Cruise Ship With Over 1,000 Jamaican Workers To Dock In Falmouth Today

Prime Minister Andrew Holness has announced that the Royal Caribbean Cruise ship that has over a thou­sand Jamaican crew mem­bers aboard is to dock in Falmouth at noon today.

His announce­ment fol­lowed sev­er­al days of heart­felt pleas by the Jamaicans on board the ship to be allowed to return to the island. They were strand­ed at sea for many weeks as a result of the COVID-19 pan­dem­ic. Prime Minister Holness said the cruise ship work­ers will be dis­em­barked in groups of 200 every 48 – 72 hours and tak­en to Bahia Principe. They will each be test­ed and the 48 – 72 hour peri­od is to allow time for the results to be available.

All oth­ers will be allowed to go home and self-quar­an­tine for a fur­ther peri­od to 14 days from the date of dis­em­barka­tion. The home quar­an­tine peri­od will end 14 days after dis­em­barka­tion. Persons allowed to quar­an­tine at home will need to con­sent to have their loca­tion tracked using their smart­phones using the Jamcovid19 app and to video check in mul­ti­ple times a day while in quar­an­tine.
Read this and oth­er sto­ries here @ https://​jablogz​.com