Democratic Party Weak And Feckless

Obama and McCain
Obama and McCain

I’m cer­tain­ly no fan of the Democratic Party, it is weak ‚It’s unfo­cused and a frac­tious throw-togeth­er of self-serv­ing inter­est groups.
With that said, faced with the unpalat­able prospect of the two polit­i­cal par­ties, right mind­ed peo­ple have to hold their noses and side with the Democrats.
It’s not as if the Democratic par­ty is better,(less bad). It’s just that the Republican Party has den­i­grat­ed to such depths of Racism and is so sold out to the 1% of the wealth­i­est Oligarchs, there is hard­ly any alter­na­tive but to cast one’s lot with the lousy Democrats.

Whether you are a fan of President Obama or not, one has to won­der whether Republicans are mind­ful that what they are doing to him is prece­dent setting?
Republicans want con­trol of the White House.
To them, the Executive branch is the crème-de-la-crème of the three branch­es of Government as long as a Republican is the occupant.
Not so much when Democrats occu­py the Executive Mansion.Then Republicans are hell-bent on using what­ev­er clout they hold between the Legislative and Judicial branch to stymie the effec­tive­ness of whichev­er Democrat is in the white house.

In recent times they did it to Presidents Carter and Clinton, but nei­ther of the two saw the ven­om and hatred which has been direct­ed at Barack Obama.
Of course what Obama faces is more than the idea that no demo­c­rat should occu­py the white house but also over four hun­dred years of raw white supremacy.
They do not believe a black man should ever enter much less occu­py the white house.
Incredibly they have ques­tioned Obama’s com­pe­tence, of course none of the elect­ed ones could cred­i­bly ques­tion his aca­d­e­m­ic qual­i­fi­ca­tions for the job. So they had a polit­i­cal wannabe, the buf­foon Donald Trump do it.
Obama is a Harvard edu­cat­ed con­sti­tu­tion­al lawyer so that did not work.
It did not stop them from ques­tion­ing the place of his birth, to this day they argue he was born in Kenya.
Ironically, dur­ing the 2008 elec­tions between Obama and John McCain, when the birther [sic] issue emerged, no one both­ered to men­tion that John McCain was born on a mil­i­tary base some­where in the Panama Canal zone.
There was no great out­cry dur­ing George Romney’s 1968 bid for the GOP nomination .
There is also silent acqui­es­cence sur­round­ing the divi­sive Ted Cruz’s Presidential ambi­tions, even though he was born in Calgary Canada.
So what is it that gives legit­i­ma­cy to the birther issue as it regards Obama if not race, you decide?

John McCain
John McCain

The poi­so­nous McCain has always pre­tend­ed to be a ratio­nal per­son. McCain has been care­ful to pick and chose instances when to appear rea­son­able. For exam­ple dur­ing the 2008 elec­tions when a big­ot­ed old woman told him at an event that she did not trust Obama because he was an Arab who did not belong here. The seem­ing­ly ratio­nal McCain told her then quote”. “No ma’am,[Obama’s] a decent fam­i­ly man, cit­i­zen, that I just hap­pen to have dis­agree­ments with on fun­da­men­tal issues.” Sounds rea­son­able enough right? The truth is, John McCain saw the polls and he knew he would lose that elec­tion. He was in dam­age con­trol mode then.
In fact no one ever accused John McCain of being bright, rather than defend Arab-Americans as decent peo­ple wor­thy of trust, McCain fed into the hatred in the crowd by telling that igno­rant old woman that Obama was not an Arab.
So what if he was Arabic?
Where in the con­sti­tu­tion of the United States does it pre­clude an Arab from run­ning for the Presidency of the United States? I will how­ev­er leave Arabs to defend themselves.
At the time McCain had Arabs like Daryl Issa sup­port­ing him and in some cas­es there were Arabs active­ly cam­paign­ing for him. There have also been Arab-Americans who have giv­en exem­plary ser­vice to this coun­try . Former US Senate major­i­ty leader George Mitchell and four stars General John Abizaid, for­mer Commander of the US Central Command, just two of the many.

To sug­gest that McCain was being mag­nan­i­mous then, would be to praise a man who sets fire to a build­ing then call the fire department.
It was McCain who chose the poi­so­nous hate-mon­ger Sarah Palin and released her onto the nation.
The raw big­otry which the world saw dur­ing the 2008 cam­paign was unprece­dent­ed and unwar­rant­ed. Yet John McCain stood by and did noth­ing as Palin poured the accel­er­ant of hate stok­ing the smol­der­ing embers of America’s big­otry and hate which lay just beneath the surface.
The resul­tant infer­no of racial ani­mus now engulf­ing America was reignit­ed on John McCain’s watch.
There is no rea­son­able­ness in McCain.
Every major pol­i­cy deci­sion McCain has tak­en, includ­ing choos­ing Sarah Palin has been dis­as­trous and wrong.
Unfortunately John McCain has been insu­lat­ed from crit­i­cism since his release from a Hanoi POW camp in March of 1973.
The brain-dead media is unwill­ing to con­front John McCain with the fol­ly of his posi­tions, wrong on every issue.
Never mind that McCain has con­sis­tent­ly got­ten every issue wrong, the media still puts him on nation­al tele­vi­sion as if he is some kind of for­eign pol­i­cy heavy-weight.

Loretta Lynch
Loretta Lynch

It should come as no sur­prise to any rea­son­able per­son that McCain still hold a grudge for the shel­lack­ing he took from the black guy.
It also should come as no sur­prise that McCain’s office has said that he will not sup­port Federal Prosecutor Loretta Lynch to be the next Attorney General and the first black woman to hold that post.
Every President is enti­tled under the con­sti­tu­tion to his nom­i­nees, that includes Obama.
There is noth­ing real­ly which they can point to in the past of Loretta Lynch which would dis­qual­i­fy her from being the next AG.
In fact Lynch who is supreme­ly qual­i­fied, has far bet­ter char­ac­ter than the Republican Senators who are hold­ing up her con­fir­ma­tion out of spite for the president.
McCain’s col­league Chuck Grassley — one of just four Republicans who have expressed sup­port for Lynch — said at her hear­ing: “If we can’t con­firm Loretta Lynch, then I don’t believe we can con­firm anyone”.

My ques­tion to Democrats is this, “are you tak­ing notes”?
One day they will have a pres­i­dent in the white house, what will you do then?
Are you going to rub­ber-stamp every­one and every­thing they bring to a vote as you have done over the decades?
Are you going to allow your­selves to be rail-road­ed into giv­ing them carte-blanche as you did with the Patriot Act?
This coun­try is becom­ing a shell of it’s own stat­ed ideals.
Because a bunch of racist reac­tionar­ies have tak­en con­trol of one par­ty and the oth­er par­ty is too cow­ard­ly to fight back.
On issue after issue they have been proven wrong, yet time and again, they have been allowed to drag America to the brink, because the Democratic par­ty is too weak to stand up for America.
Too weak and divid­ed to stand up for it’s own President.