Crime Now Require New Thinking Is Security Apparatus Up To The Task…


People judge a commissioner’s per­for­mance main­ly based on mur­der fig­ures and with cur­rents trends on the rise I do not expect pos­i­tive feedback”.

Those com­ments belong to Commissioner of Police Dr.Carl Williams.
The Commissioner of police seem to be hav­ing an Epiphany or come to Jesus moment of sorts as it relates to how his job per­for­mance should be judged.
I thought to myself “wow” you think? when I saw the Commish’s com­ments. I won­dered when did the top cop real­ize that peo­ple dying on his watch would indeed be a reli­able met­ric as it relates to his job performance?
Then I said to myself “oh well bet­ter late than never”

Commissioner of Police Carl Williams
Commissioner of Police Carl Williams

I am reluc­tant to beat up on the Commissioner because I know he has been giv­en bas­ket to car­ry water as every oth­er police chief before him on the Island has .
But I have to at least ask.
Is it just me or does it seem like the Élite in Jamaica are far more patient with Carl Williams despite the mas­sive loss of life and the seri­ous­ness of oth­er crimes ?
Well nev­er mind it may just be me !
I just believe that that PhD will get you a lot of pass­es that oth­er police Commissioners nev­er enjoyed.
You know how Jamaicans think . The Élite sees him as one of them , they can’t call him “dunce police bway”.
And the man on the street fun­da­men­tal­ly believe that PhD is a cure all for everything .!
He must know what he is doing right?.….….….….….….….….….… Right !

Crime takes on new and seri­ous dimen­sions every day . The strate­gies employed in deal­ing effec­tive­ly with it must also take on new and out of the box think­ing beyond the tra­di­tion­al norms.
Unfortunately I am yet to be con­vinced that there is polit­i­cal will or desire to see the mon­ster tamed much less neutralized.

Portia Simpson Miller  This mildly literate Charlatan hides while Police officers are being killed yet she utters not a single word of comfort to their families. This Time magazines one one of the world's ,most influential women. A colossal failure and a disgrace ...
Portia Simpson Miller PM

Unfortunately the Police Department has not demon­strat­ed an aware­ness of the chal­lenges of law enforce­ment in the 21st cen­tu­ry, nor the abil­i­ty to con­vince us it has solu­tions should oth­er sit­u­a­tions arise out­side the reg­u­lar pha­lanx of mur­ders and oth­er crimes.

At the same time the Nation’s Prime Minister makes pub­lic state­ments of sol­i­dar­i­ty with France which recent­ly expe­ri­enced ter­ror­ist attacks on its soil.
She was silent about attacks in Kenya Nigeria and oth­er parts of Africa .
More pro­found­ly she is curi­ous­ly silent about the wan­ton shed­ding of blood right there at home.
Not only is she silent but stead­fast­ly refus­es to take any steps to empow­er law enforce­ment to root out the crim­i­nal cells which are oper­at­ing with­in strong­holds con­trolled by her polit­i­cal par­ty for obvi­ous polit­i­cal reasons.

In law if you enable the com­mis­sion of crimes before they occur or give aid and com­fort to the prin­ci­pal after the offence you are guilty of a crime as well .
Based on those prin­ci­ples the Government in Kingston is guilty of aid­ing and abet­ting in the killing of hun­dreds of Jamaicans annually.
If not by co-mis­sion then cer­tain­ly by omission.
It behove the Prime Minister to stay low with all of that pub­lic talk about sol­i­dar­i­ty with France.
Not because free­dom lov­ing peo­ple across the Globe should not stand with each oth­er in times of tri­al but because France has the means to defend itself, Jamaica does not.

The last thing Jamaica needs is to attract the atten­tion of a ter­ror group because we have a big mouth and want to be seen.
The JCF can bare­ly gain a con­vic­tion for a domes­tic mur­der based on the lib­er­al nature of the Islands courts and of course police inept­ness. The coun­try cer­tain­ly does not need any more problems.

Head of the JDF Brigadier Antony Anderson
Head of the JDF Brigadier Antony Anderson

Commensurate with the times the secu­ri­ty forces must now look to devel­op­ing solu­tions which can poten­tial­ly arise before they occur. This how­ev­er demands Legislative action which demands plans of action from the secu­ri­ty services.
The JDF should be heav­i­ly invest­ed in this process as there are no real exter­nal threats to the coun­try just yet.
It is cru­cial that at this time the Police high com­mand and the JDF come togeth­er through new Legislation to cre­ate pos­si­ble sce­nar­ios and work out solu­tions for them ahead of time.

Those solu­tions should be at the Prime Minister’s fin­ger­tips for autho­riza­tion should the need arise.
Of course these solu­tions must be clas­si­fied .…Only a select group of peo­ple should have access to clas­si­fied infor­ma­tion and there must be seri­ous penal­ties for divulging clas­si­fied information.
It can­not be that the secu­ri­ty chief briefs the Prime Minister and Minister of National Security about a crime lord and as soon as the brief­ing is com­plete and the chief leaves the crime Lord knows every­thing which was briefed to the two leaders.

Those are crim­i­nal acts, any pub­lic fig­ure so con­vict­ed should be look­ing at a min­i­mum of 25 years in prison.
Some mem­bers of the Officer Corp of the JDF can cer­tain­ly find the time to brain­storm with cer­tain parts of the JCF in strate­gi­cal­ly think­ing of pos­si­ble sce­nar­ios the coun­try may face.
They must look at sce­nar­ios which occurred in oth­er coun­tries, see how their respons­es worked , see how they may be applied in our coun­try should the need arise as well as devel­op­ing strate­gies for sit­u­a­tions which are yet to occur.
Jamaica sim­ply can­not afford the lux­u­ry of a mil­i­tary for show anymore.
The coun­try cer­tain­ly can­not sit and wait for sit­u­a­tions to arise then try to come up with reac­tive band aid solutions.

The Private sec­tor can play a role in help­ing to fund a project which would hire a few of the bright­est from the Nation’s col­leges to help with work­ing on solu­tions the coun­try may face.
I believe it is clear that the strate­gies being used are not working .
The fight against crime must now evolve to include in a broad­er sense strate­gies to include deal­ing with Terrorism.
We saw what hap­pened in Tivoli Gardens. We saw how homes are being fire­bombed even in once quite serene areas of the Island.
We have seen police sta­tions attacked and burned to the ground. We have cer­tain­ly seen local crim­i­nals exert their will at will.
Guaranteed, despite all of what we have wit­nessed in the past the peo­ple tasked with the nation’s secu­ri­ty have no strate­gies in place should there be recurrence.
Yet it is almost assured there will be recur­rences and yes much worse.

As Terror mer­chants unleash their wares against those to whom they are opposed large pow­er­ful nations like the United States , Canada , Britain, France and oth­ers will take steps nec­es­sary to pro­tect­ing themselves.
The ter­ror groups will not sim­ply walk away say­ing “okay we can’t fight these guys”,they will look for soft tar­gets wher­ev­er their ene­mies have interests.
Is Jamaica pre­pared to deal with any of this ?
You decide.

2 thoughts on “Crime Now Require New Thinking Is Security Apparatus Up To The Task…

  1. The PM is being pre­dictable , LACKSTHINKING BRAIN , con­demn­ing ter­ror­ist acts of ISIS and express­ing pub­licly , to fight ter­ror­ism, laugh­able indeed . We cant even man­age our affairs much less . The com­mish’s degree is irrel­e­vant we know that qual­i­fi­ca­tion does not mean your auto­mat­i­cal­ly a good leader , he is no dif­fer­ent from his pre­de­ces­sors , chal­lenges with resources and a depressed econ­o­my facil­i­tates crim­i­nal activ­i­ties beyond the Force’s ca[abilities , rhetoric has become the last resort and hope that the crim­i­nals will be tak­en out by their cronies or the Police .…

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