Criminals Must Fear Power Of The State/​state Must Fear Law Abiding. 

I have been fol­low­ing case dis­po­si­tions and sen­tences met­ed out in indi­vid­ual cas­es and what I found gave me much cause for alarm.
This prompt­ed me to begin writ­ing about the dis­crep­an­cies, incon­sis­ten­cies, and dis­par­i­ties in the way the courts are approach­ing the dis­pen­sa­tion of justice.
Repeat mur­der­ers are grant­ed bail as a mat­ter of course. Judges argue the ques­tion of bail should not be seen as a means of pun­ish­ment and as such, every per­son accused of a crime is enti­tled to bail.

Not true, but they know it is what the pub­lic wants to hear.
The Bail Act. Categorically stip­u­lates that an accused may be denied bail (a) based on the nature of the crimes he is accused of com­mit­ting, (b) the like­li­hood he will inter­fere with[kill] wit­ness­es, © that the offend­er may not show up to answer to the charge(s) against him/​her.

So the next time you hear judges prof­fer the lies they have been spout­ing on this issue, under­stand that the law gives them ample cov­er to pro­tect the pub­lic from dan­ger­ous killers.
When they release alleged mur­der­ers back onto the streets they do so of their own voli­tion and not as a con­se­quence of the dic­tates of the laws.

One mur­der accused was grant­ed bail up to six sep­a­rate times, killing each of the six times he was allowed out on bail after being charged with mur­der, yes mur­der. Then he final­ly decid­ed to sim­ply flee the jurisdiction.
Light touch sen­tences for vio­lent egre­gious crimes under the guise that the courts must assist offend­ers, and a gen­er­al mind­set that the feel­ings of crime vic­tims do not count.
The social con­science and the lib­er­al think­ing of judges take prece­dence over the dic­tates of the laws they are sworn to fol­low and uphold.

Recently the Police pre­pared a doc­u­ment which out­lined some of those very dis­crep­an­cies in the sen­tences met­ed out for sim­i­lar crimes.
Having seen first-hand how cer­tain judges treat vio­lent and repeat offend­ers with a cav­a­lier atti­tude I was already con­ver­sant of what obtained in many court­rooms on a dai­ly basis.
For years the nation’s police offi­cers have com­plained about the light sen­tences and the revolv­ing doors which the jus­tice sys­tem became as a result of the non­cha­lance dis­played by most judges towards vio­lent criminals.
As a front­line cop, I know all too well how dan­ger­ous guys we arrest­ed would laugh and brag that they would be out on bail in no time.They were always right.
Sure Judges are sup­posed to oper­ate impar­tial­ly and free from polit­i­cal intru­sion into their work, that can­not be overem­pha­sized but we must nev­er for­get that with that degree of free­dom comes a tremen­dous respon­si­bil­i­ty to be judi­cious and be good stew­ards of that sacred trust.
That trust can­not be a foun­da­tion on which is built and cre­at­ed, a monar­chis­tic sys­tem of unac­count­abil­i­ty and malfeasance.

The unprece­dent­ed upris­ing of the Judges against the duly con­sti­tut­ed Prime Minister’s author­i­ty was icing on the cake and I believe that once and for all that veneer of impar­tial­i­ty has been removed from what most police offi­cers knew was a façade.
Sure each case is dif­fer­ent and each case has mit­i­gat­ing com­po­nents, nev­er­the­less, judges should not dis­re­gard the law and most impor­tant­ly the very real feel­ings and emo­tions of crime vic­tims and sup­plant them with their own sense of far-left social liberalism.

There have always been great judges in our coun­try and there are also real­ly bad judges as well. I know for a fact that many law enforce­ment offi­cers lit­er­al­ly gave up try­ing to run down crim­i­nals at great risk to them­selves only to see them returned to the streets the same day.
When Judges and the defense attor­neys grad­u­ate from the very same left-wing Institution a phone call fix­es many problems.
Certain attor­neys can get any­thing done regard­less of the crime his/​her client com­mit­ted, and oh by the way the law be damned.

The aver­age per­son looks at the police in the fight against crim­i­nal net­works, under­stand­ably because the police are the first and most vis­i­ble line of defense between us and those who would do us harm.
The ques­tion of cor­rup­tion is also viewed much the same way. It is, there­fore, an improp­er and mis­guid­ed attri­bu­tion of cul­pa­bil­i­ty to the police alone when in many cas­es they did their jobs.
The courts have a huge respon­si­bil­i­ty in the con­tain­ment of crime and it has failed mis­er­ably. As the final arbiter when the courts fail it cre­ates the domi­no effect which we are wit­ness­ing in the mas­sive fail­ure of the jus­tice sys­tem today.

The police cit­ed almost two hun­dred (200) ver­i­fi­able cas­es of mur­der in which the killers were allowed out on bail in cas­es they should be locked up for.
To date, there has been no mean­ing­ful response from the Court Management Services, the agency which speaks for judges, and nei­ther is there a response from Delroy Chuck the Justice Minister.
Those cas­es reflect only what the police can con­firm, which indi­cates that the prob­lem is far more seri­ous and sys­temic than we know.

Jamaican judges should not be allowed to usurp our democ­ra­cy with their far left lib­er­al world­views which are killing our peo­ple and destroy­ing our country.
There is only one way to deal appro­pri­ate­ly with crim­i­nals who kill and that is with max­i­mum force. Criminals must fear the pow­er of the state, the state must fear the pow­er of law-abid­ing citizens.
In 2010 a huge com­ing togeth­er of crim­i­nal gangs test­ed the pow­er and resolve of the state. The secu­ri­ty forces went in to re-estab­lish the author­i­ty of the state and were shock­ing­ly maligned by both polit­i­cal par­ties for polit­i­cal mileage.
Since then, the weapon­ry of the crim­i­nal under­world has got­ten expo­nen­tial­ly more mod­ern and sophisticated.
The ques­tion is, will the Government and peo­ple be able to count on the secu­ri­ty forces to save them the next time the gang­land forces decide to flex their muscles?
Chew on that for a moment.