David Simmons Won’t Apologize To Vav…

Daryl Vaz
Daryl Vaz

Opposition JLP Member of Parliament Darrel Vaz summed up Barbadian David Simmons succinctly.
Vaz stat­ed that David Simmons, a Barbadian, does not under­stand the Jamaican soci­ety, not­ing that once the infor­ma­tion came out there would be some peo­ple who would always hold the unsub­stan­ti­at­ed infor­ma­tion to be true.
David Simmons is a for­mer Chief Justice from the Island of Barbados . He is one of a three mem­ber pan­el assem­bled to hear evi­dence in the actions of the secu­ri­ty forces in May of 2010 as they entered to seize Christopher Coke, who was want­ed by the United States Government.
Coke is present­ly serv­ing a lengthy sen­tence in a Federal facil­i­ty in the US.

Vaz recent­ly demand­ed an apol­o­gy from Simmons for reveal­ing unsub­stan­ti­at­ed alle­ga­tions in open sit­ting of the Tivoli Inquiry that Coke was sight­ed at his house pri­or to being arrest­ed. The infor­ma­tion was alleged­ly gleaned from a police sta­tion diary. Deputy Commissioner of Police Clifford Blake tes­ti­fied that bit of intel­li­gence was nev­er substantiated.
Vaz was Minister with respon­si­bil­i­ty for Information at the time, in the Bruce Golding led Administration.

Despite Vaz’s legit­i­mate demand for a pub­lic apol­o­gy from Simmons, which under the cir­cum­stances are clear­ly war­rant­ed , Simmons main­tained rather arro­gant­ly that there is noth­ing to apol­o­gize for.
“I find it iron­ic, to put it at its low­est, and cer­tain­ly not in con­gru­ence with com­mon sense, that I should be pil­lo­ried by Mr Vaz and asked to apol­o­gize to him for hav­ing his name and rep­u­ta­tion cleared and vin­di­cat­ed,”. Simmons said.


Simmons was not done. “In the cir­cum­stances, of course, I do not apol­o­gise to Mr Vaz; there’s noth­ing to apol­o­gise for. His name and rep­u­ta­tion had been cleared by that evi­dence yes­ter­day. He should be grate­ful it came in,”.

In oth­er words, though he erred egre­gious­ly by impugn­ing Vaz’s char­ac­ter with what must have been clear to him at the time, was pure­ly unsub­stan­ti­at­ed alle­ga­tions or hearsay, he wants Vaz to be grate­ful that infor­ma­tion sur­faced lat­er which cleared his name.

This is pure unmit­i­gat­ed arro­gance and ignorance.
What would it have tak­en for Simmons to say he was sor­ry which was clear­ly appro­pri­ate under the circumstances?
In response Vaz fired back at Simmons.
 “In essence, I want to thank Sir David for hit­ting me in my head with a sledge­ham­mer and putting a Band-Aid on my wound and then claim that he has healed me,” Vaz said.“This is what has hap­pened to me and my fam­i­ly. He’s being disingenuous,”.

Simmons through­out the Inquiry has not done a par­tic­u­lar­ly good job of con­ceal­ing what appears to be dis­dain, not just for the Jamaican peo­ple but for the process­es of our country.
Even as he walks a fine line pre­tend­ing to be emphat­ic with res­i­dents of Tivoli Gardens.
I have pre­vi­ous­ly voiced those con­cerns in this very forum, argu­ing that based on those obser­va­tions I would have no respect for the find­ings of this inquiry.
It is incon­ceiv­able for any­one watch­ing these pro­ceed­ings to come away feel­ing otherwise.
It would not be far-fetched to imply that Simmons is mere­ly mir­ror­ing the sen­ti­ments of many of his coun­try-men, some of whom have con­fessed they were taught to hate Jamaicans in school.

This may be a very good time for Jamaicans to step back and re-eval­u­ate the lure of a Caribbean Court Of Justice and it’s impli­ca­tions for our Nation.
We should now seek to extri­cate our­selves from the British Privy Council, which by the way is not par­tic­u­lar­ly thrilled at hav­ing to deal with our issues. We must first devel­op our own sys­tem of Justice free and unat­tached from the rest of the Caribbean.
That prospect is on the dis­tant Horizon. We are a long way from get­ting to that stage, but we should begin that process now.

It should also be not­ed that at a time when the Administration is cry­ing broke, unable to pay pub­lic sec­tor work­ers a liv­able wage it has so far spent well over $350 mil­lion on the Tivoli Commission.
This is a most reck­less stew­ard­ship of pub­lic resources when Jamaicans of all stripes are ful­ly aware that the PNP mono­lith­ic as a part did not give the secu­ri­ty forces the exten­sion it need­ed to con­sol­i­date gains made after the Tivoli event.
The Party’s state­ments then was, “we did not want the secu­ri­ty forces to abuse citizens”.
With that state­ment the PNP cast its lot with Jamaica’s crim­i­nals against the Jamaican state and the secu­ri­ty forces.
They did so to deny the nation’s secu­ri­ty forces access to it’s net­work of Garrisons .
That was an act of Treason in my estimation.

The People’s National Party should have been dis­band­ed at that time, nev­er­the­less a few months lat­er the peo­ple of Jamaica returned them to power.
This Inquiry like Simmons is a farce , it should be seen for what it is, an attempt to cur­ry favor and hold state pow­er at the expense of the peo­ple’s intelligence.