Dathan (Duffy) Henry: Rest In Peace My Friend, Rest In Peace.

Yesterday whilst attend­ing a wed­ding I real­ized I had missed a call from my friend George. Despite our friend­ship George does­n’t call often. So I thought it must be impor­tant, I’ll return his call right away.

George nev­er missed an oppor­tu­ni­ty to remind me that I was one of the few peo­ple who always answered my phone when­ev­er he called. I always remind­ed myself that George nev­er answered his phone when I call. I decid­ed to call back as soon as I saw the missed call. He picked up the phone and I hur­ried­ly told him I was attend­ing a wed­ding , hence I had dis­abled the ringer tem­porar­i­ly. He told me “I won’t keep you, I do how­ev­er have some dev­as­tat­ing news”.

My heart stopped..

Then he uttered the fate­ful words Duffy Henry is dead.

Senior Superintendent Dathan (Duffy) Henry

George, (Duffy) Henry and a lot of oth­er good cops served with yours tru­ly at the Constant Spring CIB dur­ing the late 80’s, a great group of guys, hard-work­ing, ded­i­cat­ed, smart. That group includes now Assistant Commissioner of Police Ealan Powell, Superintendent Colin Pinnock, SSP Wilford Gayle, Devon Watkis, Dean Taylor and a num­ber of oth­er men who now make up the upper ech­e­lons of the Constabulary gazetted ranks. Many ben­e­fit­ed from the accel­er­at­ed pro­mo­tions which placed them on a fast track to the lead­er­ship spots they now occupy.

After I emi­grat­ed in the ear­ly 90’s some men left the depart­ment, oth­ers stayed and con­tin­ued serv­ing. I nev­er missed a oppur­tu­ni­ty to ques­tion those who stayed on the occa­sion we speak , ” why do you con­tin­ue to do it”?

Today I mourn the loss of my friend.

Those he served knew him as mis­ter Henry, to us his friends he was sim­ply “Duffy” Broad smile, big laugh, effer­ves­cent, gre­gar­i­ous, affable,available, hon­est , hard work­ing, ambi­tious, , intel­li­gent, car­ing, will­ing to learn, smart, brave, capa­ble. Those are some of the adjec­tives which I assign to my friend, and they do not begin to tell the sto­ry of the man, the friend, the professional.

You were big­ger and bet­ter than any­thing they may say about you from the cor­ner of their mouths my friend . You were sim­ply big­ger and bet­ter than they can ever articulate.

Rest in peace my friend.….….….….….….….….….….. Rest in peace.