Democrats Running Out Of Time To Mount Real Challenge To Donald Trump…

Getting lost in the twen­ty-four-hour COVID-19 con­ver­sa­tion on cable tele­vi­sion, and the inces­sant mind-numb­ing chat­ter on social media, is the fact that an American Presidential elec­tion is due in November.
Democratic Socialist, & Vermont’s US Senator, two-time pres­i­den­tial hope­ful Bernie Sanders just two days ago dropped out of the race for pres­i­dent.
Despite not hav­ing sewn up the nom­i­na­tion, Joe Biden, the pre­sump­tive nom­i­nee for the Democrats, is almost silent, even as the Republican incum­bent is in front of the tele­vi­sion cam­eras lit­er­al­ly every day.
The con­ven­tion­al wis­dom that seems to be guid­ing the Biden cam­paign is that the incum­bent is doing such a bad job, and there is so much anti-Trump sen­ti­ment out there, that they can sim­ply while away the days to the elec­tions.
And there­after, Joe Biden will be installed the 46th pres­i­dent of the United States.
If that is their mind­set they should talk to pres­i­dent Hillary Clinton about how that strat­e­gy worked out for her.
In 2016 as Hillary Clinton rest­ed on her lau­rels, and for the entire month of August she did not do a sin­gle cam­paign ral­ly. In the mean­time Donald trump was on the cam­paign trail with his name bold­ly emblozned on his old plane in every air­port hang­er he could find.

Donald Trump Wilmington, OH Rally: Photos You Need to See |
These were the scenes across America while Hillary Clinton met with pri­vate groups.

There is the gen­er­al rule that there is no such thing as bad pub­lic­i­ty, true or not, Donald Trump under­stands this more than most. And so this is the time that the Democratic National Committee under the hap­less lead­er­ship of Tom Perez should be step­ping up its game to con­sol­i­date resources with the Biden Campaign to seri­ous­ly mount a cred­i­ble offen­sive against the Trump machin­ery.
This elec­tion will lit­er­al­ly be the most con­se­quen­tial in our life­time.
But Joe Biden could hard­ly be seen as either a com­pe­tent or inspir­ing pres­i­den­tial can­di­date.
As the Root’s Damon Young writes. “Joe Biden has been, in order, a dan­ger­ous young politi­cian, a dis­ap­point­ing old­er politi­cian, a laugh­able Democratic pres­i­den­tial can­di­date, a mid­dling vice pres­i­dent, an unin­spired Democratic pres­i­den­tial can­di­date, and now an unin­spir­ing Democratic nom­i­nee.” 
I thought Damon Young’s char­ac­ter­i­za­tion of Biden may be a bit harsh, nev­er­the­less, if there is a milder ver­sion to those adjec­tives I would glad­ly sign on to those.

What The Potential 2020 Candidates Are Doing And Saying, Vol. 19 ...

At best Joe Biden is a gaffe-prone, unin­spir­ing mediocre can­di­date who just hap­pens to be the last per­son stand­ing of the large and diverse field of can­di­dates who start­ed on the jour­ney to defeat Donald Trump.
In a way, Biden has sur­vived because of two or three key issues (1) Democratic pri­ma­ry vot­ers want some­one they believe will have the best chance to defeat Donald Trump in the fall. (2) Biden has name recog­ni­tion and arguable the bona fides nec­es­sary to win back rust-belt states that did not turn out for Hillary Clinton. (3) He is a two-term vice ‑pres­i­dent to Barack Obama the last Democratic pres­i­dent, who may still be the most pop­u­lar man in the par­ty, and I dare­say the entire coun­try.
Joe Biden may be the pre­sump­tive nom­i­nee at the moment for the very same rea­son that Obama picked him to be vice pres­i­dent, his poten­tial appeal to rust-belt vot­ers in Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania & Ohio.

We are less than eight months away from the pres­i­den­tial elec­tions and if Joe Biden has a plan or a strat­e­gy to win the pres­i­den­cy it is yet to be seen.
For its part the DNC has not demon­strat­ed the kind of aggres­sive lead­er­ship that vot­ers expect, that would har­ness and chan­nel the resent­ment that has char­ac­ter­ized Donald Trump’s entry into the White House.
If Joe Biden does not get it togeth­er real fast, almost 60% of Americans who did not sup­port Donald Trump should pre­pare for anoth­er four years of a ruth­less dic­ta­tor­ship that will make the first four years seem like a bad com­e­dy act.
The America that exist­ed before Trump entered the White House will cer­tain­ly not exist any­more.
Donald Trump, Mitch McConnel, and the Roberts supreme court will for­ev­er trans­form America into a dystopi­an nightmare.