Criminal Coddling Court Of Appeal Blasts Bunting But The Minister Was Right In My Book


National Security Minister Peter Bunting signed a depor­ta­tion order against a Curaco nation­al Shurendy Quant in 2013 whom he labeled a drug king­pin and kicked his ass out of Jamaica and I say “BRAVO MINISTER”.
Quant was a pas­sen­ger trav­el­ling in a taxi­cab which the police stopped and searched in St Ann in which gan­ga was found the cab­driv­er claimed the wed was his.

Quant who was not a legal Jamaica res­i­dent was tak­en to the Police Narcotics Division in Kingston where depor­ta­tion pro­ceed­ings were com­menced against him despite the incom­pe­tent police not charg­ing him with a crime.T
his was an egre­gious error you nev­er release any­one in a sit­u­a­tion like this with­out charge let them go to court and let the court decide whether the cab dri­ver is lying about own­ing the weed.

Incredibly, though Quant was in the coun­try ille­gal­ly he was able to amass a legal team to fight his depor­ta­tion pro­ceed­ings which saw a Magistrate decide to hold Saturday court to try and stave off his depor­ta­tion before the date decid­ed on by the Minister.
How unusu­al is that?
Jamaican courts love crim­i­nals, not just Jamaican crim­i­nals , it does not mat­ter where they come from they find all sorts of bull­shit argu­ments to delay justice.
So the courts of appeals took on the Minister lam­bast­ing him for send­ing Quant packing.

Now retired court of appeal pres­i­dent Seymour Panton, in the rul­ing, said he was “sur­prised” that the min­is­ter “does not know that a res­i­dent mag­is­trate may prop­er­ly sit and dis­pose of mat­ters on days oth­er than those that have been gazetted”.
The court also slammed Bunting for claim­ing igno­rance of an order by the Supreme Court bar­ring Quant’s depor­ta­tion. “In light of the inte­gral func­tion the min­is­ter plays in the depor­ta­tion of an alien, the asser­tion that he was igno­rant of the court’s order stay­ing his order is curi­ous. It is cer­tain­ly odd, in light of the cru­cial role he plays or ought to play in a depor­ta­tion, that he did­n’t acquaint him­self with the out­come of the proceedings,”.
Panton ram­bled on that the Minister should have com­mend­ed the mag­is­trate for hold­ing court on a Saturday because the Minister and Police found it odd the kind of accom­mo­da­tion which was afford­ed this accused alien.

Needless to say this pub­li­ca­tion sup­ports the Minister whole­heart­ed­ly, screw the Cangaroo crim­i­nal cod­dling court and Panton .
Literally every week Jamaican nation­als are deport­ed back to the coun­try from sev­er­al coun­tries, why the hell should Jamaica not do the same?
Why should we accom­mo­date a for­eign­er with every spe­cial accom­mo­da­tion we can and worse who the hell was this guy that he gen­er­at­ed such a flur­ry of support?
Good one Minister Bunting.