Deejay Cop Facing Charges Of Misconduct

The cop who was cap­tured on video clash­ing with a civil­ian dee­jay, at a dance he was assigned to lock off, is now fac­ing a probe by the Police High Command. The cop, who was seen in his uni­form belt­ing out dance­hall lyrics much to the delight of thepatrons, has been hauled up by his supe­ri­ors who have expressed con­cern about his behaviour.
His supe­ri­ors were alert­ed to his dee­jay­ing exploits via a video which was post­ed on social media last week. The video has been viewed more than 50,000 times. His impromp­tu per­for­mance was reward­ed as patrons includ­ing chil­dren were seen throw­ing mon­ey at him as he showed off his lyri­cal prowess. He is fac­ing inter­nal charges of mis­con­duct and solic­it­ing mon­ey and could be slapped with at least five oth­er charges.

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