I am the King of the world’s most pow­er­ful coun­try, I find myself under inves­ti­ga­tions for var­i­ous and sundry breach­es of the laws.
Nevertheless, I lam­bast the pros­e­cu­tors dai­ly.
As if that is not enough, I replace the head of the Agency tasked with doing the Investigations of me, but I was cer­tain­ly not done.
I smeared and tar­nished the char­ac­ter of career pros­e­cu­tors and Investigators as well.
I had my min­ions drag them before the Congress and berat­ed and humil­i­at­ed them and then I fired them.
So they appoint­ed a spe­cial coun­sel which for all intents and pur­pos­es should be friend­ly to me because we are from the very same polit­i­cal party.

When my Attorney General recused him­self and failed to inter­fere in the inves­ti­ga­tions with a view to pro­tect­ing me from the Special Counsel, I fired him too.
I then replaced him with an unqual­i­fied lack­ey who bad-mouthed the Investigations on tele­vi­sion and talked about ways in which he would starve the Special Counsel’s Investigations of resources, even­tu­al­ly shut­ting it down.
There was a wide­spread out­cry and so I imme­di­ate­ly looked for a replace­ment of him who could pass muster with the old guard.
Never mind that I still want­ed an Attorney General who could get con­firmed but I need­ed one who had writ­ten a long mem­o­ran­dum detail­ing his dis­dain for the Special Counsel process and express­ing his sup­port for wider pow­ers for me.
Ah yes, I got my man.
He’s been there before and it seems like he can be trust­ed to do exact­ly what I want him to do.
con­firm him now.

Witch hunt, witch hunt, no col­lu­sion, no col­li­sion is my dai­ly tirade as I won­der about find­ing new ways to inter­fere in these inves­ti­ga­tions which are keep­ing me up at night.
Daily I call for the Investigations to end.
I don’t care if oth­er peo­ple don’t get to demand that an inves­ti­ga­tion into their activ­i­ties gets stopped.
I don’t care that they don’t get to com­plain about the length of time inves­ti­ga­tions are tak­ing, I’m spe­cial.
Now my man is in place and he gets to decide whether that mul­ti-mil­lion Dollar inves­ti­ga­tion gets revealed to the Congress, much less the poor peas­antry.
Oh wait, ha-ha-ha, I just real­ized that even though the Investigations are about my con­duct, I’m allowed to decide on whether its find­ings gets revealed.
Oh s**t, what was I wor­ried about, I head the Justice Department b*****s?
Touché mother‑f*****s, ha, ha, ha.……!

So my boy did his thing after the Republican Special Counsel passed the report he wrote up to him.
He writes the Congress led by the Dumb-crats[sic] a lit­tle cov­er let­ter say­ing that the Special Counsel found no con­spir­a­cy between myself and the Russians.
He left them a lit­tle some­thing to yap about on the issue of inter­fer­ence.
As if it’s not my Justice Department, My FBI, my Country, I can damn well do as I please.

In sum­ming up.
You pay for inves­ti­gat­ing me.
I inter­fere, I get my boy to say no con­spir­a­cy was found.
I get my boy to say he decid­ed not to act on me inter­fer­ing in the inves­ti­ga­tions.
And no you can­not see the report, who do you think you are?
I decide what Democracy is. It is what I say it is.
All of you who sat there and watched and wait­ed these two years as talk­ing heads opined about what the Special Counsel’s inves­ti­ga­tions would find about my actions are real­ly dumb­er than me.
Do you real­ly think that this coun­try would allow the world to know that a hos­tile for­eign pow­er put me in office?
And many of you Libs call me dumb.
Who is dumb now?