Cops Searching For Wrong Person Wreck Family’s Home During Raid

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I mean, they can­not help them­selves. It seems every aspect of their job is an oppor­tu­ni­ty to live out Rambo fan­tasies. Consequently, America’s streets and what used to be the sacred sanc­tums for Americans, their homes, are now open tar­gets for police to play bat­tle­field soldiers.
It will only get worse as politi­cians from both polit­i­cal par­ties who are lap­dogs to the wealthy stand in the way of restruc­tur­ing how police are allowed to operate.
As long as America ben­e­fits from lock­ing up mil­lions of its cit­i­zens through unjust drug laws and minor traf­fic infrac­tions, the sol­diers look­ing for war will con­tin­ue to wreak hav­oc across the country.
It has become clear­er by the day that, based on how they train these mon­sters, they are all ham­mers and the rest of us are nails.(mb)

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Every day the atroc­i­ties get worse

A Texas police chief is on leave after a SWAT team wrecked a Galveston family’s home dur­ing a raid in search of a mur­der sus­pect who wasn’t there and turned out to be the wrong guy, offi­cials say. 
Erika Rios and her teenage chil­dren were awak­ened in their beds around 2 a.m. on Jan. 22 by a voice on a mega­phone boom­ing out­side, say­ing they were Galveston Police, she told The Daily News. Glass shat­tered as police fired less-than-lethal rounds through win­dows, kicked in doors and dam­aged wiring, Rios told the out­let. “We were all so con­fused,” she said, accord­ing to The Daily News. “When they dragged me out, I was left with a bruise and scrape on my right thigh.”
Police were look­ing for a 17-year-old named Cameron Vargas in con­nec­tion to the killing of Malik Dunn, a 25-year-old found shot to death two days ear­li­er on Jan. 20, KPRC report­ed. Vargas is a friend of Rios’ son and had been at the home but left hours ear­li­er, Rios told the station.

Galveston police chief Doug Balli was placed on 10-day admin­is­tra­tive leave.

I was scared, scream­ing,” Rios’ daugh­ter Chelsea Peralez said, accord­ing to KPRC. ”I end­ed up going to my broth­er, ask­ing what they were doing, and they con­tin­u­ous­ly kept shoot­ing the wood­en pel­lets.” Vargas was tak­en into cus­tody on Jan. 23, but charges were dropped on Jan. 25, court doc­u­ments show. Investigators cleared Vargas as a sus­pect, out­lets reported.
City offi­cials put Police Chief Doug Balli on 10-day admin­is­tra­tive leave in the after­math of the raid.
The city man­ag­er “is con­duct­ing an inter­nal inves­ti­ga­tion into the chief’s con­duct. Specifically, city admin­is­tra­tion is inves­ti­gat­ing a fail­ure of com­mu­ni­ca­tion sur­round­ing a search per­formed in the ear­ly morn­ing hours of January 22,” the City of Galveston said in an emailed news release to McClatchy News. Officials did not elab­o­rate on the exact nature of the “fail­ure of com­mu­ni­ca­tion.” Assistant Police Chief Andre Mitchell has stepped in to fill the role in Balli’s absence, offi­cials said.
McClatchy News reached out to Galveston police regard­ing the raid and sub­se­quent inves­ti­ga­tion into Balli, but did not receive an imme­di­ate response. “I’ve been left with trau­ma­tized kids, no heat in my home and bust­ed win­dows, all because they were look­ing for some­body who didn’t even live there, who was also inno­cent,” Rios told The Daily News. “I’m try­ing to repair what I can and heal my kids, but it’s hard as a sin­gle moth­er. It has been a whirl­wind and it was all so unnec­es­sary.” The Buzbee Law Firm, which is rep­re­sent­ing the Rios fam­i­ly, has sched­uled a press con­fer­ence for 11 a.m. Wednesday, Feb.