Dems Breakthrough Between Schumer & Manchin, Rests With Sinema .…..

If you lis­ten to the Radical Republican US Senators bitch­ing about Joe Manchin’s sup­port for one Democratic ini­tia­tive that is sup­posed to help Americans in need and the blaz­ing hot plan­et, you would think he won his seat in the Senate as a Republican.
The larg­er ques­tion for the American peo­ple is; why do Republican Senators and mem­bers of the House bond togeth­er to oppose every­thing that would aid work­ing Americans?
Are the peo­ple too blind or stu­pid to see which par­ty has their inter­est at heart?
One par­ty works for the peo­ple, the oth­er for the mega-cor­po­ra­tions that kick back mil­lions into their cam­paigns which they then use as their pri­vate pig­gy banks.

Louisiana Republican US Senator Bill Cassidy…

Joe Manchin, the *Democratic* US Senator from West Virginia, has been the bane of his par­ty’s agen­da even though he is from one of the poor­est states in the union, one that would ben­e­fit from pres­i­dent Biden’s build back bet­ter agenda.
Joe Manchin opposed the pres­i­den­t’s agen­da at every turn, includ­ing his attempts to seri­ous­ly attack glob­al warming.
Understandably Joe Manchin comes from a state that relies heav­i­ly on coal; notwith­stand­ing, Joe Manchin is the largest recip­i­ent of fos­sil fuel mon­ey in Congress.
Despite being elect­ed to do the busi­ness of the American peo­ple, Joe Manchin and the state of West Virginia have held Biden’s agen­da hostage as he and Arizona Democratic US Senator Kyrsten Sinema hog the nation­al stage for their own agendas.
No one elect­ed Manchin or Sinema pres­i­dent of the United States. Still, the peo­ple who did are forced to watch help­less­ly as two wolves in sheep­’s cloth­ing thwart the will of tens of mil­lions of Americans who vot­ed to elect a Democratic majority.

Joe Manchin

Biden’s 1.7 Trillion-build-back bet­ter plan was scrapped by Manchin, who took full advan­tage of the Senate’s 50 – 50 split to flex his muscle.
The sur­pris­ing Compromise reached between Manchin and Senate Majority leader Charles Schumer is an expo­nen­tial­ly scaled-back ver­sion of the ini­tial bill pro­posed by the president.
The 700 bil­lion dol­lar deal agreed to rep­re­sents less than half of what Biden pro­posed, and even so, the Democrats are extreme­ly wary that this is not guar­an­teed to reach Biden’s desk for his signature.

Kyrsten Sinema

Democrats are still forced to walk a tightrope of antic­i­pa­tion as Kirsten Sinnema has been play­ing coy and dodg­ing reporter’s ques­tions about whether she intends to sup­port her par­ty and the American peo­ple with a yes vote.
The anger from Republicans toward Joe Manchin is laugh­able, except that this is no laugh­ing mat­ter. The deal rep­re­sents sig­nif­i­cant advances in the fight to stop cli­mate change and low­er the price of pre­scrip­tion drugs for Americans.
Even as they crit­i­cized a Democrat for sup­port­ing a Democratic ini­tia­tive, Republicans were busy fist bump­ing each oth­er after block­ing a bill that would aid Veterans.
Joe has been tak­en to the clean­ers.”
They sucked Republican votes up like a Hoover Deluxe and then got their votes [on CHIPS] and then, bam, announced this new tax increase,” said Sen. John Kennedy, Republican of Louisiana, on Fox & Friends on Thursday morn­ing. “We look like a bunch of — well, I’m not going to say what we look like.
Oh, Oh, wait… I have a few adjec­tives to describe what you all look like. I’ll say it, I’ll say it.….…
Oh, sheesh, nev­er mind, they say I’m too straight­for­ward and raw.


