Criminal Negligence Or Criminal Murder?

Mario Deane
Mario Deane

The beat­ing death of Mario Deane while in the cus­tody of the St James Police ‚has once again shown the Police to be still an inept Law Enforcement Agency at best and in the eyes of some, a gross­ly abu­sive and cor­rupt Force.

The prob­lem for the Police is that there is no hap­py medi­um between those two per­cep­tions. Dean was arrest­ed for pos­ses­sion of a mar­i­jua­na cig­ar and was await­ing bail when the beat­ing occurred. There are reports which indi­cate that some­one had show up to post bail for Deane but had not sat­is­fied all of the Bail require­ments and was told to return to the Barnett Street Station where Dean was being held..

Deane in hospital
Deane in hospital

Also in the pub­lic domain is spec­u­la­tion that Dean may have had less than kind words for the Police and was sub­se­quent­ly sent back to the lock­up on that basis. The Police, for it’s part have nev­er missed an oppor­tu­ni­ty to show it’s incom­pe­tence, went ahead and told the pub­lic that Dean fell from his Bunk and injured himself.

This defies log­ic or com­mon sense. 1)Did the Police hier­ar­chy see this pic­ture of Mario Deane before they went to the pub­lic with that story?

2) Did the Command at Barnett street get that infor­ma­tion from the pris­on­ers who shared Dean’s cell or did the Police con­coct that sto­ry as is being argued all over social media and beyond?

The Police have since charged two men with the beat­ing death of Dean.Those charged with Deane’s death are Marvin Orr,35, from Portland and Adrian Morgan, 25 from Westmoreland. How could the Police not know that giv­ing vary­ing accounts of what hap­pened would have incurred the ven­omous wrath of a pop­u­la­tion which prefers crim­i­nals to the rule of law?

Whatever the truth sur­round­ing the beat­ing death of Mario Dean’s it can­not be that both sto­ries are true.

If the men charged with beat­ing him are guilty, the police could not have . If the Police beat Mario the men charged could not have done so. The Police may be accused of will­ful com­plic­i­ty by not respond­ing when he screamed. They may have been neg­li­gent by not pay­ing atten­tion to their duties. They may even be com­plic­it by giv­ing the inmates a wink and a nod to assault mis­ter Dean. The truth of the mat­ter is, we do not yet know what the facts are.

Irrespective of the truth in this case, the Police High Command have bun­gled this case as they have done pret­ty much every­thing else they have been tasked with. This is bad , it looks bad and it smells bad. The Hierarchy of the force should have been on this inves­ti­ga­tion and prop­er­ly briefed the fam­i­ly and pub­lic immediately.

This would have meant assign­ing a team of Detectives imme­di­ate­ly they were informed of this. Those Detectives, if com­pe­tent, would have been able to tell imme­di­ate­ly whether the wounds on Mario Deane were con­sis­tent with some­one falling from a bed. Someone falling from a bed would suf­fer one or two wounds, not mul­ti­ple wounds or abrasions.

Some of the crit­i­cisms I have heard is that the vic­tim mis­ter Dean did not have any defen­sive wounds to his hands etc. As a trained Detective I can tell you some­one can be beat­en with­out hav­ing any defen­sive wounds. This would occur if the per­son was ren­dered uncon­scious with an open­ing blow .

Whatever the truth of this case the Police have shown once again they are will­ing to give ammu­ni­tion to their crit­ics because of their incompetence.

3 thoughts on “Criminal Negligence Or Criminal Murder?

  1. Well Mike , six offi­cers have since been inter­dict­ed and it sus­pend­ed due to the per­sis­tence of the rel­a­tive of the deceased The ques­tions you asked are valid ones . Certainly there are many ques­tions to be answered and only a trans­par­ent inves­tiga­tive process will help to mit­i­gate the wrath of irate rel­a­tives and mil­i­tant civ­il soci­ety groups . There are two sides to every sto­ry , I will reserve my opin­ion until due process pro­to­col is observed . As it is , from a legal per­spec­tive , hearsay and con­jec­ture are not admis­si­ble evidence .

    • All we are say­ing is let the Investigations play out. Jamaica is a law­less coun­try that ele­vates crim­i­nals over police. If the police is to be cru­ci­fied at least let there be an inves­ti­ga­tion and tri­al first.

  2. He in fact did­n’t have any defen­sive wounds on his hands which leaves so many holes in the sto­ries being giv­en by the police

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