Cross Connection Axed After Vile Scum Tucker Carlson Gaslights Her…

Tiffany Cross announced Friday that MSNBC can­celed her Saturday morn­ing news pro­gram after a less than two-year run. The move came after Cross had become a tar­get of attacks from Fox News and pun­dit Tucker Carlson, Huffington Post reported.

In late October, Carlson aired a seg­ment about Cross that swift­ly received crit­i­cism from the Anti-Defamation League (ADL). The Fox host told his audi­ence that Cross was foment­ing a “race war” against white peo­ple. Carlson likened “The Cross Connection with Tiffany Cross” and MSNBC to the Rwandan media out­let Radio Television Libre des Mille Collines, which stoked the 1994 Rwandan genocide.

Tiffany Cross…

Interestingly, MSNBC would bow to the vit­ri­olic slan­der of a putrid race-bait­ing dem­a­gogue who has spent his entire career spread­ing lies and foment­ing white resent­ment and griev­ance. MSNBC President Rashida Jones was “deeply involved” in the call to cut ties with Cross, accord­ing to The Washington Post, which said the net­work allowed the host’s con­tract to lapse. A rotat­ing cast of hosts will fill Cross’ time slot until a more per­ma­nent solu­tion is found, the Post reported.

Rashida Jones

Tiffany cross’ fir­ing was imme­di­ate and swift after she told a gath­er­ing that the state of Florida was the dick of the coun­try. Cross, whose show aired on week­ends, had been with the net­work for two years but, in recent weeks, had report­ed­ly clashed with man­age­ment over seg­ments on her show.
Ratings per­for­mance — the most com­mon cause of death for tele­vi­sion shows — was not a fac­tor in MSNBC’s deci­sion to pull the plug on The Cross Connection, which aired Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. ET.

Appearing on Comedy Central’s Hell of a Week with Charlemagne, Cross was asked which state Democrats could afford to lose in the upcom­ing mid-term elec­tions. “Florida lit­er­al­ly looks like the d — k of the coun­try, so let’s get rid of Florida,” Cross said. “Let’s cas­trate Florida.” In the same appear­ance, Cross said that it was impos­si­ble to sep­a­rate the Republican Party from “right-wing extrem­ists,” say­ing they had “merged right now”:
Huh.… where is the lie? The Republican par­ty is a white suprema­cist, Insurrectionist fas­cist move­ment. Florida is a state filled with old retired and new up-and-com­ing racists, so what did she say that was a lie?
As they say in street ver­nac­u­lar, ‘it be your own peo­ple’. It appears Rashida Jones was more con­cerned about pro­tect­ing her own job than stand­ing up for Tiffany Cross when she need­ed to.

Ms. Cross tweet­ed the fol­low­ing after her abrupt firing»>
