Dashcam Captures Police Shooting Death Of New Jersey Man Seen With Hands In Air.….….…

Jerame C. Reid, 36, is seen exiting a vehicle with his hands raised at shoulder height when a Bridgeton police officer opens fire. Reid, who was convicted as a teen for shooting at New Jersey State Police troopers, was repeatedly warned not to move by the cop or ‘you’re gonna be f — ing dead.’
Two Bridgeton, N.J., police officers are seen with guns drawn after a Dec. 30 traffic stop led to the alleged discovery of a handgun in a car carrying a convicted police shooter, who was recognized by an officer.
Two Bridgeton, N.J., police offi­cers are seen with guns drawn after a Dec. 30 traf­fic stop led to the alleged dis­cov­ery of a hand­gun in a car car­ry­ing a con­vict­ed police shoot­er, who was rec­og­nized by an officer.

A new­ly released video cap­tur­ing the police shoot­ing death of a New Jersey man shows an offi­cer warn­ing the sus­pect not to move or he’ll be “f — ing dead” before the man steps out of his car .Jerame C. Reid, 36, is seen exit­ing the vehi­cle with his hands raised at shoul­der height when a Bridgeton police offi­cer, who rec­og­nizes Reid by name, fired at least six times. Reid’s vio­lent Dec. 30 death began as a rou­tine traf­fic stop before Officer Braheme Days calls to his part­ner, Roger Worley, “We’ve got a gun in this glove com­part­ment!” “Don’t you f — ing move,” Days warns to Reid and the dri­ver, Leroy Tutt. “I’m telling you I’m gonna shoot you. You’re gonna be f — ing dead.” Tutt obe­di­ent­ly holds both hands out of his open win­dow while Days express­es the con­tin­u­ing issue with Reid. “Hey Jerome, you reach for some­thing you’re going to be f — ing dead,” Days warns. “I’m telling you I’m gonna shoot you. You’re gonna be f — ing dead.”

Records show Days was involved in Reid’s arrest last year on charges of drug pos­ses­sion and obstruc­tion. Reid also spent about 13 years in prison for shoot­ing at New Jersey State Police troop­ers when he was a teen. “I ain’t got no rea­son to reach for noth­ing, bro, I ain’t got no rea­son to reach for noth­ing,” Reid is heard respond­ing as Days con­tin­ues to yell to his part­ner that Reid is reach­ing for some­thing. “I’m get­ting out and get­ting on the ground,” Days is heard telling the offi­cer before indeed open­ing the car door and step­ping out. Days, while shout­ing, takes sev­er­al steps back before open­ing fire upon Reid as he stands with two hands — appear­ing emp­ty — in the air. The dis­turb­ing video was viewed as a hor­ror flick to Reid’s wife, who watched it for the first time Tuesday after its release through open records requests, her attor­ney told NJ​.com.

Dashcam video captured Jerame C. Reid ignoring a police officer's order to not move or be shot when he stepped out of the car (r.), but with his hands in the air. He was seconds later shot to death.
Dashcam video cap­tured Jerame C. Reid ignor­ing a police offi­cer’s order to not move or be shot when he stepped out of the car (r.), but with his hands in the air. He was sec­onds lat­er shot to death.

It’s trau­mat­ic,” Philadelphia-based attor­ney Conrad J. Benedetto told the paper “She is extreme­ly upset. To see some­one that close to you, it is a pow­er­ful thing. There is a lot of shock val­ue to it.” The Bridgeton Police Department released a state­ment Tuesday express­ing it was upset over the video’s release, call­ing it unpro­fes­sion­al and uncom­pas­sion­ate “out of respect for the fam­i­ly.” “Since this remains a crim­i­nal inves­ti­ga­tion being con­duct­ed by the Cumberland County Prosecutor’s Office with assis­tance from the New Jersey State Police the admin­is­tra­tion of the Bridgeton Police Dept. will refrain from any fur­ther com­ment oth­er than that it ful­ly sup­ports the offi­cers involved as well as the legal process this inci­dent is sub­ject to,” it added. Both offi­cers have been placed on leave while the Cumberland County pros­e­cu­tor’s office investigates.