican Party of yester-year was trans­formed into an even more ugly thug­gish, Xenophobic, Fascist, Party. Worse than that which exist­ed under Gingrich, Delay and others.

It is not uncom­mon for a Presidents Party to lose the House and Senate in the final two years of their Presidency. In fact Republican dar­ling Ronald Reagan did exact­ly that. Over the ensu­ing weeks and months Right wing Political pathol­o­gist will per­form Autopsy after Autopsy in an effort to gloat over the rea­son their par­ty took over the Senate and increased their tal­ly in the House.

The fact is vot­ers chose the Party which had balls. They always do, they did two years after Obama was elect­ed they did so again last night.

Democrats were nev­er ever true believ­ers. The Democratic Party has always been a patch-work quilt made up of a litany of loose spe­cial inter­est groups , each with their own agen­da. Democrats do not have an ide­ol­o­gy , in fact were Republicans less hate­ful of Minorities the Democratic Party would have already been extinct. I mean what exact­ly is the Democratic Philosophy ? They have none.

Democrats ran away from the President who got many of them elect­ed. Even at his worse, as one of America’s worse President, Bush was nev­er shunned or dis­re­spect­ed by any mem­ber of his par­ty. It is incon­ceiv­able that a can­di­date could be run­ning on the Democratic tick­et and is unable to say whether she vot­ed for the leader of the par­ty. That speaks vol­umes, it goes to the heart of a Party which is basi­cal­ly a souls-less throw togeth­er of indi­vid­ual opportunists.

Voters do not like lite. They did not want Republican-lite, they chose the Republicans. This prob­lem of the Democratic Party is not new and once again it proves to be their Achilles heel.

One thought on “Dems Repudiation Not Obama’s Fault

  1. American pol­i­tics Bec is unpre­dictable and strange . You can’t help but think about the why this out­come and facil­i­tate the thought of a con­spir­a­cy .. Perhaps the American peo­ple wants anoth­er George W. Bush to wreck the econ­o­my again . The Democrats can take solace in the fact that there was a low vot­er turn out and work on the caus­es before the pres­i­den­tial elec­tions . Excellent arti­cle Beck .

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