Court Sanctioned Pre Textual Traffic Stops A Tool Police Use To Escalate Violence

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As Police con­tin­ue to mur­der more and more peo­ple of col­or each year, politi­cians across the polit­i­cal spec­trum, repub­li­cans in par­tic­u­lar, remain tone-deaf to the calls of the black and brown com­mu­ni­ty that these killings [must] stop.
In a gov­ern­ment of the peo­ple by the peo­ple and of the peo­ple, the peo­ple are the main sub­ject, it fol­lows; there­fore, if those elect­ed to make it stop refuse to act, the peo­ple must take the nec­es­sary steps to stop the killings.
Everyone that chose not to bury their head in the dirt has seen count­less police cit­i­zen video inter­ac­tions on vary­ing social media plat­forms of police offi­cers act­ing way out­side the bounds of the laws in their deal­ings with mem­bers of the pub­lic, usu­al­ly black and brown people.
It is also obvi­ous that white sup­port for police vio­lence and the Supreme Court, the head of the judi­cial branch of gov­ern­ment, step­ping out­side its remit and leg­is­lat­ing a pol­i­cy, not in the con­sti­tu­tion, ‘qual­i­fied immu­ni­ty, has cre­at­ed blan­ket impuni­ty in American policing.
Consequently, police depart­ments and their unions have become ver­i­ta­ble sep­a­rate gov­ern­ments onto them­selves as they oper­ate accord­ing to their own laws and prac­tices. Accountability is not a part of that par­a­digm, even as they oper­ate year­ly with increased bud­gets financed by the tax-pay­ing public.
As an arm of state gov­ern­ments, police depart­ments have become unac­count­able organs of state oppres­sion and, sad­ly, state-sanc­tioned mur­der.‑fired-memphis-officers-charged-with-murder-in-death-of-tyre-nichols/


Probable Cause and Traffic Stops
They plant drugs dur­ing some of these pre­tex­tu­al stops.


Pretextual stops are traf­fic stops con­duct­ed by the police not because a mem­ber of the dri­ving pub­lic has com­mit­ted a minor traf­fic infrac­tion per se’, but may have a bro­ken tail­light or failed to sig­nal in time before a turn. It is impos­si­ble to avoid a pre­tex­tu­al traf­fic stop because what­ev­er the rea­son the cop gives for the stop is made up and sub­ject­ed to their stan­dard after they had already decid­ed to effec­tu­ate a stop on a motorist in the first place.
This uncon­sti­tu­tion­al polic­ing mir­rors the 2002 Tom Cruise movie ‘minor­i­ty report’. The film, an action-detec­tive thriller set in Washington, D.C. in 2054, depict­ed police uti­liz­ing psy­chic tech­nol­o­gy to arrest and con­vict mur­der­ers before they com­mit a crime.
Only pre­tex­tu­al stops and stop-and-frisk polic­ing in the United States are not sav­ing lives. It is a dan­ger­ous tool for crim­i­nal cops who are a grave dan­ger to the public.
I say this with the heav­i­est of hearts, but as what obtained for nor­mal­cy unrav­els in the coun­try, the courts, the enti­ty entrust­ed to inter­pret the laws, have become a major rea­son for the unraveling.
From a wom­an’s right to choose, vot­ing rights, dark mon­ey in pol­i­tics, police vio­lence, and on and on, the courts have been wrong on every issue.https://​mike​beck​les​.com/​c​o​p​-​d​r​i​v​i​n​g​-​u​n​r​e​g​i​s​t​e​r​e​d​-​t​r​u​c​k​-​d​r​i​n​k​i​n​g​-​b​e​e​r​-​w​h​o​-​s​h​o​t​-​t​e​e​n​-​t​a​k​e​s​-​t​h​e​-​s​t​a​nd/



In Grand Rapids, Michigan, a cop mur­ders Patrick Lyoya.A bul­let to the back of the head of mis­ter Lyoya dur­ing a pre­tex­tu­al traf­fic stop.

The court has decreed that police can fol­low a motorist for as long as they want to find a rea­son to make a pre­tex­tu­al stop. (U.S. Supreme Court’s deci­sion in Whren v. United States (1996).
Police insist the stops are use­ful for inves­ti­gat­ing drugs and weapons pos­ses­sion, human traf­fick­ing, and drunk­en dri­ving, among oth­er crimes.
It is a lie!
Black motorists, espe­cial­ly young men, have long not­ed how often they get stopped for pet­ty traf­fic or equip­ment vio­la­tions — fail­ure to sig­nal, bro­ken license plate light, tint­ed win­dows, etc.
Studies have shown pre­tex­tu­al stops to be racial­ly biased. Police stop and search Black motorists more often than dri­vers of oth­er races, with lit­tle to no effect on crime.
Pretextual traf­fic stops are the equiv­a­lent of pedes­tri­an stop and frisk. Technically they are tools that can help good police offi­cers to do their jobs more effec­tive­ly. However, when these tools are placed into the hands of racist, une­d­u­cat­ed ego­ma­ni­acs, they become ter­ri­fy­ing weapons against minor­i­ty com­mu­ni­ties nation­wide. 
Studies have shown PRETEXUAL STOPS to be racial­ly biased.https://​mike​beck​les​.com/​d​e​t​r​o​i​t​-​a​r​e​a​-​t​e​e​n​-​f​i​l​e​s​-​f​e​d​e​r​a​l​-​l​a​w​s​u​i​t​-​a​f​t​e​r​-​b​e​i​n​g​-​b​e​a​t​e​n​-​k​i​c​k​e​d​-​b​y​-​p​o​l​i​ce/



Police drag an elder­ly black lady from her car dur­ing a traf­fic stop.


The Supreme Court has decreed that police are allowed to lie to cit­i­zens, yet cit­i­zens are impris­oned if they lie to the police. Frazier V Cupp (1969).
Time​.com had this to say about the deci­sion by the high­est court. “Many Americans do not know that U.S. police are per­mit­ted to lie about evi­dence to some­one they bring into the sta­tion for ques­tion­ing. This is not law­ful in most west­ern coun­tries. Incomprehensibly, they are even per­mit­ted to lie to chil­dren.
This decep­tion has tricked count­less inno­cent peo­ple into con­fess­ing to crimes they did not com­mit. Examples of their lies include, “We have sur­veil­lance footage of you that night,” “Your shoe prints were at the crime scene,” “Cell phone records prove you were there,” “You failed the poly­graph,” “Your DNA was on the vic­tim,” and “Your friend said she wasn’t with you like you said” are some all-too-com­mon but real exam­ples of police lying to cit­i­zens and gain­ing false con­fes­sions that land them in prison some­times for decades.…‑indianapolis-cops-shoot-man-apparently-asleep-in-his-car/

Ultimately, most of them are igno­rant, lying, vio­lent crim­i­nals. The rest are com­plic­i­ty in sup­port of the mur­der­ous system.

In 1993, 41-year-old Gary Gauger woke up on the fam­i­ly farm in Ill. and found his par­ents stabbed to death. Detectives said they found blood-soaked clothes in his bed­room and a bloody knife in his pock­et — both lies. They also false­ly claimed that he failed a poly­graph. Gauger broke down and con­clud­ed that he must have killed his par­ents dur­ing an alco­hol-induced black­out. After five years in prison, includ­ing time spent on death row, he was released; two motor­cy­cle gang mem­bers were lat­er con­vict­ed of the mur­ders.
In 1973, a Conn. police sergeant accused 18-year-old Peter Reilly of killing his moth­er. No wit­ness­es or phys­i­cal evi­dence impli­cat­ed Reilly, who had no his­to­ry of vio­lence. Yet after hours of inter­ro­ga­tion and denials, the sergeant told Reilly he failed a poly­graph exam. Eventually, this dis­ori­ent­ing result led Reilly to ques­tion his own inno­cence. “This test is giv­ing me doubts right now,” he con­ced­ed. Led to believe that he blocked the event from con­scious­ness, Reilly lat­er said, “Well, it real­ly looks like I did it.” Later, he con­fessed to slash­ing his mother’s throat with a razor. After Reilly was con­vict­ed and impris­oned, the pros­e­cu­tor dis­cov­ered excul­pa­to­ry evi­dence in his case file, and all charges were dismissed.

It does­n’t mat­ter who the black motorist is, pre­tex­tu­al stops are used to inflict vio­lence on a mil­i­tary offi­cer in uni­form who broke no law.

No sane per­son wel­comes gov­ern­ment intru­sion into their lives. Police traf­fic stops are inci­dents of gov­ern­ment intru­sion. No sane cit­i­zen would be opposed to the police being able to stop motorists for legit­i­mate rea­sons when there is a clear and bla­tant abuse of road traf­fic laws. However, the con­tin­ued court-sanc­tioned assault on our fourth amend­ment rights against gov­ern­ment intru­sion into our sacred spaces con­tin­ues unabat­ed with increas­ing­ly dead­ly con­se­quences as immune police offi­cers act with increas­ing impuni­ty. America’s traf­fic laws give police way too much pow­er to vio­late the rights of American citizens.
We are dan­ger­ous­ly close to a police state cre­at­ed by the Supreme Court; the unfor­tu­nate real­i­ty for black and brown peo­ple is that we are the col­lat­er­al dam­age to bring­ing the coun­try to a com­plete police state con­trolled by the filthy rich and pow­er­ful and their polit­i­cal underlings.
It is a three-tiered oli­garchy sys­tem of the mighty rich at the top, the politi­cians, and the courts leg­is­lat­ing and val­i­dat­ing unjust laws. The police are on the bot­tom, exe­cut­ing unjust laws.



Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, black achiev­er hon­oree, and cre­ator of the blog mike​beck​les​.com.