Crime Gallops Out Of Control, Cops Get No Support From Their Leaders…

One of the top­ics I have pound­ed on over the years that I have been involved in social com­men­tary is the need for bet­ter super­vi­sion at all lev­els of the JCF.
None of the sug­ges­tions I have out­lined and ham­mered on have been fol­lowed with the excep­tion of in a few iso­lat­ed cases.
Today I see head­lines with offi­cers who served in for­eign police depart­ments advanc­ing the very same ideas I have advanced years ago and almost daily.
Never mind that British Cops were brought into the coun­try to tell us what we who served in the JCF already knew and knew how to do.

I will con­tin­ue to ham­mer home these points until a for­eign­er of enough stand­ing brings it to the atten­tion of our pseu­do colo­nial­ist lead­ers forc­ing action on these issues.


Young offi­cers in the streets wrestling with bel­liger­ent, aggres­sive sub­jects with no back­up sup­port. Obviously poor­ly trained in effect­ing sim­ple arrests it is clear that the tech­niques being taught at the acad­e­my are outdated.

This is a sta­ple, we have seen it in far too many instances and what has the police hier­ar­chy done? Absolutely nothing.
The lead­er­ship of the JCF has nev­er real­ly been high on qual­i­ty lead­er­ship, in fact, the gen­er­al gist of their under­stand­ing of their roles has always been ‘chief oppressors”.

The wel­fare of most has nev­er been cen­tral to their mis­sion and it could eas­i­ly be argued that for many young smart mem­bers just enter­ing the force the old guard would rather say farewell.
But this is not about what indi­vid­ual com­man­ders do. It is about the fact that there is no dis­cern­able strat­e­gy of lead­er­ship which exist out­side the pos­ing for cam­eras from behind desks and the puffery inher­ent in their state­ments which seeks to sep­a­rate them­selves from the foot sol­diers who are actu­al­ly doing the work.

Senior Police offi­cers in the streets is not a panacea for ensur­ing the pro­tec­tion and guid­ance of younger offi­cers. In fact, as we have seen in Boscobel St.Mary rece3ntly, hooli­gans blocked streets and brought traf­fic to a stand­still while Assistant Commissioner Norman Heywood stood there look­ing like a cock­roach in a yard full of chick­ens, as bed­lam reigned.

Norman Heywood’s Dereliction Of Duty A Disgrace And A Stain On The Constabulary…

If I had the pow­er Heywood would have been out of the force and could only rejoin as a District Constable based on what I witnessed.
When senior offi­cers are present it reduces the like­li­hood that younger offi­cers will make some of the mis­takes eas­i­ly made by young officers.
It also reduces the like­li­hood of offi­cers receiv­ing bribes.
The author­i­ty of the rule of law must be respect­ed or we must turn over the coun­try to the mur­der­ers and rapists who con­trol the streets and dis­pense with the charade.
That respect and def­er­ence must begin in Jamaica House, it must hap­pen in Kings House and it must be enshrined and cod­i­fied in Gordon House.

A young female con­sta­ble came up to me ear­ly one morn­ing at the Red Hills Police sta­tion, we had just returned from an oper­a­tion. I was one of the detec­tives from Constant Spring who went to assist in the operation.
I was an act­ing cor­po­ral, she a constable.
She: Corporal I want a trans­fer from up here I can­not make any mon­ey”!
Me: You mean to tell me that they don’t pay you each month?
She moved away from me some, looked at me scorn­ful­ly from head to toe, then slow­ly slith­ered away.


With prin­ci­pled, no-non­sense sub-offi­cers and gazetted offi­cers engaged in day to day polic­ing those offi­cers with mal-intent are less inclined to engage in the dis­gust­ing prac­tice of solic­it­ing and accept­ing bribes.
It is beyond uncon­scionable, that young offi­cers are set upon in the streets and when they respond the police high com­mand is duplic­i­tous­ly silent.
How cow­ard­ly and spine­less are these idiots if they can­not stand on the prin­ci­ples of the JCF Act and defend their subordinates?

Given the lack of lead­er­ship from those who are sup­posed to lead and the Andrew Holness Administration’s blink­ered march to dis­em­pow­er­ing the police the men and women of the JCF must make a deci­sion whether or not they want to risk impris­on­ment by arrest­ing anyone.
They don’t want you to do your jobs then don’t do any­thing. Collect your salaries and go home to your families.

At a time when civ­i­lized nations are ful­ly exploit­ing their full poten­tials giv­en the tech­no­log­i­cal advance­ments of the Internet and Social Media and oth­er break­throughs, Jamaica is hol­ler­ing on the top of moun­tains about 1.1% eco­nom­ic growth.
Now I rather see 1.1 % growth than a reces­sion in the econ­o­my but our coun­try can do expo­nen­tial­ly bet­ter. The only thing ham­per­ing our progress is the Government’s reluc­tance to enforce the laws and pass new ones which send a strong mes­sage that crim­i­nals have no sanc­tu­ary in our country.

The Jamaican Government,(Opposition par­ty includ­ed ) can­not be dense to the extent it does not under­stand the con­se­quences crime has on the economy.
According to a pol­i­cy paper pro­duced by the world bank a high rate of vio­lent crime can have many adverse repercussions:
1 It has a neg­a­tive impact on the invest­ment cli­mate and can deter or delay both
domes­tic and for­eign invest­ment, and hence growth.
2 It leads to high­er cost of doing busi­ness, because of the need to employ
dif­fer­ent forms of secu­ri­ty, and diverts invest­ment away from business
expan­sion and pro­duc­tiv­i­ty improve­ment, and may lead to a less than
opti­mal oper­at­ing strategy.
2 It leads to busi­ness loss­es, aris­ing from loot­ing, arson, theft, extor­tion, and
3 It leads to loss of out­put because of reduced hours of oper­a­tion (includ­ing
avoid­ing night shifts) or loss of work­days aris­ing from out­breaks of
vio­lence, and avoid­ance of some types of eco­nom­ic activity.
4 It also reduces out­put because of the tem­po­rary (from injury) or permanent
(from mur­der) exit of indi­vid­u­als from the labor force. In the lat­ter case,
the loss is not just cur­rent out­put, but the out­put in the remain­ing years of
the individual’s work­ing life.
5 It can also cause a per­ma­nent shut-down of firms or relo­ca­tion to less
crime-prone coun­tries.
2 It erodes the devel­op­ment of human cap­i­tal as well as social cap­i­tal and thus
con­strains the poten­tial for growth. The crime sit­u­a­tion in Jamaica seems to be an
impor­tant rea­son for migra­tion since the fear of crime sig­nif­i­cant­ly reduces the
qual­i­ty of life. Crime and vio­lence have also been blamed for slow­ing down the
rate of return of migrants back to Jamaica. Also, crime forces otherwise
pro­duc­tive indi­vid­u­als to occa­sion­al­ly exit the labor force because of violent
injury to them­selves or close asso­ciates, or because of social unrest in the
com­mu­ni­ty. Violence in some com­mu­ni­ties also caus­es schools to close
peri­od­i­cal­ly. Moreover, home and com­mu­ni­ty insta­bil­i­ty is not con­ducive to
learn­ing and edu­ca­tion­al objectives.