Councillor To Be Arrested.…..

Constantine Bogle
Constantine Bogle

Another People’s National Party politi­cian will soon face the courts, this time on charges he attempt­ed to per­vert the course of justice.
The inci­dent orig­i­nat­ed in St. Thomas and stemmed from an inci­dent where a polit­i­cal­ly con­nect­ed 46-year-old Pastor alleged­ly sex­u­al­ly assault­ed a minor.
It is alleged the Councillor and a busi­ness per­son attempt­ed to con­vince the moth­er of the child not to press charges.
The Director of Public Prosecution has since ruled that both men be charged with attempt­ing to per­vert the course of justice.
Recently we report­ed on this mat­ter when we learned that a female Police com­man­der was ver­bal­ly assault­ed at a coun­cil meet­ing in the parish as a result she walked out of that meeting.
It is becom­ing clear­er by the day that the Simpson Miller Government is an out of con­trol Kleptocracy which no one dare ques­tion. Media Houses are afraid of report­ing on the cor­rup­tion with­ing the Government out of fear of being dragged before the courts on slan­der charges to face par­ty hack/​s on the bench.
Others are cheer-lead­ers of the corruption.

The list of scan­dals are well known and well documented.
(1) Finsac.
(2)Cuban Light bulb.
(3) Outameni.

The list goes on. 
No need to get excit­ed about the immi­nent arrest of these two how­ev­er, crim­i­nal tri­als in Jamaica of the polit­i­cal­ly con­nect­ed rarely result in convictions. 
The like­li­hood that a Councillor or Member of Parliament will be con­vict­ed is next to nil.
Jamaica’s cor­rup­tion runs much deep­er than just cor­rup­tion with­in the admin­is­tra­tion, it’s endemic.
The Courts despite the hype, are more cor­rupt than many Jamaicans know. Judges have alle­giances and they exert polit­i­cal leverage.
Cases drag on and on and on sim­ply because a Magistrate says so.
Ask your­selves, “how was it pos­si­ble that Kern Spencer got out of an open and shut light bulb case”?
The Jamaican Government is not answer­able to any­one, the peo­ple them­selves do not rec­og­nize just how cor­rupt the admin­is­tra­tion is because gen­er­al­ly they are extreme­ly law­less and corrupt.
As a patri­ot­ic Jamaican it is an embar­rass­ment to list the dif­fer­ent scan­dals asso­ci­at­ed with this administration.