Cops Say They Were Fired On, Soldier/​s Arrested…

The police said that they received reports of loud explo­sions com­ing from the area about 9:10 pm, and went to inves­ti­gate. According to the police, on their arrival, four peo­ple were seen — two men and two women. The premis­es was searched and sev­er­al 9mm spent cas­ings were observed on the ground. A black 9mm Glock pis­tol with a mag­a­zine con­tain­ing one 9mm round was found on top of fur­ni­ture in a sec­tion of the house, while one of the men hand­ed over a black Glock case to the officers.

Weapon recov­ered from the scene

Ammunition and a car­ry­ing case recov­ered at the scene

According to the police, when they enquired about the weapon, they were told that the firearm belonged to a licensed firearm hold­er who is present­ly over­seas; how­ev­er, no firearm doc­u­men­ta­tion was pre­sent­ed. The two men were sub­se­quent­ly arrested.

Identification report­ed­ly tak­en from one of the men

scat­tered spent shells report­ed­ly found at the scene

more sent shells

This sto­ry has been updated.…