County Settles Federal Lawsuit In Cop Assault Case Against Black Man After Thug Cop Acquittal

White Virginia officer Tyler Timberlake charged after firing stun gun at black man walking away - ABC7 New York

Those of you who are pay­ing atten­tion may recall this case from 2020 where a Black Virginia man was bru­tal­ly tased by a mon­ster in a police uni­form while he was expe­ri­enc­ing a men­tal event.
It is kin­da redun­dant that I wrote, ‘black Virginia man’, who else would those mon­sters abuse in such a way?
Just to recap, the vic­tim La Monta Gladney, a 38-year-old Black man of the Mount Vernon area of Fairfax coun­ty was pac­ing in a cir­cle and try­ing with­out suc­cess, to com­mu­ni­cate with emer­gency per­son­nel on the scene that he need­ed help.
Other reports note he was ram­bling inco­her­ent­ly and lat­er was found to have had phen­cy­cli­dine, a street drug known as PCP or angel dust, in his system.
Another cop arrived on the scene, this time an eight-year vet­er­an Rambo Tyler Ryan Timberlake, he imme­di­ate­ly pulled his taser and shot Gladney then kneeled on his back and neck. As Gladney falls to the ground, the offi­cer places his knee on the man’s back and neck. Timberlake, with­out lift­ing his knee, smacks him in the face and shoots him with the stun gun anoth­er time. Gladney cries out, “No!” He also yells, “I can’t breathe.”
Mister Gladney was arrest­ed on [trumped] up charges
of pub­lic drunk­en­ness and resist­ing arrest, the charges were lat­er dropped. 

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Well, now the coun­ty has decid­ed to set­tle the fed­er­al law­suit filed by mis­ter Gladney for an undis­closed sum accord­ing to Atlanta Blackstar. La Monta Gladney assert­ed that Timberlake vio­lat­ed his civ­il rights by tas­ing him with­out provo­ca­tion, kneel­ing on his back and neck, and then arrest­ing him with­out cause.
In a state­ment, Jeff McKay, Chairman of the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors, said the set­tle­ment does not include an admis­sion of lia­bil­i­ty or guilt.
So I guess Fairfax coun­ty in Virginia is just in the busi­ness of cut­ting checks willy-nil­ly to peo­ple to whom its employ­ees have done noth­ing wrong!!!
The sad irony here is that this mon­ster thug Tyler Ryan Timberlake who was charged with assault­ing mis­ter Gladney was found [not] guilty by a white jury ear­li­er this year. He lied in his tes­ti­mo­ny to the jury that he mis­took mis­ter Gladney for anoth­er man who was want­ed on a war­rant. He con­tra­dict­ed that state­ment in the same tes­ti­mo­ny that he felt he had grounds to arrest Gladney for being intox­i­cat­ed in pub­lic. 
Ultimately, he said he wasn’t try­ing to hurt Gladney, but get him help. I guess the way to help a per­son suf­fer­ing is to tase them repeat­ed­ly and hit them in the head while they are in distress.
This was the same lying cop who teste­fied that he thought the vic­tim was a dif­fer­ent person
It was first and fore­most we need­ed to get him med­ical treat­ment, it’s com­mon to have to take into cus­tody indi­vid­u­als on PCP in order to get them med­ical care.” [Yea just attempt to kill them to save them].

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Timberlake told jurors his Taser was the best way to do that because peo­ple on PCP can be unusu­al­ly strong and often don’t respond to pain the same way a sober per­son does, so oth­er tools like a baton or pep­per spray are ineffective.
During the tri­al droves of Timberlake’s thug col­leagues attend­ed court because they were upset that he was charged criminally.
But they nee­dent have wor­ried the white jury had no inten­tion of find­ing him gul­ty for his crimes, but the coun­ty is using tax­pay­ers mon­ey to com­pen­sate mis­ter Gladney.
The irony, in the mean­time the mon­ster is all­lowed to con­tin­ue wear­ing a police uni­form, and will con­tin­ue to cause harm to the public.
It is impor­tant to rec­on­cile that the first offi­cer on the scene did see the need for force and did not use any force on mis­ter Gladney. The police chief after view­ing the video of the encounter said what he saw was outrageous.




Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, a free­lance writer, black achiev­er hon­oree, and cre­ator of the blog mike​beck​les​.com.