Corporate America Takes Black People’s Money But Is Silent When They Are Lynched, Yet They Come Out In Droves To Defend Homosexuality, Why?

Where was Walmart in defense of John Crawford's right to life?
Where was Walmart in defense of John Crawford’s right to life?

Indiana’s Republican Governor Mike Pence is now the recip­i­ent of the full force and pow­er of Homosexual pow­er and influence.
Governor Pence who recent­ly signed the Religious Freedom Act imme­di­ate­ly came under with­er­ing crit­i­cism from the Gay com­mu­ni­ty , Some in the Civil Rights com­mu­ni­ty and shock­ing­ly the busi­ness community.
Governor Pence said then quote: “We’re not going to change the law,” Indiana Gov. Mike Pence flat­ly said on ABC’s “This Week,” about the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, which Pence says is meant to pre­vent the gov­ern­ment from imping­ing on a person’s reli­gious beliefs. “I was proud to sign it into law.”
Faced with scathing back­lash from the pow­er­ful Gay lob­by and their friends, Governor Pence announced he would like to see new Legislation which will fix the Bill he just signed into law.
The back­lash from the busi­ness com­mu­ni­ty was even more impactful.
Walmart came out against the law imme­di­ate­ly, a sim­i­lar ver­sion of the law was await­ing Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson’s signature.
Hutchinson also a Republican,had indi­cat­ed he would sign the bill.
The rip­ple effect was evi­dent Immediately after Walmart came out against the Law, Asa Hutchinson back-tracked say­ing he would not sign the bill await­ing his sig­na­ture in it’s cur­rent form.
Such is the pow­er of homo­sex­u­als and their pals.

Where is Walmart's outrage on race relations ,e ven when Police kill black people in their stores
Where is Walmart’s out­rage on race rela­tions ‚even when Police kill black peo­ple in their stores

How pow­er­ful it would be if pow­er-bro­kers like Walmart came out against insti­tu­tion­al­ized Racism and big­otry which has exist­ed in this coun­try for over four hun­dred years and still exists, rais­ing it’s ugly head daily.
How is it pos­si­ble that Racism has been able to sur­vive and thrive par­tic­u­lar­ly in the South and heart­land of America, while any­one stand­ing on chris­t­ian prin­ci­ples in these same states are forced to beat a hasty retreat from gays and their supporters?
He who con­trol the mon­ey con­trols the message.
Homosexuals con­trol both.
Walmart has ben­e­fit­ed great­ly from the black com­mu­ni­ty’s unwill­ing­ness and inabil­i­ty to cure it’s insa­tiable desire to spend.
The black com­mu­ni­ty which is slat­ed to spend between 1.3 and 1.5 tril­lion dol­lars on goods and ser­vices this year will undoubt­ed­ly be spend­ing a huge chunk of that in Walmart stores all across America.
Yet despite the con­stant killing of young unarmed black men by police,even in Walmart stores,Walmart has nev­er had a kind word or word of sup­port for the black community.
Walmart has been con­spic­u­ous­ly silent. Venturing only a pre­pared one line state­ment they pull from a dusty drawer.

This makes Walmart a fraud and a phony.
Walmart own­ers were nev­er know to be strong cor­po­rate cit­i­zens. Walmart’s sup­port for the LGBT cause, which by the way is against chris­t­ian prin­ci­ples, may only be con­strued as self-serving.
What of the right of peo­ple to say I do not want to do this because of my reli­gious belief?
Don’t they have a right to say no?
Why are elect­ed offi­cials allow­ing them­selves to be cowed by com­pa­nies like Walmart which have selec­tive self-right­eous ideas of civ­il rights?

Where is the chris­t­ian church on this issue?
This is not an issue of dis­crim­i­nat­ing against homosexuals.
It is a bill which defends the right of peo­ple to stand on their reli­gious beliefs with­out fear of crim­i­nal pros­e­cu­tion by Government.
The next step in this debate is that Christian Ministers will be per­se­cut­ed and pros­e­cut­ed for refus­ing to per­form homo­sex­u­al mar­riages in their Churches.
Oregon’s Sweet cakes by Melissa have already paid that price.
Don’t be fooled by the lies, it is a crawl­ing-peg road to per­se­cu­tion of Christians.
Governors and oth­er elect­ed offi­cials are ter­ri­fied of the con­se­quences of stand­ing on their chris­t­ian principles.
So they capit­u­late to the demon­ic forces of sodomy.
If America was built on chris­t­ian prin­ci­ples, why have America dis­card­ed those principles?
Most impor­tant­ly When did she?