Darrien Hunt 22-yr Old Utah Man Killed, Shot 6 Times In The Back By Police

Darrien Hunt's
Darrien Hunt’s

SALT LAKE CITY (AP) — A young black man who was fatal­ly shot last

Susan Hunt
Susan Hunt

week by Utah police lunged at the offi­cers with a real sword that had a 2.5‑foot steel blade, pros­e­cu­tors said Monday. Reports from Darrien Hunt’s fam­i­ly that the 22-year-old was car­ry­ing a toy sword are not accu­rate, said Utah County Chief Deputy Attorney Tim Taylor. “It was­n’t plas­tic, it was­n’t wood,” Taylor said. “It appears to be a real samu­rai sword.”“It was­n’t plas­tic, it was­n’t wood,” Taylor said. “It appears to be a real samu­rai sword.”.

Susan Hunt: Those stu­pid Cops , they though” they had to mur­der over a toy. This is my fam­i­ly and they have ruined it”

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The Saratoga Springs Police Department is under fire over the fatal shoot­ing of Hunt last Wednesday. The city removed a crit­i­cal social media post­ing that accused the news media of report­ing innu­en­do, opin­ion and rumor as fact with the police chief apol­o­giz­ing for the remarks. Hunt’s moth­er has accused police of shoot­ing her son because he is black. Police say race played no role. An attor­ney for the fam­i­ly says an inde­pen­dent autop­sy shows Hunt was shot six times while run­ning away. Read it here: http://​www​.huff​in​g​ton​post​.com/​2​0​1​4​/​0​9​/​1​6​/​d​a​r​r​i​e​n​-​h​u​n​t​-​s​h​o​t​-​u​t​a​h​_​n​_​5​8​2​7​2​9​8​.​h​tml