Corrections Officer Gunned Down In Pembroke Hall

Correctional Officer Mr. Traves Anderson, 25 years old of Carawina Avenue, Pembrook Hall, Kingston 20 was report­ed­ly gunned down in Pembroke Hall Saint Andrew yes­ter­day Sunday, June 23, 2019, about 2:45pm.
Mister Anderson was report­ed­ly remov­ing items from a vehi­cle he had in his pos­ses­sion which was bro­ken into the night before.
While await­ing a tow-truck, he was pounced upon by men trav­el­ing in a sil­ver motor car who opened fire at him hit­ting him mul­ti­ple times in the head and upper body. 

It Is believed that the offi­cer returned fire, how­ev­er, the men man­aged to relieve him of a Browning 9mm pis­tol prop­er­ty of the Department of Correctional before mak­ing good their escape.