Deadlock Blanks Downtown CCTV Plan:

CameraG20130410NGJamaica Gleaner​.com photo>

As crim­i­nals con­tin­ue to pose seri­ous chal­lenges to Governments, police depart­ments and oth­er law enforce­ment enti­ties, it has become more and more urgent that every law­ful means be employed to be able to give soci­eties across the globe a chance, in what is fast becom­ing an exis­ten­tial fight for law-abid­ing citizens.

In many parts of the world, as it is in the west­ern world, cit­i­zens are anx­ious to join the fight to keep their com­mu­ni­ties safe. Citizens under­stand it is not the fight of the police, it is their fight to pre­serve the safe­ty of theirs and their fam­i­lies lives and property.

As such they have made the deci­sion to do what they must to pro­tect their indi­vid­ual lib­er­ties as free peo­ple, yet be flu­id in bal­anc­ing their under­stand­ing of the ever chang­ing times. This requires a reshap­ing of some tra­di­tions and under­stand­ings about what con­sti­tutes privacy.

We now under­stand that we real­ly can­not expect to have pri­va­cy in pub­lic spaces ‚yet expect those tasked with pro­tect­ing us to be effec­tive in doing so with their hands tied behind their backs.

Law Enforcement in Boston Massachusetts were able to turn to footage from CCTV cam­eras as well as cam­eras in parts of that city belong­ing to pri­vate indi­vid­u­als after the heinous ter­ror bomb­ings which killed and maimed many inno­cent peo­ple. This tech­nol­o­gy is not a panacea for the prob­lem of crime and ter­ror, it is one more tool in the tool-box which gives law-enforce­ment a chance to do what we asked them to do.

One of the last places on earth which ought to be in a posi­tion to scoff at this tech­nol­o­gy is Jamaica.

Jamaica has one of the world’s high­est mur­der rates, on par with Mexico Colombia and a few oth­ers, the cam­era you see above was destroyed by crim­i­nals in down-town Kingston. the cam­eras were placed there with­out a plan, they sim­ply placed them there with­out iron­ing out the details, or hav­ing an under­stand­ing of who would mon­i­tor the footage from them.

The Jamaica Gleaner reports that there has been a tus­sle of sorts, between the pri­vate sec­tor, the police and the Kingston and Saint Andrew Corporation regard­ing who should mon­i­tor the cam­eras. Before you lose your mind in bewil­der­ment, let me inform you that the police asked the pri­vate sec­tor to pay for the project to help them help them the busi­ness peo­ple as the gov­ern­ment can­not afford to pay for any­thing. Excepting of course the lux­u­ry SUV’s that Portia Simpson Miller and her band of min­is­ters trav­el around in.

The pri­vate sec­tor wants to lever­age the footage , because They are foot­ing the bill and they allege they do not trust the police. The pri­vate sec­or like the gov­ern­ment and police has crim­i­nals in their ranks and will do any­thing to remain in the shad­ows. If you are not com­plete­ly bewil­dered about this horse-and-pony show you should be, crim­i­nals under­stand­ing what is going on decid­ed to shoot out the cam­eras, what irony.

Every day we report on what is hap­pen­ing in Jamaica, yet the Jamaican Government and the tourist board con­tin­ue to lie to peo­ple , seduc­ing them with false plat­i­tudes about the Jamaica you know and love. The fact is that Jamaica of yes­ter­year exist no more, the coun­try is floun­der­ing like a ship with­out a rud­der. The United States Senate select com­mit­tee look­ing into the lot­to scam ref­er­enced this very point recently.

The task of mon­i­tor­ing CCTV footage is one for law enforce­ment peri­od. What is there to talk about, where are these morons from? If the police can­not be trust­ed, dis­band the force and start anew. My ques­tion for the pri­vate sec­tor in light of such bull is “where would these new offi­cers come from” in light of Jamaica’s abysmal 84 % cor­rupt rat­ing by trans­paren­cy inter­na­tion­al? The prob­lem was com­pound­ed when the Kingston and St Andrew Corporation refused to give per­mis­sion for street lights in the com­mer­cial dis­trict to be out­fit­ted with cam­eras which would have been pur­chased with pri­vate-sec­tor money.

This is laugh­able, the KSAC and it’s Councillors are polit­i­cal hacks many of whom are engaged in seri­ous crim­i­nal activ­i­ty, these are the peo­ple who have the pow­er of yea and nay to deter­mine whether crime gets con­trolled in Jamaica.

Since the Government refus­es to act as a gov­ern­ment should, by lead­ing on the mea­sures nec­es­sary to low­er crime in Jamaica, we will be forced to do what we can to lob­by inter­ests in the United States regard­ing tourism and money.

The impo­tent and cor­rupt Government of Simpson Miller sim­ply lacks the will to take the steps nec­es­sary to cur­tail and con­trol crime in this small coun­try of 2.8 mil­lion peo­ple. The crim­i­nals know it the prime min­is­ter has no clue, it will require peo­ple in the dias­po­ra to band togeth­er to lob­by crit­i­cal sec­tors of the American Establishment to apply pres­sure to get the changes we need to res­cue Jamaica from the death grip of crime gov­ern­ment incom­pe­tence and crim­i­nal collusion.