
Jamaican gunman opening his illegal weapon
Jamaican gun­man dis­play­ing an ille­gal weapon

The reduc­tion in the crime sta­tis­tics toward the lat­ter part of last year could not be pinned to a prov­able strategy. 
We did not feel there was any­thing in the speech of the Minister of National Security on the sub­ject which could be attrib­uted to the down­ward trend.
As such we said it was temporary

Cops in Jamaica gets no backing from Government to do their jobs
Cops in Jamaica gets no back­ing from Government to do their jobs

and at best prob­a­bly just luck.
The busi­ness of crime fight­ing as it is with almost every oth­er ven­ture must be pinned to a formula.

That for­mu­la must be goal ori­ent­ed with well artic­u­lat­ed, mea­sur­able steps to accom­plish­ing those goals.
Until the JCF devel­ops and exe­cute a strat­e­gy fol­low­ing those guide­lines it will sim­ply be putting out fires
Now we are aware there are socio-eco­nom­ic fac­tors at play as well as a decrepit crim­i­nal jus­tice sys­tem, inad­e­quate laws, and polit­i­cal inter­fer­ence, which are dri­ving crime in the Island. The police how­ev­er must hold up it’s end of the bargain.
In so far as crime is con­cerned in Jamaica, the JCF is fail­ing dis­mal­ly, based on their own num­bers, if the JCF was a busi­ness it would have fold­ed a long time ago.
Oh by the way crime is a busi­ness and so is crime fighting.1
Jamaica has a Government which is not about the rule of law.
She also have a police depart­ment that could­n’t find it’s way out of a barrel.
Our coun­try is in for a lot more dark days before it real­izes the light.