Could The Florida School Shootings Bring About Change To American Gun Laws?

Could the Florida School Shootings Bring About Change to American Gun Laws?

Since the 1992 Columbine High School shoot­ing, 122 inno­cent peo­ple have been killed in numer­ous school shoot­ings in the United States of America. The biggest loss of life was at Virginia Tech, where 33 peo­ple were killed. However, the most heinous, was at Sandy Hook Elementary, when 27 young kids had their lives grue­some­ly ter­mi­nat­ed. That inci­dent shocked the con­science of mil­lions of Americans, and non-Americans alike.

An angry then President Obama, called on Congress to pass leg­is­la­tion to make it hard­er for any­one to buy a gun. His appeal was also sup­port­ed by mil­lions of Americans who were unre­served in denounc­ing this bru­tal act, but Congress did noth­ing. The motive behind Congress’ inac­tion is the pow­er­ful National Rifle Association (NRA). This is a wealthy orga­ni­za­tion with a lot of influ­en­tial peo­ple. The NRA gives mil­lions in cam­paign fund­ing to politi­cians from both the Democratic and Republican Parties, but main­ly to Republicans. In Obama’s sec­ond year in office, the Republicans became the major­i­ty in both the House and the Senate and so they did not con­sid­er the wish­es of the Americans peo­ple includ­ing the president.

Parents wait for news after a shoot­ing at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida.

However, last week’s mas­sacre at Marjorie Stoneman Douglas High school, in Parkland, Florida, which result­ed in the death of 14 stu­dents and 3 teach­ers, could be the cat­a­lyst for a long over­due change to gun laws, in a coun­try where the sec­ond amend­ment is revered. The sec­ond amend­ment is the law that gives all law-abid­ing Americans the right to bear arms. Students, some from the same Florida school where the most recent shoot­ing occurred, and oth­ers from across the coun­try have become activists. Many open­ly blast­ed President Donald Trump, for blam­ing the shoot­ings on men­tal ill­ness, rather than blam­ing it on how easy it is to buys guns. Guns that are get­ting into the hands of the wrong peo­ple who have no regard for human life. Some stu­dents even staged a “die in” out­side the Whitehouse’s com­pound to protest their anger and displeasure.

This move­ment is gain­ing trac­tion and could be a game chang­er. Consequently, Trump has announced that the so-called Bump Stock — a kind of con­trap­tion that con­verts a semi-auto­mat­ic weapon to ful­ly auto­mat­ic be banned. This was the same device used by the deranged gun­man in Las Vegas to kill 58 peo­ple attend­ing a con­cert. After the Las Vegas car­nage, many peo­ple includ­ing this writer heard of Bump Stock for the first time, and although so many lives were lost, Trump and the Congress of the United States did noth­ing to ban the device.

Donald Trump

But now, he has decid­ed to act. It shows that the stu­dents’ voic­es are been heard, that an obsti­nate, self-cen­tered pro­tag­o­nist like Trump, may final­ly capit­u­late to the demand of the stu­dents and oth­er pro­po­nents, who favor changes to the cur­rent gun laws. This osten­si­bly caus­es the Whitehouse to pay atten­tion, per­haps much to the cha­grin of the NRA, who gave an esti­mat­ed 300 hun­dred mil­lion dol­lar to Trump’s suc­cess­ful pres­i­den­tial campaign.

I am not naïve, how­ev­er, to believe that there will be any sig­nif­i­cant changes to guns laws in the US. Lawmakers in Florida recent­ly vot­ed down a motion to dis­cuss ban­ning the AR-15 rifle, the same Semi-Automatic weapon used to mur­der the afore­men­tioned 17 peo­ple in that state.

You have to ask where are their con­science? Is the NRA that pow­er­ful or some American politi­cians don’t have the con­vic­tion to stand up for the vic­tims and their fam­i­lies, or, are they down­right stupid?

As long as the NRA con­tin­ues to exist, you can bet your bot­tom dol­lar that no sig­nif­i­cant change will be made to gun laws in that coun­try, although I would be the first to wel­come it. They will lob­by the politi­cians in Washington and state hous­es through­out the U.S., which will influ­ence them not to even vague­ly con­sid­er any change. Some Americans are obsessed with guns, and they are aware that it is their con­sti­tu­tion­al rights to bear arms, and will not con­cede an inch to ensure that guns don’t get into the hands of the wrong people.

I don’t know what it will take before the Americans real­ize that guns kill peo­ple. Let’s wait and see if there will be any tan­gi­ble change after this protest ends.

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