Dallas Police Chief Speaks To The Press.

Amber Guyger, the Dallas Police offi­cer who shot Botham Shem Jean in his own apart­ment, now claims Jean failed to fol­low her com­mands when she ille­gal­ly entered his apart­ment prompt­ing her to fire twice hit­ting him once in the tor­so killing him.

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Guyger first claimed that she entered the apart­ment using her key, she now claims that the door to Botham Shem Jean’s apart­ment was ajar and so she entered believ­ing it was her apartment.
She said the apart­ment was in dark­ness and she was only able to see the fig­ure of Jean when she unhol­stered her weapon and ordered him to show his hands before fir­ing twice.

However, a neigh­bor of Jean’s has chal­lenged Amber Guyger’s sto­ry that mis­ter Jean’s apart­ment door was slight­ly ajar.
She report­ed­ly told police she heard Amber Guyger yelling for Botham Shem John to open the door upon which she opened fire killing him in the process.

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