Democratic Party Uses Blacks Conveniently

Claire McCaskill
Claire McCaskill

Elections are sched­uled for November. In these upcom­ing elec­tions ‚Governorships Senate, House and oth­er posi­tions will be up for grabs. Coming out of what many see as an esca­la­tion of Police killings of African-Americans is the less than nov­el call for vot­er reg­is­tra­tion. African Americans went out in num­bers to twice elect Barack Obama to the Presidency, Obama was too busy play­ing Golf to both­er going to Ferguson Missouri. Obama went to Sandy hook to com­fort griev­ing fam­i­lies, why not Ferguson, whats dif­fer­ent?

Republicans hate blacks for the col­or of their skin, But they also hate blacks for con­sis­tent­ly vot­ing Democratic. Blacks are being told to go out and vote, but who should they vote for? Democrats and the Democratic Party Party, has con­ve­nient­ly remained silent.

But for Claire Mc Caskil the US Senator from Missouri, where are the voic­es of Democratic Leaders who always come, hat in hand beg­ging for votes ? What has Democrats done for it“s most loy­al block of vot­ers? Time and again the Democratic Party has tak­en the black vote for grant­ed. Bill Clinton did it, when he threw Sister Soulja under the bus to show Southern and so called con­ser­v­a­tive whites he can han­dle the-blacks. He also did when he sided with Newt Gingrich who impeached him when he signed wel­fare reform into law. That back­fired when they dis­cov­ered the largest per capi­ta block of wel­fare recip­i­ents were mid­dle age white women. Obama did it by not show­ing up in Ferguson Missouri. Eric Holder is not Barack Obama. Black People over­whelm­ing­ly vot­ed to elect and reelect Obama, he had a duty to show up and show sol­i­dar­i­ty with black peo­ple. What were they gonna do about it, he does­n’t face vot­ers ever again. He did not show balls, he showed cowardice.


Missouri’s Governor Jay Nixon is a Democrat with whom the black com­mu­ni­ty has no rela­tion­ship. Residents of Ferguson want Nixon to replace Bob McCullough the County Prosecutor. They make it clear they do not trust McCullough to do the right thing for them because of his rela­tion­ship with Police. Nixon out­right refused to acced­ed to the vot­ers demands to remove McCullough. That out­right refusal is a clear indi­ca­tion Nixon has no regard for African American vot­ers in Ferguson nor the broad­er Missouri.

Other than some Black Democrats there has large­ly been a deaf­en­ing blan­ket silence from white Democrats. How can a blacks con­tin­ue to vote for a par­ty which per­pet­u­al­ly dis­re­spects and dis­cards them, then embrace them when it is con­ve­nient to do so ?

Hillary Clinton is going around the Country sign­ing books , any­one who believes this is just a book tour is seri­ous­ly unin­formed. When Reporters shout­ed out ques­tions to Hillary Clinton, try­ing to get her take on the Ferguson inci­dent, she hus­tled away with­out answer­ing their questions.

Hillary Clinton will be run­ning for President in 2016, she is lay­ing the ground­work for that run , she does not want to be President because of any deep call­ing. She will be doing so out of raw ambi­tion. When the time comes for her to run she will cozy up to blacks who will be elat­ed to rec­i­p­ro­cate her con­di­tion­al affec­tion, as an abused Dog cozies up to an abu­sive master.

Democrats have tak­en the tac­ti­cal deci­sion that Blacks have nowhere to go. Clinton and oth­ers feel no oblig­a­tion to take a stand which may have neg­a­tive push-back from white Democrats who see the police as their protectors.


Black vot­ers Can do either of two things in my estimation.

♦ Vote Republican, .….….. I know, wait, wait , wait, I know they hate blacks, but maybe blacks will have to take a step toward that par­ty. This could poten­tial­ly have the effect of a change in atti­tude toward the com­mu­ni­ty. What I am advo­cat­ing is that Blacks hold their noses and vote Republican, as a means of ensur­ing Democrats do not take them for granted.

♦ Vote nei­ther Republican nor Democrat, form anoth­er Party. The T‑Party claim they are not Republicans, yet they have

Missouri Gov Jay Nixon
Missouri Gov Jay Nixon

Republicans lick­ing their boots. In fact Republicans who sur­vived the Rights’ ide­o­log­i­cal purge, jump at every oppor­tu­ni­ty to be in the good graces of the T‑party. What is pre­vent­ing African Americans from form­ing anoth­er Party There are more than enough black elect­ed lead­ers in the Congress with the know-how. This is an oppor­tu­ni­ty to show some back­bone. There are well over 40 mil­lion black peo­ple in the United States, if this new par­ty reach out to oth­ers it could be a force to be reck­oned with.

I wrote pre­vi­ous­ly that this should be a defin­ing moment for African-Americans, beyond the march­ing , the singing we shall over­come, the groan­ing , the cry­ing and the loot­ing, there are expo­nen­tial­ly much more we can do to change our lot.

There is no use look­ing to Obama or any­one else, this requires a col­lec­tive effort on the part of every­one. Obama is look­ing out for his lega­cy it’s up to blacks to look out for their future.